Friday, January 3, 2020

The  BJP has faced huge electoral loss in the recent past.  The significant loss of BJP comes as a bang in the middle of the countrywide agitation, and protests against the amended law on Citizenship. The problem is the tearing hurry with which the government is pushing its agenda, while nobody is naive to believe that NPR is not a precursor to NRC. The reason for gathering data on the date and the place of birth of parents and the last place of residence from respondents in the proposed house-to-house enumeration is not far to seek or beyond comprehension. This is what I have understood from the readings and discussions. The UPA -era NPR, with its emphasis on “residency” and the present modified version of NPR with its emphasis on “Citizenship “can not be bracketed together. Needless to say, the addition of 3,4 columns can make all the difference.
People are losing faith slowly, and they are getting confused because people at the helm of affairs are expected to speak the truth and take people into confidence, before taking such far-reaching decisions. If you recall the President of India in 2019, only six months before said: "My government has decided to implement the process of NRC.” While our Honourable PM in Dec 2019 just a few weeks ago mentioned” my government has never discussed the word NRC”
Another incident just to quote, that this year manifesto of BJP says” we are committed to the enactment of Citizenship Amendment Bill. We will expeditiously complete the national register of Citizens process on priority and will implement the NRC in other parts of the country.” Our HM repeated these points at various election rallies. But later PM declared that there was “no discussion on NRC after I became PM” So do the manifesto and HM repudiates PM?
I can recall many more such incidents but I'm refraining from mentioning them here as it will lengthen the write-up.
People are very enlightened while top people in the government are on a rampage, on a brazen agenda to do what they think is right.  Such acts have led to shrinking of BJP's footprint-from high of ruling two-third of the states, it’s now down to just about a third of India. Many reasons for this are cited but decisive factor seems to be the electorate’s disenchantment with “national issues.” The victory is likely to energise the parties in the opposition and they would be hoping that Bihar and Delhi which would go to polls later may vote the Jharkhand way provided the opposition is united and no fissures should come out in open. It also signals that the absolute rule of BJP is diminishing, and the so-called idea of Congress Mukth Bharath or the idea of decimation or non-existence of regional parties is a eutopia. The results of Jharkhand, Maharashtra, and Haryana clearly illustrated that parliamentary elections of 2019, were possibly just an “abnormal “election owing to the “Ballot effect” like the 1984 election which happened just after the assassination of Rajiv Gandhi. But who knows that just before elections again some such thing won’t happen?