Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Arab-Israel war

 The situation in Gaza Strip is terribly disturbing but who is responsible for the present situation? THE Gazans are now paying the price for the folly and mindless acts of Hamas and are reduced to the status of helpless lambs to be slaughtered at the whims of Islam's jihadis who care two hoots about the loss of lives of women& children in the ongoing reprisal by Israel. To start With Hamas did the cruelest harakiri that Israel couldn't think of and as a follow up the latter is doing a great disservice to humanity as a whole.

The Israeli military's order for one million Palestinian people to relocate to North Gaza within 24 hours is a heartbreaking display of humanity. For half of the population in such a small area to be forced to move helter-skelter like desperate immigrants is a stain on our shared idea of civility. While the attack by Hamas on Israel is deplorable, Israel's retaliatory actions in Gaza are equally distressing. In this connection, it may be noted that a striking feature among the three latest wars- namely, Russia Ukraine, Armania-Azerbaijan, &Israel-- Palestine,-is the targeted killing of the civilian population. The long-drawn Ukraine war doesn't show signs of ending soon. And now a new outbreak of war in West Asia makes it imperative for global leaders to reset their their international priorities. THE economies of the world would be dented if the two parallel wars continued.
This is the greatest tragedy despite the world spending huge funds to run the UNO and quite a few other bodies to ensure the peaceful coexistence of people from various countries. However, the UN should have already taken steps to broker peace in the area. Its formation was primarily intended to prevent wars, protect human rights, and promote stability and peace in the world. Unfortunately, it has fallen short of achieving these objectives and instead has become a battleground for capitalist and communist powers led by the US & Russia, China, etc.