Thursday, December 17, 2015

Rise of a strong leader

KCR's recent astounding victory in recent by-election must have emboldened him to reprimand the opposition more strongly now. 
 Despite was even after facing serious opposition campaign which accused him of back- tracking on its election promises and the anti- incumbency factors.  I don't hesitate to say that this entire credit goes to only KCR as it is proved beyond doubt that he is the man of masses while the opposition has miserably failed to get even deposits. 
    The sad part is , the opposition has  meekly surrendered in MLC elections and conceded its 4 seats in the local bodies quota. While congress has no takers for MLCs in Adilabad, Warangal, and Karimnagar, surprisingly its candidates even defected to TRS on the penultimate day of nominations and the same was the case with TDP., whose candidates withdrew in 4 North Telangana districts, making the way for a unanimous election in 6 seats
       Now KCR's agenda must be to capture , GHMC, the fifth largest metropolitan city in the country and in the process he could very well encash the already demoralised Congress and TDP cadres and also we have seen , how he could grab, the opposition MLAs into his fold under OPERATION AKARSH. And a report says that some more are in the pipeline, latest entrants being Sayanna MLA of TDP and MS Prabhakar MLC of Congress. Earlier T Srinivas Yadav, Teegela KrishnaReddy, Manchireddy Kishan reddy, and M Krishna Rai have already joined. It has been reported that KCR went to former Director CBI and staunch TDP man Vijaya Rama Rao to persuade him to join TRS and accordingly he had already resigned from TDP. While Danam Nagendar, of Congress would have joined but for the efforts of Congress High Commond.
        It looks like KCR has a remarkable quality of taking the setbacks as a challenge and this is evident that in last 12 years of his struggle for separate state. Many times he had experienced serious setbacks and he was written- off as a failed politician. But still with his perseverance he achieved the goal, and people started believing only KCR and none else. Even after coming back to power many senior politicians doubted his political and administrative abilities. He has fulfill all the promises made by him.
     I feel that there is a lot of change in his style of functioning after Warangal by- poll. He must be silently working on a political strategy of eliminating the opposition slowly. While aggressively persuing developmental and welfare agenda of construction of double bedroom houses for weaker sections, filling of teacher vacancies, implementation of Kalyana Laxmi, and shadimubarak schemes, bringing Godavari water to Hyderabad etc. And simultaneously he has changed the strategy in dealing with centre, maintaining cardinal relations to avoid confrontation .
PV Narasimha Rao once said, that governance of dynamics require flexibility and purposiveness. In politics winning election is only the criteria while the governance is a different ball game and the history would judge one only on the basis of quality of governance not political  victories, and I'm sure KCR is very much aware of this.