Monday, March 30, 2020

Confined to home and subjected to only Corona related news has got me bored. I came across non-corona news which I thought of sharing with you all.
 The report was about the state of India's birds 2020, as per the report all is not well with our feathered friends. An analysis of the conservation status suggests that India’s birds are declining at an alarming pace. Over 100 species of Indian birds are staring at possible extinction. Birds are very critical to our eco-system, but their conservation has not got half of the attention that wild animals get.
The report points out the fact that the sparrows have disappeared from most big cities, their numbers have remained stable for the last 25 years. What is concerning however is, the fact that several other kinds of birds such as red-necked falcon, Indian cuckoo, etc have decreased in number and are struggling to survive. Several reasons such as habitat loss, the use of pesticides, hunting and trapping have pushed them to the edge. Despite the earlier calls to end the use of pesticides, it’s usage continues to plague the environment. Growing urbanisation and resultant concrete jungles have enormously impacted the avian population today. Rising temperatures, changing vegetation and extreme weather conditions must have played their role in deteriorating conditions of the birds. 
Now we have comprehensive data that was compiled, in this report presented before the UN, 13th conference. The assessment of nearly 867 Indian species makes it clear that birds, overall are on the decline. Another 319 species are classified under the “moderate conservation concern” category. These species must be carefully monitored to rapidly detect and act upon, signs of a continuing decline. On the other hand, 126 species including peafowl, House sparrow, Asian Koel, rose-ringed parakeet and the common tailorbird are expected to increase in numbers primarily due to their ability to survive in human habitats.
Therefore the concept of urban forestry needs to be promoted with adequate concern for bird shelters and their feeding. Students also need to be sensitised. Now it’s up to the Ministry Of Forests&Environment and climate change to secure a future for the birds by taking urgent steps to save the threatened species. Resolute steps taken to protect forests and tree cover can offer multiple benefits.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

India has just finished a few days of curfew and clapping to practice ‘social distancing’ and to express gratitude to millions of health and essential service workers amid the Covid19 pandemic. Yesterday, honourable PM of India appeared on TV to advise Indian people to observe a 3-week Lockdown from today’s midnight. As we see Coronavirus is challenging mankind as never before. China says it has overcome the initial phase of hiccups and is now in a position to control its spread while the US has declared that it is at war with the invisible enemy . I was expecting that PM would announce what his government is going to do for the economy when entire India is under Lockdown for about 21 day’s from now on, -whether it’s an existential crisis that our banks will face or the break-in employment and daily wages the poor will have to suffer. Nor did he address the issue of masks shortage or testing equipment, kits via-a -vi’s the Indian population. But he left it to the states to handle the messy details of lockdown and health care.
Whatever it is, today the entire world is suffering from the havoc inflicted by the Coronavirus. The WHO has already declared it a pandemic. So far around 4,00,000 people got infected worldwide, and in India, more than 400 people are reported to have been infected, out of which about 10 people died, according to a report. The figures are increasing day by day, but as I understand, now we are in stage 2, and the next 2/3 weeks are very crucial. So far most of the cases here are directly connected to people coming from abroad, and their relatives and friends who come in contact with them.
The human-human spread began in Wuhan, China, and Chinese authorities learned about it in last December 2019, itself. There are even reports that the virus originated in the Wuhan Institute Of virology and linked it to the manufacture of biological weapons by China. But Scientists of the institute say that its location and spread of the virus is a mere coincidence. Perhaps this is the reason why the US president is calling it “Chinese virus.” Earlier even in 2002 also an infection called SARS in which thousands of people got infected and around 750 died came from China.
If you look at the present situation in India, though the state governments are assuring the public that adequate tests for Covid19 are being done only 111 labs are operational, I believe, in a country of 135 crores population. The delay in testing will give the virus more opportunity to spread. The central government should take initiative in adding more testing centers, to ensure faster testing. Along with the scare of the virus, the poor people shouldn’t be left to stare at the prospect of living on an empty stomach. The corporate industry may cry for bailout packages but the priority should be to look after the interests of daily wage earners who have no one else but the Government to look to for relief.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Covid-19, the outbreak has taken the world completely unawares, exposing the vulnerability of public health systems in coping with the infectious disease pandemics in terms of preparedness, response, and recovery at local, national and international levels. As the world has fallen short on all these counts the failure has allowed Covid19 to spread like wildfire across hundreds of countries affecting lakhs and killing thousands.
Till about two weeks ago the virus was just a news story but now it has touched all our lives, right from work, play, entertainment, including our prayer, every aspect of common man’s life has been affected. Now students are on forced holiday, worried parents have themselves given up socialising going to restaurants, or cinema halls. The Government has already declared national calamity and states and Center are working in tandem to check the spread of the dreaded virus. The number of confirmed cases is increasing at an alarming speed. As the number grows daily, many businesses have closed, all working in the IT industry, are working from homes, while there is mayhem on the stock market, hospitals are overflowing. Just now our CM TS, KCR has announced complete lockdown of all districts, with no public or private transport, no cinema halls, nor malls or restaurants, in line with the Centre’s advice, except emergency services. AP and many other states also followed suit. Since there is no cure it’s wise and practical to take preventive measures to stop spreading the virus. TS Health Minister Rajendar is doing his best for which he deserves great applaud and appreciation, and KCR deserves praise for his timely action and support, extended to Health Minister.
PM’s address last Thursday seemed to have had a remarkable effect. In his appealed everyone not to hoard and to appreciate the services of those in the health sector is again a very good step. The “Janata Curfew” as suggested by him was made successful by people 100%, as this will be a kind of drill for broad lockdowns which will also be showing gratitude to the Essential Services workers who don’t get to stay at home in an emergency.
The question is how the Indian masses who eke out their living day to day, will tide through such curfews. Even the better off will reel from the economic fallout. Other countries have already announced robust fiscal responses. Some intellectuals opined there was no word by PM while addressing the nation, about the levels of preparedness and steps for ramping up testing facilities, especially at affordable cost, etc. He was also silent on steps to help the private sector produce and validate its testing kits. This is not “ease of doing business .“ There is a huge demand for protective gear which have almost disappeared. They were perhaps expecting that these issues would get covered instead of indulging in symbolism. Amid all this one columnist in an English daily made an intriguing reference of this abysmal situation terming to be a “blessing in disguise “for the Centre, As all burning issues, be it controversial CAA, or the Delhi riots, even the economic problems, have taken a back seat in the wake of the outbreak.
We are on the verge of stage 3 of Covid19, it should be states who should be telling us how well they are prepared and CM of TS did his job, by addressing press 2/3times within this span as they are the ones who should assume the authority and responsibility. Let CMs face TV cameras and address the anxiety prevailing among the common man.