Monday, July 29, 2019

Jaipal Reddy was second Congress stalwart who passed away, after Mrs. Sheela Dixit, in quick succession. Jaipal Reddy was the loving son of Telangana, breathed his last, in the early hours of Sunday (yesterday), in a private hospital here. The country had lost another stalwart in Indian politics. The character of state Legislatures and parliament would see some change if the present-day politicians at least try to emulate him a little.

Mr. Reddy’s limited physical mobility due to polio never deterred him from achieving political heights. He was 5 term MP from Lok Sabha, 2 terms MP from Rajya Sabha, and 4 terms MLA from Kalvakurthi in united AP. Though the body politic has been sullied over the period by allegations of corruption, Mr. Reddy stood out untainted. This attribute is difficult for one to have when one has enormous power which could be converted into crores. His journey starting as students Union Leader at Osmania University to becoming a Union Minister, was truly remarkable. He held very important portfolios in IK Gujral, and Manmohan Singh cabinets, and was known for his oratorical skills. His admirers and critics used to get amazed with his fluency and vehemence in both English and Telugu, and his English was impeccable and robust. He once described Manmohan Singh as a democrat not only by conviction but also by temperament. His deft play of words amused listeners, and he was among the tallest leaders of Congress. Like PV, he was also a very staunch Integrationist, but later he extended his support to the separation movement for TS, under the changing circumstances in this belt. He was the man responsible for convincing Manmohan Singh, and UPA chairperson Sonia, for Bifurcation Of State.

We used to hear that he was one of the few Union Ministers who took on powerful Industry Figures, like Reliance ‘s Mukhesh Ambani, New Corp, Chairman, Rupert Murdoch. But later the buzz was that he has been shifted from Petroleum Ministry, at their insistence.  He was known to be very tough on Reliance to the extent of transferring officials who were considered to be soft on Reliance, out of Oil Ministry and levying fine of Rs 7000 crores on Reliance. His focus used to be on issues, be it in Janata Party, or Congress. His fight against Congress over Bofors scam was legendary. At one stage he went on to say that Rajiv, should be hanged in Bofors case. Similar was the case, where he didn’t mince words to comment on AP Assembly, when Dr. M ChennaReddy who was CM of AP, brought in Anti-Gunda Act. It seems, he told that if the Act had to be invoked, it should first be done against CM himself, since he had set several buses on fire, while Telangana Movement was in its peak.

He was a writer too and at the release of his book "10Idealogies” last year, he had the courtesy to invite my younger brother to Delhi, wherein he has defined how a democracy should be. He referred to Pericles who ruled over Athens in BC. That book was given to me by my brother, but it was not an interesting read for me as it was inundated with a lot of history which did not appeal to me.

If I am right, Mr. Reddy passed away with one unfulfilled ambition. He thought he could become CM of AP before Kiran Kumar Reddy took over. After the Bifurcation, it was expected that he would be made the CM of TS, but Congress lost the election. No great loss for him, he lived his life fully. May his soul rest in peace.