Tuesday, October 23, 2018

I just finished reading Jairam Ramesh 's latest book "Intertwined Lives - PN Hanskar and Indira Gandhi."  It took me 2-3 months (leisure reading only at night time) to finish reading this book unlike my friend Santosh Kalvakota who read it in just 10-15 days.
This book is a biography of late P N Haksar, the advisor, aide, conscience keeper, Principal Secretary to Mrs. Indira Gandhi. In short her  ‘AlterEgo’. For an active Congressman to write about the life and times of India’s most powerful PM when the legacy of even her father Jawaharlal Nehru, is being bitterly contested and twisted out of context on daily basis by the right reactionaries, is no mean feat.
Don’t be put off by the dull and uninviting cover of this bulky book, because inside every page bristles with valuable historical information. You feel as if Haksar has collaborated with Jairam to publish this vital book. Although his name appears as author, Jairam has chosen for the most part to stay in the background, like a director of a play, invisible. It must be author Jairam's connection as a member of that rare species, the thinking politician that led him to the gold mine of unpublished manuscripts, official memos, letters, notes, and other archival material related to Haksar .
If you read it, you will understand, that Haksar was undoubtedly a man of many seasons. The book through the writings, letters, public comments, and records of private conversations brings to life, the multi-faceted , personality of this enormously talented individual. All progressive young Indians of those times were under the tutelage of Karl Marx , and looked on Nehru as their philosophical sage.
Mrs. Gandhi picked him up, as an old family friend, soon after she became Prime Minister in1967 and he stayed with her till 1973. Those were the tumultuous years with Haksar's imprint on them. His memo on the Congress party enabled Indira to assume supremacy over her rivals with famous Congress split in1969. It was Haksar, once a Marxist and always a socialist who masterminded such policy decisions is the Abolition of Privy purses, nationalisation of banks, of coal, of oil refineries, and general insurance. He also played a very key role in the development of relations with Iran, Bangladesh, and China., rapprochement with Shaik Abdulla, Simla New Delhi Agreements, with Pakistan, the emergence of the country as an agricultural, space, nuclear power, and later integration of Sikkim with India.
This power and influence notwithstanding, he chose to walk away in 1973. Of course, again she persuaded him to join back as Special Envoy, and later as Dy. Chairman Planning Commission wherein he left an indelible mark, but exited once and for all from Govt, in 1977. But continued to be Associated with a number of academic institutions, became a patron for various national causes, like protecting India’s secular fabric, propagating scientific temper, strengthening public sector, deepening technological self-reliance. Successive Prime Ministers sought his counsel, and in1987 he initiated reconstruction of India’s relations with China. Till his death in  1998 he remained as an unrepentant Marxist, and one of India’s most respected statesman, and leading public figure.
As per Jairam , he passed away a disillusioned man. That phase began when he showed courage to advise Indira against her son Sanjay. But Indira turned out to be a mother while Haksar was of all common sense, all patriotic. And let us admit Indira had paid for her mistake. In today’s situation, can any civil servant dare to advise against the will of PM?
History applauded Haksar, and after reading it made me wonder about the fact that if these files have thrown so much light, on so many big issues, what about files by other Prime Ministerial alter egos -MO Mathai, Kanti Desai,RK Dhawan, Brajesh Mishra?
Written in Jairam's inimitable style, the goldmine waiting for an attention of thinking politicians. Jairam's chronology of the life and times of PN Haksar is eminently readable, and a “ must read” book.

Saturday, October 20, 2018

I wonder in what way the change in name of a place will affect the lives of the people (Allahabad is now Prayagraj). I am sure, you will all agree that common man today needs to fulfill his basic necessities like food, shelter, and medical facilities, etc and are least bothered about the history of the city. The CM of UP changed it on the pretext of correcting the wrong done by Akbar. It looks like CM is fond of changing the names of streets, places, now cities, but I doubt, whether he is really interested in changing the fate of the city. As I know, the so-called Prayagraj (Allahabad) ranks 96th position out of 111 cities in living standards, (livable cities) in India. But it’s only consoling that he is not alone in this bandwagon, Mayawati has changed the names of Districts. While SP’s Chief, changed them again, to old names, when they were holding the office. It is very worrying that the nation wants to draw attention, towards core issues to be solved, but politicians are busy in politicising issues so that they can be benefited in ensuing elections.

I am afraid, this is not the time to resort to such things, because those who eulogise terror they deviate the minds of innocent Muslims citing such actions which may compel them to think that the Hindus hate us and our history, that’s why they change the names of places, which have signs of Islam. We all remember Yogi, saying that Tajmahal cannot be our pride as he assumes that it was the era of slavery. These immature acts might make Muslims feel that we are prejudiced and Hindus have malice against Muslims. Truly speaking such actions beget terrorism, and provide Pakistani terrorist stooges, an opportunity to agitate Indian Muslim’s minds.
I feel it will be good , if the Apex court delegates the power of the state, which vests them the power to change the place names, as it being misused.

Friday, October 19, 2018

The resignation of MJ Akbar as a Minister of State for External Affairs must have been due to pressure building up on him, which is a positive connotation, for the #Me Too, campaign. His continuation in the post was giving the wrong message to the people as there were chances that he might influence the investigation. His resignation gives a feeling that everyone is equal before the law and gives the victims a sense of satisfaction that their voices are being heard.
It’s sad to see that there are several cases of sexual violence or rape attempts against women, irrespective of their age, and profession, being reported on a daily basis, which really disturbs all of us. This moment has bought out the names of people with a great reputation and some we might have even considered them as our role models too. All women who made allegations are from well-educated strata, and this shows that any person is vulnerable to sexual exploitation whether they are educated or not.
When women of high repute and name and fame (so-called empowered women) are facing this plight then we can only imagine what might be the position of women who are uneducated and financially dependent.
The increasing number of women coming forward and revealing the “wolves in sheep’s clothing " points to the disturbing fact that that sexual harassment is even more prevalent in our society, especially in one’s working environment, than we ever imagined it.
While sending the resignation, Akbar, gave a statement saying that he was resigning to fight the case in his individual capacity, but is it not a pity, that the Minister took 3 days after returning from a foreign tour, which was too late, according to me. Akbar went to court, as a Minister. Was this possible without the government’s encouragement, is the mute point? In India powerful can get away with anything. Had he continued as Minister, it will not be easy for an ordinary person, to fight him legally. His Defence citing elections and political angle could be very flimsy. Had he resigned and gone to court, he would have had some respect.  It is sad to see that his boss is silent especially after talking so much about the safety of women, in India.

Saturday, October 13, 2018

With the Supreme Court agreeing to hear the plea on RAFALE DEAL, I expected the tempers will cool down, but the most unfortunate thing was, the IAF Chief has used the annual press conference, ahead of Air Force Day, to defend the controversial Rafale Deal. It must be noted that Congress or any other party, have never questioned the capacity of the aircraft and in fact it is going to be game changer for IAF which has been struggling to strengthen the forces, and it is a fact that that Rafale was shortlisted after having tested six others who were part of global tender, during UPA time. The IAF Chief is reported to have told that the government has taken a bold step to buy 36 Aircraft’s “at a reasonable and adequate cost”. I feel, the cost component, is for the government of the day, to disclose, as it was claimed by the government that a better price has been negotiated when compared to UPA. It will be appropriate if top officials of armed forces, keep away from media, talking deals which are under public scanner, and moreover, the controversy is the questionable manner in which government settled for 36 aircrafts ignoring the need of 126. Does it make the IAF top brass happy with the uncertainty looming large over the remaining 108?  This issue has brought major embarrassment to the Centre, with the Defence Minister and other Ministers giving wish-washy arguments against accusations of corruption. Is it not difficult to fathom that a Defence company created just 10 days before the deal, and the contract was given to it pertaining to the most sophisticated fighter planes, while ignoring the expertise of HAL which has produced various fighter jets and continues to provide defence equipment to the armed forces even to this day. If there was no graft or nepotism, why not initiate JPC probe is the mute question? Well, Defence deals were shady, are shady, and will remain shady -under any government. It is because no one dares to question them. The total defence expenditure where we spend it and why --raise questions on that and you will be labeled anti-national. Owing to national security tag you won’t get answers. The present government didn’t even want to reveal the price at which they had bought the Rafale planes, citing confidentiality.
But here let's understand that we are buying these with tax payer’s money, from a foreign private company and the company sells these planes across the world, while our government doesn’t want to tell truth. In any case, I don’t know whether the parliamentary committee, on Defence production or Auditor General, will also have to close their eyes. If all these people, see what is the confidentiality involved except making the general public fools.
For the past few weeks leaders from both ruling and opposition have been engaged in a vitriolic war of words over the purchase agreement and Rahul looks to have taken the cue from the past, and is adopting the techniques, slogans, narratives etc of VP Singh, had deployed to vilify his father Rajiv, on Bofors. Let us remember, that no student of political science can miss the commonalities between Bofors and Rafale, which are decades apart in time, but uncomfortably close in the blame game.
*Both Bofors and Rafale hit the headlines, just one year before the Lok Sabha Elections.
*The main target then and now —the Prime Minister
*Individuals perceived to be close PM accused of influencing are, Quattrocchi in 89, now Anil Ambani.
*Opposition charged Rajiv’s that PMO was behind the Bofors deal through personal negotiations, with Swedish leaders, now Congress accuses Modi of following the same tactic by imposing Ambani as a joint venture partner with Dassault .
*In 1989 BJP with all opposition, had demanded JPC and its same story now, with BJP at the receiving end.
During Jawaharlal Nehru’s time also a scandal over irregular purchases of Jeeps for our defence sector had led to a purge in the bureaucracy and Cabinet. Subsequently, many major defence deals involving Submarines from France, MIGs from Russia etc grabbed headlines. So I think unless the influence of global lobbyists is eradicated India will remain at the mercy of foreign suppliers.
The current government did nothing to change that, in four years after being power is sad.  They either helped their rich friends get Defence deals, or made policies that indirectly give their rich friends an advantage is also, sad. Perhaps there is something wrong in the Indian value system and culture. We value relationships family, and our own friends is a bit too much and for this, we are ready to kill merit, talent, and fairness. Why don’t we make policies that enable to a new breed of entrepreneurs to emerge, if we are so sincere? As I understand, we don’t have good systems in place to secure equipment for our forces, and now all such deals will be viewed with skepticism.

Sunday, October 7, 2018

On 2nd October, India celebrated 150th birth centenary of late Mahatma Gandhi. On that occasion, the whole nation commemorated the Father of the Nation and Govt of India has also initiated the program “Swatchh Bharat” to keep the nation clean. And some people also hear an argument that Gandhiji is no longer relevant in India, as we have given up Charkha, gone in for industrialisation in a massive way and lapsed into communal frenzy. Is it enough just lighting the lamp before the photo of Gandhi ji on the occasion of his Jayanthi ? This being the season of Elections why not political parties and people of the country take up the slogan “Swatchh Chunav” for clean and fair elections as mark of respect to Bapu? For a democratic country clean and healthy elections infuse the very life into the nation.
It is painful that Mahatma has been largely restricted to being just the face of cleanliness and sanitation campaigns. We forget that his ideals are still relevant especially when it comes to cleansing the political system whether it’s a propaganda in the name of Swatchh Bharat Mission or the use of draconian laws to expropriate public resources and repress people, it’s clear that Gandhian values of truth and non-violence are given short shrift. In order to do justice to Gandhi’s memory our educational institutions will do well to recommit themselves to educate students on the place and worth of civil disobedience in the life of a democratically vibrant society and polity.
Again coming to Swatchh Bharat scheme, and its implementation, I agree there are certain serious issues, that require to be addressed like the issue of adequate water in toilets, which is why people continue to use open spaces. Second may be the tank cleaning by manual scavengers. Technological interventions such as the use of robots like one used by Kerala based start-up are essential. Keeping all this in view one wishes that the officials focused on ensuring a real change in the mindset rather than merely meeting number based dead lines.