Tuesday, May 29, 2018

 TTD's dirty linen is being washed in the public which is covered by various media outlets. The Head priest Ramanna Deekshitulu has been eased out on attaining the age of superannuation (65). In all fairness the retirement is fixed only for regular Govt employees, enjoying the time-scale of pay, having fixed  TA &DA. Having leaves, and holidays of various kinds, with other perks, perquisites while in service, terminal benefits at the time retirement, pension after retirement, till his death, and family pension throughout the lifetime of the spouse, as far as my knowledge goes, as an HR professional. Therefore, TTD priests do not come under such category. But here not a day passes without arms and wings of Govt meddling with Hindu religious institutions. The abode of worships, centers of unity in diversity, are turned into hotbeds of controversies. Of all the places, the most revered one,  TTD, is always in the news, for the bad reasons. TTD board being an autonomous body, it can fix its own rules, but the norms must be applicable to all, including, Board Members and Chairman, alike, but it’s confinement only to selected priests smacks not only of arrogance, ill-motivation, but also it sounds irrational and ill-logical.

Ever since the new board has assumed office, it has been triggering unnecessary controversies, and the present retirement issue is entirely afresh. Any unpleasant decision should always be implemented in a smooth and dignified manner.  But in this case, the decision to ease them out was taken, after the chief priest, revealed, certain lapses in Administration, of the temple, sent the wrong signal, leading people to think that it is purely an act of vengeance. As per the present action, the axe may fall on all Archakas of all temples in AP.

The board is bound to give an explanation to the objections raised by none other than the Head priest. It has to instill the confidence in devotees, by clearing the doubts they have in their minds. The main contentions of Deekshitulu that they are not allowed, to follow AGAMA rules, in worshiping the God, missing many ornaments, presented by kings like Srikrishna Devaraya, and damaging old constructions, etc, should be clarified, with authentication.

A constant lingering question that arises in my mind is, why are Hindu temples involved in so many controversies? Govt even can not dare to think of intervening in the religious affairs of other communities. Questioning irregularities at one of the most sacred pilgrim centers for Hindus, can not invite summary removal from the from service itself, in the name of retirement. By this action, the TTD board raises suspicion that it has something to hide from the public.