Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Recently Union Minister Mr. Piyush Goel made a statement, that the Nobel laureate and Economist Mr. Abhijit Banerjee has “left leanings” and that there was no need to accept what he thinks, was in bad taste according to many people. His political opinions shouldn’t undermine his capabilities. His advice to the Congress during last parliamentary elections doesn’t negate his work to alleviate poverty.  I have read that the Nobel laureate’s method of tackling global poverty by breaking it down into questions at the smaller levels is indeed a path-breaking approach, I am told. This recognition will underline the effectiveness of their research. Its a matter of pride for the entire country.
I feel very sad to read some petty comments saying that Abhijit got the award for marrying a foreigner and not for his Economics. I know, at least this is what a section of BJP feels, going by some of the comments. But here we have to accept one thing that Abhijit has all the required qualities/qualifications to be branded as an anti-national-he is as such, a quintessential Bengali babu, with left leanings, an alumnus of JNU and he is certainly, a liberal.
A recently released global hunger index of 2019 has placed India at the 102nd position among 117countries, even behind Nepal, North Korea, and Pakistan. No doubt ours is the fastest growing economy, yet a considerable section of people are still living below the poverty line. Abhijit with his wife wrote the book “Poor Economics”, which according to newspapers, gives insights and relationships between culture and poverty. Hungry stomachs seek food, not culture. As such, malnutrition is very high in this country and hyper-nationalism and culture alone would not benefit the children dying of the reason. Several areas are quite challenging. for example, recently our PM declared the country as ODF, but we have also seen how two kids were thrashed to death in MP, for the crime of defecating in the open. Whenever these anomalies are pointed out, our BJP friends immediately lash out at the critics. Let us understand that healthy democracies thrive on criticism.  It is the oxygen for democracy. Just because one has a majority one shouldn’t spurn away differing views and view points.
Therefore, I think, we should get out of the tunnel view and try to take everyone along, to bring consensus on all important burning issues and the country should emulate Mr. NarasimhaRao Ji in this regard.