Sunday, November 27, 2016

The former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's speech in Rajya Sabha on Demonetisation on last Thursday has left a lot to be pondered over. To me it appears, he has rightly pointed out how and where Modi went off the mark. Perhaps there may be justification in his saying, that there is a " monumental disaster" in implementation of demonetisation is understandable as ordinary people are put to tremendous hardships in withdrawing their own money, from Banks and ATMs.To call spade a spade, during the debate, to use very strong epithets like " organised loot, and Legal plunder"are not desirable, since this government being graft free. The fact of the matter is that the government owes a straight explanation to the nation on its failure to cope up with the situation even after 2/3weeks, of demonetisatio. A bad excuse is better than none. Now that former PM Manmohan Singh was very categorical in saying that it was a monumental " management failure"  Modi could challenge him on the floor of the house. If he doesn't do that soon, this chapter will remain deep wrinkle on the face of India's financial history as he will be proved right in saying that " for those who are poor and from the deprived sections of society even 50 days of torture can bring about disastrous effects. And what has been done can weaken and erode our people's confidence in the system of banking.

   In Telugu TV5 news channel, during panel discussion on Friday,  Bhandaru Srinivas Rao a renowned journalist, had made very dispassionate comments which I fully appreciate. Instead of paying attention to what Singh had to say about the economic impact of demonetisation move, our FM Jaitley struck to his government's cynical, political script of continuing  to badmouth the Govt led by Singh two and half years after Congress 's rout of 2014 elections. Going by this logic the MPs of Congress should seal their lips for ever and stop speaking so that the ruling side face no criticism. Even our PM Modi, has shown the same traits regarding Bengal CM Mamta, and BSP leader Mayawati. People would expect response for the issues they raise, but here, there were only indirect allegations of corruption, instead of defending the action of demonetisation.
     Restraining millions of people from accessing their own money is very a sad. Moreover the customers money will automatically flow into banks which the banks in turn will use it to coverup bad debts given by them to the ultra rich with very good connections with the powers that be, and can any one say that this is pro- poor measure.
 Who can object to the goal of ending corruption, black money. Terrorist funding etc. ? But it has still to explain how any of these goals will be met by its demonetisation drive. Again many economists are advocating both versions, some for it and some are against, as such there is no standard opinion on the subject, and therefore government can't offer any scientific explanation as such the results would only speak but not now. If you happened to see today's RK' s weekend comments in ABN Andhrajyothi channel, you will understand the element of truth.