Thursday, November 16, 2017

Last week November 8th (exactly a year since demonetization) saw re-ignition  of debate on demonetization and its effects on the society positive and negative.  Both BJP and Congress marked the occasion for different reasons.  In this regard I read a report in one all India level English News paper which I personally feel, it is pro-Government, had conducted a survey among five southern states, and the result, it seems not encouraging.when asked about whether Demonetisation was a good decision, 44 percent said “yes” while 47.6 said “no” ,with an error margin of 3 percent, .However when it came to the two stated objectives of Demonetisation, — curbs on black money and tackling corruption,-respondents,it seems, emphatically said both of these goals have been belied. It is also reported that some 59 percent, said that Demonetisation didn’t succeed in bringing down, the circulation of black money while 28.5 percent said it has.
After watching and reading different media outlets I found the arguments of ruling party is found to be empty and has only slogans than convincing statistical points for people to agree upon.T he status of Economy is not encouraging but deteriorating compelling PM and FM to discuss the measures to be taken on war footing. The fact as it stands today is that due to demonetisation the affluent stand unaffected, while the common man who had to bear with all its ill effects like loss of employment, reduced wage, closure of small industries, and businesses firms, money crunch and so on.
In this connection it is also pertinent to mention that we have all forgotten those who died amid the chaos,of Notebandi. It was officially stated that more than 100h ad died.Wire listed names, and locations of 90 including a bank peon in Pune, who succumbed to stress, handling large number of crowds, 12 hours a day and many elderly people who simply collapsed, waiting in the queues.When Manmohan Singh said in Parliament that it is  a ”legalised blunder “ he didn’t cut much ice, because he was a congress Ex PM and his record as PM had been pathetic. But whatever it is worth, with in an year he was proved right.
FM Jaitley dismissed all this as ”initial inconveniences” and said that the absence of social unrest and any significant economic disruption showed that DeMo was a great achievement.
On disruption I had read an example that Surat and Tirupur, very famous textile export centres, were devastated over night. It was 400 crores a day business in Surat, while Tirupur it was 50,000 crore a year, backbone employing about 10 lakh workers. Tirupur dependent wholly on textiles unlike Surat which had diamonds too, was reduced to a graveyard. My question is, are theses initial inconveniences.?
To my mind it is not clear whether move DeMo, met its intended purpose. Leaving the black Kuberas aside, for the time being the hardships and sufferings caused by this move, to the poor and middle class it is indeed, a backbreaking. I agree ,The this is a well intentioned move ,but it is executed very shabbily.
Therefore it would be honourable on the part of the government to accept the fact as fact, and take corrective steps to restore confidence.