Saturday, April 27, 2019

ECI continues to drag its feet on several complaints filed by opposition leaders against the ruling dispensation, including PM. EC’s attitude raises disturbing questions about the commission’s neutrality, which is worrisome. Perhaps another nudge or even rap on knuckles from SC to act swiftly on complaints of poll code violations alone would make EC sit up and act. What a sad state of affairs. Seshan can be remembered for effectively implementing a model code of conduct for the first time, filing cases and arresting candidates for not abiding by polling rules reigning in money and muscle power in elections. Indian politicians, it was said, feared only God or Seshan, the 10th Chief Election Commissioner. He continued for 6 years and his stick spared none. Two decades on, as EC’s credibility falters, the need for another Seshan arises.
Never before have there been so many violations of the election code. Seeking votes in the name of Army elicited protests from former Army officers and civil servants, but the misuse continued with total silence by EC. If you remember, in the wake of Godhra killings in 2002, Gujarat government wanted to hold snap elections. In Delhi and in Gujarat, BJP was in power, but CEC took the stand that elections would not be held in a hurry and rejected the demand. An elected MLA was disqualified in Maharashtra, as he had used Hindutva as a campaign issue. If you remember, Seshan used to get the election meetings filmed, to ensure that there were no violations. Today’s EC says it has no powers. Gujarat MLA Ramesh Kataria was brazen in his violation, as reported by ANI, where it is said that he told people to press the lotus button “there shouldn’t be any room for errors, as Modi Ji has installed cameras this time. Who voted for BJP and who voted for Congress, it can be seen. Adhar card etc have your photos. If there are fewer votes from your booth then we will come to know who didn’t cast vote and then you will not get the work.” This is more threatening in tone than Manaka Gandhi’s warning to Muslims that made the Election Commission to take action. When a leading party functionary says that systems have been put in place to find out who voted for whom, where is the sanctity of elections?
The third phase of elections having been over, yet there are doubts and suspicions over many issues, while the ruling dispensation’s publicity, has no mention of “development”, whereas its main thrust seems to be on Citizenship, Amendment Bill and National Register Of citizens, which caused upheaval in north-east. The slogan “a fitting response to terrorism “continues.

Three factors according to me are important in this election.

1)Public loss of trust in EVMs.

2)Encouraging defections from other parties to BJP, and getting rewarded, as its being party in power, can offer rewards that matter.

3)The most pernicious feature, the number of tax raids conducted only on opposition leaders without even slightest feeling of guilt, the intention is to deprive the opposition of ready cash, while BJP’s stock of oxygen was never touched. This type of cheating games was never played in Indian elections before.

Conveniently defective EVMs, opportunistic defections, and partisan raids may influence the outcome.Let us wait and see what is in store.