Friday, April 6, 2018

It’s no doubt, that entire world is suffering from the spate of fake and propaganda news. In social media, especially in WhatsApp groups, a lot of fake messages are in circulation.I am really pained to say, that I have become victim many times when I was told that it was fake, I expressed sorry also. When the content is appealing and we genuinely feel, others also may enjoy, but when we come to know that it is fake, we feel dejected. I am sorry to say that I have shared one message 2/3days ago which says that our former chief election commissioner Mr. Seshan and his wife passed away, but later I came to know that it was fake, and I felt very bad to know this. But this gag order being the case of journalists,and the fact of the matter is all journalists do not necessarily spread all such news. As I know we see two types of journalists; first boot licking and sycophant journalists who support the government for everything while the second variety subscribes to expose the wrongdoers and the consequences are of little importance. The government could have, therefore, threatened to take away their accreditation, branding them as fake.

In the present context, the explosive growth of social media has unleashed fake news also. However, the key question remains whether the government could dictate terms to the media and decide what is genuine and what is false. Past experience shows that any attempt by the government to gag the media in the name of regulation, has boomeranged, be it the infamous Press bill, of Rajiv, in 1988, or the Emergency restrictions. Therefore self-regulation is way forward to protect the independence of media and uphold the freedom of expression. Actually, with the PM Modi ‘s intervention the I&B Minister Smriti Irani, withdrew the order within 24 hours, laying down new guidelines to punish journalists for creating and spreading fake news. Her directive, evoked widespread criticism as it was seen as an attempt to muzzle and intimidate, the free press ahead of general elections. Though controversial order has been withdrawn, considerable damage has already been done in terms of perception battle.As a matter of fact, the present decision of withdrawal has been the quickest in Indian history. This is the second time Modi government has blinked on a media-related issue. If my memory serves me right, the first was in 2016 when the Ministry put on hold its order to shut down NDTV India for a day in the face of strong and united opposition by the media.
There was a report “PM withdraws order threatening journalists over the fake news” this headline used by a newspaper was quite apt. As rightly observed by former Editor and BJP Minister Arun Shourie, (who is no longer in the good books of the current BJP government as he always stood on the side of the truth) the defunct order issued in the name of I&B Minister, could not have come without clearance by PM or PMO. The order was nothing but a trial balloon to divert media attention from covering burning issues which are affecting the image of Modi and his government. Therefore the PM’s order is a clear sign to Irani who has been aggressively taking on the criticism on social media platforms.The Editors Guild of India has rightly pointed out that the Ministry’s Order would have opened floodgates for frivolous complaints to harass journalists and organisations to fall in line.  And doubts are being raised over the impartiality and independence of the recently constituted Press Council of India.