Sunday, March 22, 2015

My Contemplation...

Nirbhaya issue is ruling the roost in the media now a days.There are arguments and counter arguments for banning the interview of Nirbhaya rape convict, by a British film maker Udwin who herself a rape victim
 There was an outrage in parliament few days ago on the same issue and it is unfortunate that the Govt of India had no knowledge about the film till the last minute as it was scheduled to go on air on the international women’s day. But I personally feel there was no need for such knee jerk reaction which led to banning of the documentary. Documentary reveals the criminal’s mindset. How will any remedy be possible unless the mindset of the criminal is not known?
This documentary has created not only controversy about the freedom of media, but also opened up about the issue of ethics of public broadcast on human values. Here I have question as to why the BBC targeted only Indian society and pictured it negatively across the world?

Don't we find many more heinous crimes and rapes committed in many other parts of the world? But both BBC and the producer chose only India for telling the world about the mindset of the Indian national who committed this dastardly act.
The producer very deftly termed that denying permission to broadcast the documentary is missing a chance to prove that it is a nation with a progressive thought. In fact I have a straight question to her as to why BBC was forced to stop films shot on Royal family affairs on the last minute. Why this great BBC still not finding racism in UK a shame?
The western media has made it its business to showcase Indians and India in poor light for its own commercial reasons. Infact the ban should be the last resort and to be imposed in exceptional circumstances. But BBC in this case falls under that exceptional category. Freedom of expression also entails some responsibilities which it had ignored. It is a sad state of affairs, though more than 65 years have elapsed since we got independence, a happy, peaceful and violence free life is still a mirage for Indian women. Media exposure to sensational rapes and questionable debates may invariably have harmful affect on young minds. A nation which does not respect its women can never be a great nation.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Unworthy heir

Rahul Gandhi's leave of absence and government snooping on him have been hot topic of discussion. As far as leave of absence is concerned I think media is overreacting and giving it more importance than it requires. Why make a hue and cry about 1 MP out of 450 MPs goes on leave of absence? There are other more important issues to cover than a mere MP going on leave. However the leave of absence when parliament is in session is something unheard of in the annals of politics and more so when there is an urgent need to revamp the party after its dismal performance in last elections. I remember several times he disappeared like this before too. It is not acceptable for a leader to vanish like this. These incidents show that he lacks the capability of taking quick and precise decisions. This absence may cost him good opportunity to put the NDA on mat on various issues, especially after BJP's humiliating defeat in the recent Delhi elections and the unqualified support for the congress led UPA on Land Acquision Bill provides the perfect setting for this grand old party to take on the role of an effective opposition. In fact Rahul Gandhi has been instrumental in 2013 amendments to Land Acquisition Bill. The budding leader should have taken advantage of these opportunities instead running away. 
Coming to snooping, I think snooping or bugging by the party in power has become the order of the day, whether it congress or BJP. This evil started during Mrs Gandhi's time, the entire opposition protested against tapping of their phones. Another prominent incidence of snooping which escalated into a massive crisis was of illegal surveillance against Rajiv Gandhi led to fall Chandrasekhar government in 1991.  But BJP is also not above the board. In fact Gujarat government was notorious for bugging and surveillance, one such case of snooping was of Madhuri Soni, who was kept under surveillance and everywhere she went that state was requested to do the surveillance. Even Nitin Gadkari was complaining of his phone being bugged. Surveillance is usually carried out on Home Minister or Home Secretaries written instructions but even that rule was not followed by the then Gujarat Government and I'm afraid that the same policy is being followed by Modi government even now.  The act of snooping invades privacy of the person hence should not be practiced by any government.          

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Media, CBI trying to malign Mr. Clean (Manmohan)

 "Manmohan caught in Coal Gate heat"  "Manmohan summoned in Coalgate scam" screamed newspaper headlines. News channels relentlessly kept repeating the news that former Prime Minister has been summoned to appear before judge on  April 8. It felt as if media was deriving vicarious pleasure out of defaming a man who has maintained impeccable integrity throughout his career. It was painful for me to watch media trying hard to provoke him out of his reticent mode by viciously defaming him. He can be criticized for being indecisive but definitely cannot be called corrupt. In this scam Manmohan Singh, PC Parakh (his secretary), and industrialist Kumar Mangalam Birla was were summoned. Of the three I cannot say  anything about Kumara Mangalam Birla. But I'm familiar with P C Parakh, a 1968 batch IAS officer from AP cadre,  through my father's friendship with Valliappan, another IAS officer. 

P C Parakh has slowly moved up the ladder after serving AP in different capacities with honesty and integrity and was on deputation to Central services. And was made secretary in the Ministry of Coal.  It is very sad that two very honest people are accused and summoned and they will be investigated by CBI. I have my own apprehensions about CBI's functioning as  I had an opportunity to see and experience how this body works during my 35 year stint at public sector company. P C Parakh in his book "Crusader or Conspirator" states that CBI is not equipped to find truth. Its expertise lies on fixing and unfixing people. And that CBI is totally staffed with police officers who have little or no expertise to policy formulation and its implementation. Further the entire investigation will be done by inspector level officers who have very little understanding about the decision making process in the Government. He also went to the extent of saying that  the inspectors who talked to him on this were not even able to differentiate between a coal mine and a coal block. 

Manmohan Singh has clarified that he took the decision based on facts placed before him and that it was an appropriate decision for him. It baffles common man when CBI registers an FIR against such reputed personality.  Mere summoning does not prove that Mr Singh was dishonest and that he received considerations for awarding the mine to Hindalco nor will anyone think that he has received illegal gratification. I think public should be made aware of full facts and nitty-gritties related to this case to help them decide for themselves if Manmohan Singh is guilty or not.