Sunday, March 31, 2019

I'm very sure that many of my friends feel that PM Narendra Modi is a great orator and communicator. He avails every available channel of communication, whether it’s Radio, Twitter, or public speech. He fires on all cylinders and he even uses PMO’s Twitter account very regularly to propagate his political agenda( not sure if it's ethical).
But it’s a fact that this strategy has worked well for the party in the last five years and this communication strategy could definitely win elections, but I doubt whether it can win people’s hearts. The recent bye-Elections and Assembly Elections are best examples.
Yesterday, PM addressed few election rallies in AP &TS. While addressing in Mahboobnagar, votes have been sought in the name of NAYABHARAT. In 2014 we have heard him saying “ACHE DIN”.  Have they arrived? I don’t know. In this address, I expected him to explain what he meant by NAYABHARAT and what should a voter expect if he votes for his party? 
I feel its high time leaders realise that the days of attracting voters with slogans are over. Now it’s time to talk about performance and future vision. In many places, many leaders from ruling dispensation raised about surgical strikes which have taken political colors, unfortunately. Our Defence Forces go across the border, to annihilate the hotbeds of terrorists, which gives a lot of energy to our forces, and India as well. Is this something new? Not at all. Earlier it was never politicised. Yesterday, a stern enemy of Congress,  Mr. KCR also confirmed this, while addressing a public a meeting, that while he was a Union Cabinet Minister in Central Cabinet, 11 times such surgical strikes, have been conducted, but without any fanfare. Is that not the responsibility of the Government of the day to protect our borders? Why should it be politicised?
It is said that AP has put its sticker on his scheme of Cash Transfer. But the truth is that in AP this scheme was started much ahead of Centre. If you really look at this, the entire credit for the scheme should go to KCR, who was the first CM to announce Rythu Bandhu and the same has been picked up by AP and Centre. PM was critical of both AP &TS and there is nothing wrong in criticising, but his comments “son rise & Sonset" were low brow in my opinion. My personal view is, that the PM should have shown some restraint. We regard our PM in very high esteem. A PM should be an example of what a leader should be? I expected from him a tremendous amount of statesmanship like quality and leave the job of taking jibes at opponents to the lower rung of leaders. The statement that 11th April will see the “Sunrise” for NewIndia and “Son set” for AP was not in good taste.
There was a repeated criticism about the entry of children of politicians as successors as “son rise” but I don’t know whether there is anything wrong in it. Does our constitution say anywhere that the politicians' sons shouldn't be given an opportunity to become a politician?
BJP is not devoid of politicians who are sons of politicians, ss BJP denying tickets to them on that basis?
Coming to the issue of the recent announcement by our PM regarding successful test firing of anti-satellite missiles. One wonders the credit for the same could have been shared live with those who conceptualised and started the Mission. In fact, whether the announcement is the violation of election code or not, is a matter of dispute and of course, our present election commission will not object for it but I feel, it could’ve been announced in the form of a departmental press release. Being the Head of the Government, the least the PM can Do is to follow the code of conduct and set an example for others to emulate.