Monday, July 27, 2015

Is MP's salary hike justified?

Parliament is currently in session and each session costs the government exchequers crores of ruppes which are wasted through disruptions. This tit for tat politics of disruption of parliament for short term political gains ultimately serves none and opposition must keep up pressure on Govt for a thorough probe on scams but without putting brakes on the functioning of legislature or passage of bills and on its part the NDA should do well to enlist support and must genuinely make efforts on anti corruption front. It should even offer proposals to clean up cricket to protect whistleblowers and witnesses and to make CBI an independent. In essence both sides must find a middle ground rather than adopt intractable positions that deters the process of law making. This initiative has to come from Modi to put an end to this impasse. 
I am of the opinion that the MPs should be penalised if even a day goes unproductive. But to my utter surprise I had come across a news item few days ago,that the committee appointed for the purpose of review of MPs salaries and their perks had recommended enhancement both perks and salaries which is certainly a paradox as I fail to understand the rationale behind such recommendation.You will be flaberghasted to know that the recommendation includes two fold rise in the salary of sitting MP while 75 percent increase in the pension of those who retired earlier. Throwing the principle of austerity to the wind they even demanded a hike in DA which now stands at Rs 2000. Adding insult to the injury it was brazenly suggested to dole out even in health and transport for them. To list a few additional free AC first class train pass for companion of MP's choice like his PA and mind you this is besides the entitlement already available to the spouse. Further the pocket money provided to the MP during travel must be equivalent to the first class rail fare and whole the health benefits under CGHS should also be made available to the MP's children and grand children. These are some of the recommendations which I had come across .
When common man is unable to make both ends meet owing to frequent price rise and when millions of poor and under privileged go to bed every night on empty stomach is it not baffling that the parliamentary panel recommended doubling of MPs salaries and a substantial increase in allowances? Already we have been seeing our MPs are enjoying luxurious life in utter disregard to crores of people living below the poverty line with no proper shelter, food, education or medical facilities and therefore these recommendation I feel, should be rejected outright by our own MPs in order to show solidarity to the Aam Aadmi. Since full or partial acceptance of the said recommendation would put heavy burden on the exchequer which is totally unacceptable given the present critical scenario the country is passing through due to recession, growing unemployment and frequent uncontrollable  price rise.