Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Yesterday I heard PM Modi air his views on different current issues on Times channel. Speaking on Raghu Ram Rajan he said it's inappropriate to question his patriotism.  And also reiterated that no one above the system. We have to note here that Subramaniam swamy is now targeting other bureaucrats namely Arvind Subramanium and Shakthikantha Das. It came as a surprise to see PM breaking his silence on this issue.  I feel that Rajan has maintained his calm and has ultimately decided to quit, which shows that he is not hankering for power.  He kept the rupee stable and also forced the banks to recognise 'dud' loans. He should have avoided making statements that irked some people at top. 
A cursory look at the list of Rajan's 22 predecessors, whether it was Smith, Sir Benegal Rama Rau, CD Deshmukh , or Manmohansingh  shows that each one was an expert in economic management . Rajan's exit is a huge relief to some politicians but this goes to show that India is not a place for good economists and leaders of his calibre, but they may say that another intellectual like him may replace, but no one knows what would be that person's fate.
Coming to swamy's allegations against Arvind Subramanium that he took stand to protect US pharmaceutical companies, my question is what took him this long to ask for Arvind's sacking?
Arvind got support from BJP leader Arun Jaitley but Rajan didn't as he was selected by UPA government.
I read in one of the English dailies that he is a rabid intellectual, and is more like a bull in a China shop, as he doesn't care for the consequences of his actions are utterances. His commendable abilities are mostly put to use for only negative things and settling individual scores sans any permanent ideology. He has no permanent friends or foes. The high and mighty have used and thrown him or it could be the other way round. But fact remains, that many PMs including Rajiv, PV, Vajpayee, Chandrasekhar were close to him and it was rumoured that they were in awe of him. He had cast his spell on Modi too and was suitably rewarded. It is said that Swamy is only to be heard and not to be followed. Unless his belligerence is kept under check, I feel, Modi will be unnecessarily purchasing problems. 

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Recently, few days back, I read in news papers, that our PM wants to widen the tax net and he wants 10 crores households , to be brought under the tax net, is understandable..Every person and legal entity whose taxable earnings are above the threshold ought to pay tax without exception.As I know ours might be the only nation where affluent are non- tax payers while those who lead a hand- to - mouth existence are under the scanner for tax compliance .
     I feel , the tax payer while funding Govts , gets nothing in return. The revenue generated perhaps goes first to the coffers of the corrupt.Unless the tax payer is able to see the good roads , live in a clean and safe environment, , is able to lead a decent life at affordable price levels etc there will always be a reluctance to pay tax.Infact this is all for a separate discussion, whereas Iam encountering a different problem as such.
   At present one is required to file compulsorily,IncomeTax Return, even when there is no tax due on total income.Why is such an absurd provision is there in Income Tax Act?  Rightly filing Form15G/ 15H( for non- deduction of tax at source is allowed in such cases ) Herein the most senior citizens are badly affected. Infact , I would say, that this is an avoidable tax measure.
 I feel, the Income Tax department is not going to loose if Income Tax Return is not filed when there is no tax due on total income by tax planning of investments in permissible deductions. The Department should have trust in tax payers  and reduce their burden and concentrate on those tax payers who have taxable income even after permissible deductions.
   Infact , some time back, I read in a news paper report, that in Sweden, when taxes were phenomenally raised overnight  the Tax payers rang up the Taxmen to visit them and collect the enhanced taxes as citizens had absolute faith in the end use of taxes collected,Can we imagine that situation in India in near future,even if is NDA or UPA?