Sunday, October 7, 2018

On 2nd October, India celebrated 150th birth centenary of late Mahatma Gandhi. On that occasion, the whole nation commemorated the Father of the Nation and Govt of India has also initiated the program “Swatchh Bharat” to keep the nation clean. And some people also hear an argument that Gandhiji is no longer relevant in India, as we have given up Charkha, gone in for industrialisation in a massive way and lapsed into communal frenzy. Is it enough just lighting the lamp before the photo of Gandhi ji on the occasion of his Jayanthi ? This being the season of Elections why not political parties and people of the country take up the slogan “Swatchh Chunav” for clean and fair elections as mark of respect to Bapu? For a democratic country clean and healthy elections infuse the very life into the nation.
It is painful that Mahatma has been largely restricted to being just the face of cleanliness and sanitation campaigns. We forget that his ideals are still relevant especially when it comes to cleansing the political system whether it’s a propaganda in the name of Swatchh Bharat Mission or the use of draconian laws to expropriate public resources and repress people, it’s clear that Gandhian values of truth and non-violence are given short shrift. In order to do justice to Gandhi’s memory our educational institutions will do well to recommit themselves to educate students on the place and worth of civil disobedience in the life of a democratically vibrant society and polity.
Again coming to Swatchh Bharat scheme, and its implementation, I agree there are certain serious issues, that require to be addressed like the issue of adequate water in toilets, which is why people continue to use open spaces. Second may be the tank cleaning by manual scavengers. Technological interventions such as the use of robots like one used by Kerala based start-up are essential. Keeping all this in view one wishes that the officials focused on ensuring a real change in the mindset rather than merely meeting number based dead lines.