Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Without  transacting  any business the parliament adjourned sin-die ,but it is a matter of satisfaction and hope, for the future that atleast one very senior member from within the ruling dispensation has reacted very sharply, to the continued disruption of both Houses of Parliament and Mr Advani's condemnation of the behaviour of MPs is justified. It is highly disheartening to note and find that the Parliament has virtually become a battleground where proceedings are obstructed by the unruly behaviour of its members.But here again I appreciate Advani for squarely blaming the Speaker and his own party as it goes without saying that the ruling party has the greater responsibility to solve any impasse.when the NDA was in opposition, during last stint of UPA's rule, the present ruling dispensation didn't allow the Parliament, to function, and Mrs Swaraj , leader of the opposition in Lok Sabha and Mr Jaitley in Rajya Sabha vehemently shouted saying that this is their prerogative.
  The background for all this scenario is the Demonetisation. This demonetisation has been politically clever but it looks, economically disastrous. Its consequences are still unfolding before us, ( for people with unbiased outlook). The attempts to politicise this issue further and paint those against the move as being supporters of black money are the examples of divergence from the main issue, as is inherent in the political arena. Since there is no possibility of rollback, the government should introduce policies to address the issues, in a proper perspective, and aid the honest and helpless citizens but now it is the other way round.  Demonetiastion as such was to be a jewel in the present government 's crown, but if the policy impacts the very people it intended to benefit, the very purpose of its entire exercise will naturally gets defeated. Can we be smug and say all is well in the long run when people are facing genuine cash problems leading to deaths, wasted human hours, unemployment and several other ailments? As a senior citizen I would say that this has been very harsh on people like me. As a matter of fact we were allowed to draw a maximum of Rs 24000/a week, but on any day we could only draw Rs 10000,/ only from Savings bank account. This condition makes me to go to the bank on all its working days, but it never works out, as there is a huge crowd even on 47th day or the bank soon runs out of cash thus my attendance in the bank is 100 percent  .
   Surprisingly Government is changing its goal posts, black money, corruption, counterfeit currency all gone and now it is harping on Cashless or Digitisation etc, "Necessity is the mother invention" goes a proverb. All of a sudden can we make wonders. It definitely takes time to switch over to Digitisation technology. If Iam right, it may take 5 to10 years time. Majority of the people despite being educated are not willing to do net banking and the fact I am one among them, because there is a possible threat from cyber thefts. In the instant case more than 60% people are living in villages, which do not have adequate swipe machines nor banks, nor ATMs. Our government is expected to think on all these aspects and implement in a phased manner. Dr Subramanium swamy MP BJP, had the guts to accept the fact, that their FM had not done proper home work in its implementation and that's common mans feeling too. But leaders are not prepared to accept and I don't hesitate to say that this is all due to misplaced enthusiasm as the Union government's penchant seems to have no bounds. It has been acting more like an Ad-agency, than a genuine educator, in promoting cashless economy. The introduction of monetary gifts by the government on par with "Kaun Banega Crorepathy"  for the lucky winners among digital money users, is intriguing.
  The official programs, Lucky grahak Yojana, DigiDhan Yojana, etc are they not making mockery? Any way , in my view, it is not the right way for the government to go such an extra mile, and make all our efforts in promoting an alternative route for the currency shortage. Instead the government should make the digital transactions risk-free first, secondly, easily accessible, and then trust worthy. It should ensure that the amounts are insulated fully from hackers. When cyber crimes are on the rise, the government as a great advocate of digital transactions should rather introduce insurance schemes for individual accounts against losses caused by hacking and other cyber crimes. I'm making this statement here because I'm already a victim and my FIR is still pending in "CyberCrime Police Station, in Cyberabad Commissionerate.

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Its been more than a month since the demonetisation of high value currency was implemented with the objective of tackling the menace of black money, counterfeit notes and corruption. But for a common man like me there is no respite.
Yesterday me and my wife went to nearby Indian Bank where she has an account and stood in the queue, as we wanted to draw around Rs 20000/ and when our turn came we were told to take only Rs 4000 that too 2 notes of Rs 2000 and the ICICI ATM which I only got it installed doesn't have any cash for more than two weeks. This is the position after one month.  A very sad state of affairs. For the common man there is no respite from crippling cash crunch. The intentions, no doubt praise worthy but the way in which it is implemented is attracting lot criticism.
  We have been repeatedly told by the PM, FM and others that this will help in curbing corruption but I really fail to understand how they have reached to this conclusion. The bribe seekers will receive new notes in place of old ones. If people have any problem because of the paucity of Rs 500 notes the corrupt would gracefully receive new Rs 2000 notes. Our corrupt public servants have the ability to adapt themselves to the change, Management of Change" is their second nature.
 The government seems to have failed to note a midst all its great planning that the demonetisation has hit the rural population more than the urban dwellers. Where are the banks and ATMs in rural areas? It is fine for the PM ,FM, RBI Governors to talk about electronic transactions, net banking, and digital payments etc. Where is 3G connectivity? How many shops are equipped with POS machines? Is there adequate connectivity in our villages? Without taking all these factors into consideration the government went ahead and if any one points it out he will be branded otherwise. Having run out of excuses to explain the reasons for the currency shortage the government is trying to push people into using digital payments. A predominantly cash based economy like India can not abruptly shift the gears and transform itself into a cashless economy. Before promoting digital payments the centre should have put in place the techno-infrastructure.
  If the circulation of counterfeit notes is said to be rampant it speaks poorly of the vigilance agencies. If the new notes reach anti-social or terrorist groups, say after an year or so, will the government again roll out demonetisation? When much of India is outside the internet age, why talk of cashless mode now is the moot point? 
 The question lingering in the minds of people is why Govt of India is frequently coming out with new reason for demonetisation? I read recently that the shift has been quantified. Initially people supported the move assuming that it was an honest attempt to wipe out black money and the counterfeit currency. Soon it was said that the measure was to root out terror funding-still people believed it, later another new reason cropped up saying it was to persuade people for cashless transactions. Now people noticing that things are going awry.
On the one hand as many as about 100 people died in queues at the banks and ATMs and on the other side bid fat weddings kept taking place, (Gali, Bhandaru Dattatraya, Gadkari). We have been seeing everyday that several crores of rupees of Rs.2000 notes are being caught in most of the states indicating a pan India conspiracy and utter lack of control on cash disbursement. Infact it is no money for law abiding citizens but plenty for manipulators.
   The remarkable step planned to cut the parallel economy to size but the basic assumption where parallel economy and black money were seen synonymous is where the problem started. Every citizen who had saved cash at home suddenly became a potential black money holder.
People like me who were all for fighting black money in first few days of the announcement, were dismayed with the implementation and started loosing hope when faced with practical problems.The common man a daily wager, a patient or a senior citizen is being hassled for his or her own cash,which could have been avoided with better planning and implementation.
  After carefully reading few good articles of Mr PK Prusty, ,Manmohan Singh etc,I have understood that the cash economy is country's biggest strength. For instance over 80% of the wholesale and farm trade is done in cash. It also has the least default, there is no chasing for realisation and it ensures smooth trading. Furthermore all cash transactions are not black. And a failure in payment has limited impact. On the contrary a failure of bank transaction can have wider economic and social impact. 

Sunday, November 27, 2016

The former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's speech in Rajya Sabha on Demonetisation on last Thursday has left a lot to be pondered over. To me it appears, he has rightly pointed out how and where Modi went off the mark. Perhaps there may be justification in his saying, that there is a " monumental disaster" in implementation of demonetisation is understandable as ordinary people are put to tremendous hardships in withdrawing their own money, from Banks and ATMs.To call spade a spade, during the debate, to use very strong epithets like " organised loot, and Legal plunder"are not desirable, since this government being graft free. The fact of the matter is that the government owes a straight explanation to the nation on its failure to cope up with the situation even after 2/3weeks, of demonetisatio. A bad excuse is better than none. Now that former PM Manmohan Singh was very categorical in saying that it was a monumental " management failure"  Modi could challenge him on the floor of the house. If he doesn't do that soon, this chapter will remain deep wrinkle on the face of India's financial history as he will be proved right in saying that " for those who are poor and from the deprived sections of society even 50 days of torture can bring about disastrous effects. And what has been done can weaken and erode our people's confidence in the system of banking.

   In Telugu TV5 news channel, during panel discussion on Friday,  Bhandaru Srinivas Rao a renowned journalist, had made very dispassionate comments which I fully appreciate. Instead of paying attention to what Singh had to say about the economic impact of demonetisation move, our FM Jaitley struck to his government's cynical, political script of continuing  to badmouth the Govt led by Singh two and half years after Congress 's rout of 2014 elections. Going by this logic the MPs of Congress should seal their lips for ever and stop speaking so that the ruling side face no criticism. Even our PM Modi, has shown the same traits regarding Bengal CM Mamta, and BSP leader Mayawati. People would expect response for the issues they raise, but here, there were only indirect allegations of corruption, instead of defending the action of demonetisation.
     Restraining millions of people from accessing their own money is very a sad. Moreover the customers money will automatically flow into banks which the banks in turn will use it to coverup bad debts given by them to the ultra rich with very good connections with the powers that be, and can any one say that this is pro- poor measure.
 Who can object to the goal of ending corruption, black money. Terrorist funding etc. ? But it has still to explain how any of these goals will be met by its demonetisation drive. Again many economists are advocating both versions, some for it and some are against, as such there is no standard opinion on the subject, and therefore government can't offer any scientific explanation as such the results would only speak but not now. If you happened to see today's RK' s weekend comments in ABN Andhrajyothi channel, you will understand the element of truth.

Friday, October 14, 2016

Perception of Nationalism seems to have changed in last two years. Consider range of issues including hanging of Afzalguru, JNU or eating of beef, or inviting Pakistan artists or activities of NGOs, any one who opposes Govt policies is deemed to be anti-national. It was therefore natural that any one who questioned any aspect of recent " surgical strikes" would inevitably be branded as anti-national or pro Pakistan element. The fact of the matter is the PM maintained a dignified silence his colleagues have been very critical. Uma Bharti has stated that such doubters should be sent to Pakistan, while Meenakshi Lekhi has brand a well known defense analyst as an ISI agent and another spokes person has suggested that Delhi CM should be strapped on to a drone with a camera and despatched to POK.
 Infact, dispassionately if the situation is analyzed entire opposition including Sonia and Rahul from Congress also supported the Surgical Strikes and Rahul Gandhi even praised the PM. This has been disowned by Pakistan but we can understand. And moreover Pakistan took the international press to the site and The New York Times, Washington Post, BBC and CNN refuted India's claim of surgical strikes including UN representative,which brought severe embarrassment to us. Therefore when some leaders wanted to see the proof not because they disbelieved Indian Army, but they wanted to prove that that the Pakistan is wrong. But while this being the situation, the Govt's bold action on LOC is now linked to  UP and Punjab elections. Regrettably even the army has been dragged into the center of this. Had the Govt handled post strike phase with more care and less chest thumping, the gallantry of our soldiers would not have been eclipsed. 
As a matter of fact, it all started by the Govt's second rung leaders who credited the PM and the Govt, taking the cue, party workers went ahead with putting up banners and posters in UP and Punjab which are going to polls. It is natural that no opposition likes this and started questioning the authenticity. All political parties are playing politics be it natural disasters, rapes, riots, water disputes,etc. But please remember all of them unanimously say that politics must not be played on security and national issues but rarely do they walk the talk. There is no need for BJP leaders to become hyper sensitive and react acerbically. We are proud of our army and have faith and respect in its capabilities. Questioning the government in a democracy is not to be viewed as doubting or insulting  the army, it is questioning the government. And every electorate has right to know the truth. The Govt need not make the video coverage of the operation public. It can take the opposition into confidence and share the information to address their concerns and avoid prolonged public debate and drama.The most disgusting feature is, the ruling parties having brute majority on the floor of the house, do not respect the opposition, be it Central Govt or State Govts Ex- AP or TS . The ruling party wants that they shouldn't be questioned, but is it healthy trend in a democracy?

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

The BCCI's refusal to toe the line of Lodha Commitee's recommendations, is definitely in a bad taste, for the premier sports body. Hope good sense would prevail among the members of governing council, to accept the recommendations,and act accordingly.
  A worrying trend is emerging, first with Karnataka, disobeying the Court's order, to release Cauvery water to TamilNadu and second with BCCI ignoring SC appointed Lodha Committee 's recommendations.
If this continues public will loose faith in Judiciary, if Court fails to assert itself in these cases. The issue gets settled, and become meaningful only when it initiates contempt proceedings against both of them.  With regards to BCCI issue, I have read / heard some contradicting views on the subject, as some are of the opinion, that why should SC point fingers, only at BCCI, and not other Sports bodies? The Court can initiate, action against BCCI for their wrong- doing, but is it necessary, to decide the age, and the qualifications of members of the Sports Bodies and their Sub-Committees.? It is felt that the Lodha Committee report should be forwarded to the Govt of India, while the Govt should propose a comprehensive legislation including International Commitments of various Sports bodies, and place them before the Parliament. The Court shouldn't discriminate against BCCI alone. BCCI is well established and has done great deal of service for the Cricket. The Courts have so many issues and large volume pending cases etc and is it really necessary to spend so much time such issues?

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Kudos to our Army for successful operation with no causality on our side.Modi and his government has answered its critics who have been saying that the Govt ,has no set policy on Pakistan.However every Indian felt that our hostile neighbour , Pakistan, will feel hurt and resort to take revenge ,in some form or the other.
  The Baramulla Army camp attack has come in less than a week,after Indian special forces, smashed about seven terror launch pads, during the surgical strike, across the LOC,in POK.With war clouds hovering over, the sub- continent, I feel, India should spare no efforts to be combat ready to give a fitting reply.
 Unfortunately  a section media, has held that SitaRamYechury's call to initiate political and Diplomatic moves were not in sync with the mood of the public..The clamour for war and the fear of war have produced some subtle shifts in domestic and political scenery,.Going to war and putting innocent lives, at risk is certainly not an option as War can not settle disputes.
 In a section of press,and on TVs, it has terrible to note and find, the prevailing War like situation , discussing military strengths, and capabilities of each country, and anticipated destruction , in the event of combat.The craving for War on both sides, is being fomented by indivisuals and groups, with personal and political interests.Stricly speaking there is need of War.While asking for war, we are asking our soldiers to sacrifice their lives.Instead we should show to the world that we can accomplish victory over Pakistan through non- military means.Our brave soldiers guarding our border day and night, know very well the cost they have to pay being there for the nation,It is our duty to honour them but that shouldn't mean for brutal war.
  But whatever it is,  Iam sure,  PM would leave no stone unturned in settling this issue ,through Diplomatic channels.

Friday, September 23, 2016

It is obvious that the attack on the army camp at Uri, was meant to provoke an Indian reaction, which in turn would give Pakistan a peg to demand International intervention in Kashmir at UN session. Mouthing same rhetorics, "not resting till perpetrators, are brought to justice" and " we will avenge our martyrs" is no longer enough to fool people demanding a swift and befitting retribution. Our HM's statement that Pakistan is a terrorist state which needs to be isolated tells us nothing new. Our response to every terror attack emanating from Pakistan has become predictably routine while there is wave of public anger demanding revenge against Pakistan. But nothing happens afterwards as the terror leashing master minds in Pak wait for fury and indignation to subside before launching of their next attack,
While it has been the state policy of Pakistan to bleed India wherever possible , we lacked consistency in our Pakistan policy and kept on maintaining strategic restraint with focus on dialogue despite continuous terror attacks. Uri is the latest such provocation in this connection we may see the firm reaction of our PM is an indication that India may not play the reckless game as many would like it to.
     I remember reading somewhere that India doesn't have a comprehensive national policy to deal with domestic militancy as well as cross border terrorism. The latest attack also captures the complex reality of Indo-Pak ties, and the Kashmir issue. In fact it calls for an alert security grid and sophisticated policy responses, neither can be achieved by rhetorics and simplistic blame games.
  To me it looks that even ordinary people expect the Govts to take quick action. One reason for this could be the strident stand taken by BJP when congress led UPA was in power. Naturally people expect more robust response now. PM seems to have discussed the subject at the highest level and an action must have been drawn. But before taking action it has to weigh its pros and cons. After initial demand for "whole jaw for a tooth" it looks that the Govt doesn't seem as of now inclined to resort to any retributive military action. While direct action is certainly inadvisable as India has everything at stake --- economic supremacy, prosperity, honour and position which will be lost in no time. We have been mature enough so far not to resort to any sort of knee-jerk reaction. There are number of options such as covert operations, resorting to economic blockade, ending diplomatic relations, etc. Most feasible among them would be resorting to diplomatic isolation, along with up gradation of border security infrastructure as this sort of disaster had shocked the nation. It is very humiliating to see that Pakistan attacks us and we can not defend ourselves. In fact every citizen has the right to defend himself more so the soldiers exposed to gunfire. This right should be allowed to exercise freely and the Govt is not expected to ask them to sit like ducks in the enemies firing range. To deal with Pakistan effectively we have to set our own house in order. Some reports state that sensitive information pertaining to our military, passed on to enemy just for some gratification. Punjab and Kashmir are notorious for fake currency and drug trafficking, being supplied through Bangldesh and Nepal. We have to plug all these loopholes and set our house in order and look at the issue holistically. And we have to come up with correct strategy to counter Pakistan's frequent provoking.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

At a time when the girl child is looked down upon and subject to many atrocities in our country, it's ironic that women have salvaged India's pride at Rio Olympics. Sakshi, Sindhu, Aditi and Deepa Karmakar are pride of thus nation every Indian ought to be grateful to these women. They have all proved that with hard work nothing is impossible.
 No doubt India's poor performance at Rio must serve as an eye opener to officials and the Ministry of sports must take the responsibility .The kind of zeal shown by various state governments towards Olympic medal winners is welcome but these States should show the same enthusiasm and invest in sports, to produce more medal winners.
I'm happy our PM Modi constituted a Task Force for the coming Olympics and the Sports Authority of India seems to realise now that there is immense talent now available in India. In fact  we made things worse by sending huge contingent thinking it would translate into a bigger medal haul, but unfortunately these were Athletes who lacked the fire to win. They have hurt the nation's pride and been in the news for all the wrong reasons. We now have two young heroines and are deeply indebted to them for salvaging the nation's pride.
 Even tiny countries like Singapore have won gold medals. Where did we fail? Infact first the Cricket crazy nation must learn to look beyond Cricket and promote other sports activities in the same level. Here I remember one old saying by George Bernard Shaw who said" Cricket is a game played by 11 fools and watched by 11000 fools" . This is true in India especially where we see a craze for the T20 and IPL matches etc. I would extend this to argue that it is true of all sports where every one loves to comment but few want to encourage their children to play.
   Both AP and TS competed to shower awards on Sindhu. Awards from other States, organisations, indivisuals,and others continue to pour with the tally of unending monetary awards for Sindhu crossing around 15 crores, I feel overdose of every thing is not good. There should be some upper limit for awards , compensations etc in large national good because public exchequers are funded by tax payer's hard earned money. Since India has a federal structure some system should formulated whereby in case consolidated monetary awards cross a stipulated limit of say a five or ten crores, balance may be taxed at hundred percent. However there should be total ban on gifting of immovable property . We have seen some Cricketers having become ultra super rich because of too many awards.
   Despite bold pronouncements by the Govts at the end of Olympics to encourage all sports, the fact remains that the sports gets the least priority in allocations of budget every year. Shaming the sports is the sports bodies headed by politicians who know nothing about the game except enrich themselves while the fact of the matter is that 30 percent of schools in the six southern states don't have playgrounds and almost all parents want their wards to become Engineers and doctors only, therefore it is natural that the sports take the back seat. Every school in our country should make sport compulsory from class 5th, and to implement this, every school should have sufficient infrastructure. 
 In this connection , I want to remind one costly mistake done by our Sports Ministry in the recent Olympics and the Indian contingent 's indiscretions at Rio further lowered its image in the eyes of International Fora, .The Sports Minister and his staff were warned of even expulsion for their " aggressive and rude behaviour. The contingent packed with self designated celebrities like sons of former CMs ,and a not a doctor but a radiologist etc, The Union Minister of State for Sports was found in the beaches cheering locals at Rio. No nation could beat India in the game apathy, and irresponsibility towards its own Atheletes. For instance all the so called privileged travelled in business class while Atheletes went in economy. 
Now it is time we have to hunt for hidden jewels, and nurture them from young age and the Govts both State and central should take concrete steps to develop our sports. It should call players like PT Usha, Malleswari, Milkha Singh and many more distinguished players to establish academies, as it is already proved that Gopichand has succeeded through his academy, while keeping politicians and bureaucrats out of its arena so that we may achieve medals in the next Olympics at Tokyo.
Few days ago a very sad incident occurred in our Rainbow Vistas, a gated community where we have been living for the past almost 4years. One young software Engineer who lives in one of the towers  died of serious pulmonary infection, surprisingly the reason being, he had the habit of patronizing Pigeons and I am told hundreds of pigeons used to be there in his balcony although as they used to be fed by him and his family. In a matter of only 4 years he had contracted this serious lung problem and passed away at a very young age of about 45. And doctors diagnosed it as serious pulmonary disorder occurring due to Pigeons. The doctors opinion has been corroborated by an article in a Sunday magazine few days ago.( The Pigeon Paradox: feeding them could be bad for your lungs  dated 14th Sep )
The Pigeon occupies a prime place in urban India. As we all are aware, across India Pigeon feeding is quite popular. On my way to office I used to find vast quantities  maize strewn all over the road and the dividers with flocks of pigeons having a feast.
Surprisingly it is indicated that the instances of human pulmonary conditions that have been associated with pigeon proximity have been known to occur from early times in Kerala. I believe It is also said that the erstwhile aristocratic families fancied pigeons keeping as a tradition and a hobby and were known to pass away after contracting mysterious diseases. nfact as per the writer of the article there are several types of fungi present in pigeon dropping that can spread in the environment and transmitted to children and the elderly as well.  As a matter of fact the writer mentioned many technical terms like Hypersensitive pneumonitis , Zoonotic fungal disease, Cryptococosis etc , which are all Greek and Latin to me,. I just wanted to enlighten my FB friends on this subject whatever little I have read and understood.  I therefore request you, not to patronize pigeons at all.
Corruption is widely viewed as an immoral practice and is condemned by all. But it is present and it continues To play its play role in all walks of life. People are compelled to develop a kind of tolerance, thanks to the preferential treatment it provides for access to the public services in India. During my discussion with colleagues view point was that there is nothing unethical in accepting the bribes as long as there are bribe-givers. In every parlance it is euphemistically called 'Quid-Pro quo'. Isn't the conductor /TTE helping you out by providing you a berth ( when you are not entitled to one) , on a train in return for small gratification? Don't we buy tickets double the normal rates, to watch a movie, with our favourite hero ? People who can afford to pay highest capitation fee could seek admission in a medical college under the management quota. Of Course, the parents of the medico may realise that , at a later date in form of dowry. As per statute, giving and accepting dowry is a cognizable offence but we all are aware, that this happens in hush hush manner, every where. Bribery as such is an omnipotent, right from Ration card, Adhar card, Building plan approval , ticket for cricket match, everything under the sun could be done with little greasing of palms of the correct person. In Fact are we not offering coconuts, sweets, and even gold ornaments to Gods/ Goddesses to fulfil our wishes? Are not we thus not humanizing Gods with this kind of basic human instinct ? One of my old boss, had a funny way of expanding the abbreviation TIPS as To insure Prompt service.
This is all a different story as such,as it was one line of argument which many of us outwardly may not like it. Fed up with the system, people have of late begun to join front lines for the fight against corruption and the India's rank being 76th, in the index of global scenario in corruption. One report suggests that as much as 50 percent of the public money intended for welfare programs end up in pockets of politicians, bureaucrats , and influential persons. With over 500 million people living poverty, India can not afford to bear with corrupt any longer. Greater level of tranparency in the functioning of law makers, bureaucrats, public servants, at all levels is the need of the hour.
Last month when Mr Jai Ram Ramesh, MP, Rajya Sabha from Karnataka gave a book "Old History New Geography-Bifurcation Of Andhra Pradesh" to my brother Venu. And he in turn gave it to me. 
In Feb,2014, Indian Parliament had divided Andhra Pradesh to create 29th state Telangana. The struggle for bifurcation, has been long pending, for over almost 58 years. In between for many reasons, the movement had ups and downs, during 1969 when Dr M Chenna Reddy, spearheaded , it was on high pitch, and hundreds of people lost their lives, during the struggl. But at a later date When KCR started it, it was all together a different story,and the fact of the matter is, it was totally a public movement, where all political parties, all unions, all associations unitedly supported, including Congress of Telangana area but ultimately KCR could manage it to be his show, which is different matter altogether, as the public perception matters ,
" The wheel had turned full circle in 58 years " says Mr Jairan in the opening Chapter of his book and tried to answer questions like why did it happen? How did it happen? and when it happened,what exactly happened. It provides valuable , historical, political context to the controversial, creation of Telangana state which fully came into existence on 2nd June 2014 .
As I could notice, it is a combination of official notes, records, combined with back room political discussions laced with lot of funny anecdotes. The book is of three parts, the historical context of AP, and TS, the drafting of the bill to create a new state, and passing of the Bill to become law.
JaiRam had the guts to highlight the sensational and controversial topics like " pepper spray incident, in Parliament by the then MP Vijayawada Rajagopal, and disruption of Parliament by Coastal Andhra and Rayalseema MPs, and CM of AP 's resignation episode in protest etc. The book is full of meticulous documentation of rich history. It presents an insider view of that entire drama. He goes on to provide, pains taking into account various consultations, held with stake holders, on issues that included the status of Hyderabad, the bone of contention, Internal security, Concerns from Maoists, Managing water Resources, including Economic and Financial matters. The sad part was, 16 MPs from AP and Rayalseema were suspended and the Bill was kept open till 18th Feb, which was fully passed in the Lok Sabha, 2 days later in Rajya Sabha, where on atleast 4 occasions, JaiRam had to run, across BJP benches to clarify the provisions of the Bill to its leaders Jaitley and Naidu.
I feel , this book is a narration of history, told first-hand by some one who has an in depth knowledge of it. It's a must- read not only for Academia but for general reader seeking understanding of contemporary India.
JaiRam writes in chapter, A Last Word, that he wrote account of the 
Bifurcation to clarify the " nuts and Bolts " of it, and it's process and to dispel public misconception, if any.
I am shuddered to see a report that " the bread we eat can cause cancer" . We all know India has been living in the company of adulterators, for ages,As for those whom we elect have other business to keep their voters busy,by raising other issues which have nothing to do with what we eat.Every alternate day we come across reports highlighted by media . I don't think our rulers ever take such issues seriously until few people die, so that the issue can be politicised,.It is different matter that even our leaders are adulterated as they mix up issues, to keep people confused and keep them away from core issues.
 Either packaged or in ready- to-eat form bread is becoming more popular as food item and the industry must be expanding fast.. Infact I have read that many countries banned the use of potassium bromate and potassium iodate, in bread and the report shows that the food safety awareness in India is certainly very poor.The Food Safety and Standards Authority, of India is not equipped to regulate the industry,.But what I
feel, the multinational companies should realise social responsibilities.
  Food adulteration seems to be within no bounds in India, Leave aside junk food, the daily used bread and food are seemingly harmful for the health.Normally as we all know the doctor usually tells his patients to take milk, fruits and bread,while recovering from illness,But now it seems the healthy can become sick, by consuming milk, bread and fruits as everything is adulterated.There are reports every day that the fruits are being ripened with carbides,while the milk is found with harmful chemicals and hormones, .Now most of the breads and buns found in the market are with carcinogenic chemicals .Not only some nameless companies but also globally branded companies must be unhesitatingly adding all such additives, at the cost of consumers health,.The food adulteration is nothing but slow poison,at a massive scale.Therefore it is incumbent on the part the Govts to take all necessary steps to curb this menace at all levels.

Even coming to vegetables and cereals, under the " Grow more food scheme" the agricultural researchers have succeeded in growing more quantities, but the original quality of every vegetable and cereals has been compromised.There is no taste and original smell/ aroma of each vegetable, is spoiled completely.Then what is the use crops to get more and more yield without original quality? The chemical manures are spoiling the originality,Inaddition to this, the cold storage system also must be making them to loose the original quality .Add to it , to make any fruit to ripen , chemicals are being used,All these are affecting the general health of people.
  The sad state of affairs is that today we get everything and anything under the sun is only adulterated , as such the Govts must bestow their full attention , and that chemical manures, pesticides should be avoided in case vegetables, Fruits, cereals,while in respect food items, it should  publish the list of hazardous , toxic chemicals as is done in west, while the food authorities intensify their checks and the violators should severely punished,I order to put an end to this menace which has already created havoc in the society.

Friday, August 12, 2016

Yesterday evening I have finished reading the book Half--Lion, How P.V. Narasimha Rao Transformed India written by Vinay Sitapathi. Author Sitapati is a political scientist, lawyer and a journalist, who teaches at Ashoka university, while writing for Indian Express, he is doing is PhD in Politics from Princeton University.
This book by the author, though not a biography in real sense, but having covered major aspects of PVNR and his life, it is meticulously researched and honestly told political biography, is a must -read, for lovers of politics and PV, in particular. In Fact, the various foot notes , citations and reference material makes it a great read. A good attempt has been made by the author, to introduce the legacy, of PVNR, while setting the context of his Govt, and his political thinking. I wouldn't hesitate to say that it is an amazing book where the writer has done good work collecting personal papers from his family members. The book combines political philosophy, and provides sympathetic portrait of one of the most misunderstood and maligned leaders in contemporary Indian history.
True to his name , the author " half- lionises " PV, a strongly left-oriented socialist, land reformer in his Chief Ministerial days, and sent to political wilderness before Rajiv' s assassination, his life seems full of contradictions. As we all know, the Congress has denied him a funeral in Delhi and a place along his party Heroes. He was considered as usurper to the Nehru- Gandhi throne, virtually castigated him as a conspirator in the destruction of Babri- Masjid in 1992 and to this day party holds him responsible for the erosion of its base in Hindi heart land and the fact of the matter is that the grand old 131 year party has erased him from its history. But honestly speaking, for the first time, some thing has come out with facts and figures, about Babri, vis a vis his role, and that chapter dealing with this is really very interesting, where he has dispelled all the doubts while proving beyond doubt ,that he did his best in this regard. Sitapati was more forgiving PV's role in demolition of Babri, which many consider to be the darkest hour of his tenure. Recounting in great detail the turmoil leading upto Dec 1992 , his indecision over whether to dismiss the State Govt , to impose Central rule, his misreading of BJP and VHP ,and the author here concludes that history has Judged Narasimha Rao harshly.
As I said earlier, though it is not a biography , but it takes the reader through his life from the early years of VANGARA in Karimnagar Dist. of TS, through his time in power to his humiliation in retirement .
Infact, sometime back, a relative-cum-friend of mine one Mr SantoshBabu, immediately after reading the book observed that the author had left over some important issues, which seems to be correct,. I have been disappointed that very important man who was associated with him from 1960s from his MLA days of Manthani, to PM Late V Rajeshwar Rao, Member Rajya Sabha and late AVR KrishnaMurthy, who was his Private Secretary also did not figure anywhere in the book. But apart from these minor issues, it is a must read book.

Monday, August 8, 2016

Few days back high court quashed the GO 123 issued by Telangana government which would have helped government acquire lands from owners for public purpose. The court found that GO bypasses the the right to fair compensation and transparency in land acquisitions, rehabilitation and resettlement act of 2013.  I'm disappointed to note and find that in the last 2 years of TRS Govt, the High Court of Hyderabad had struck down the Govt's Orders several times. Some of them are:1 ) Recently the GO pertaining to the appointment of VCs was struck down saying that it is deviation from the established procedure.
2 )Appointments of School teacher as PAs to Ministers and MLAs has been struck down by Supreme Court .
3) Hyderabad High court suspended GO reducing duration of Election Process for GHMC elections.
4) Few months ago , HC cautioned Govt against indiscriminately conferring Status of Cabinet rank to the Advisors and Spl Representatives , not to cross the ratio laid down already .
5.) High court Stayed the proposal to demolish the Chest hospital , for the construction of Secretariat .
6 )GOs issued recently regularising the Govt lands occupied illegally also faced the wrath of HC
7) The appointment of TRS legislators as Parliamentary Secretaries in rank of Cabinet Ministers was declared as illegal.
8) High court also rejected the Govt's Proposal to change the registration Numbers of Vehicles from AP to TS soon after the formation of new state.
9 )
This all shows the Govt in poor light, as the bureaucracy including the Law Dept , must not be doing proper homework  and also there must be improper guidance from the top leading the Govt on a sticky ground .
In Fact I wonder how KCR is able to tolerate such lethargy on the part of Ministers Concerned and the bureaucracy, I expected the heads would have rolled, by this time, including the Advocate General . 

Friday, August 5, 2016

Mrs Clinton first women to get nominated as Presidential candidate is a moment of pride for US. It's ironic that that a country like US has not been able to get rid of gender bias. 
It's matter great pride for Mrs Clinton as clinched presidential nomination despite very tough competition from Bernie Sanders. 
As per media reports Mrs Clinton appears to have edge over Trump. She got more number of votes in Primaries and she appears to be in better position to win women and minority votes than her counter part. And more over she got good support from Mr Sanders and Mr Obama also. However it is reported that clear picture would emerge only after their convention gets concluded.
The long drawn American Presidential Election is reaching last lap with Donald Trump  being the official nominee of Republicans. It is to be seen how well he or she deals with the challenges -- terrorism, sluggish global economy, increasingly powerful China, and disturbed MiddleEast, etc, 
 As I understand the likelihood of Trump's Presidency seems dangerous to us as he has been fielded as "Law and Order" candidate, and his foreign policy statements are really disturbing as he seems to be advocating Isolationism in the name of Americanism. Mr Trump is also using Economic worries, and Terror attacks at home and abroad trying to build border walls and keeping certain communities out but whereas Mrs Clinton's presidency on the other hand is predictable. As for India bilateral relations which have deepened under Obama-Modi friendship may be strengthened better under Clinton Presidency. Her Vice-President pick Mr Tim a strong supporter of India-US ties could play a key role.I would be happy if our NRI friends from US throw some light on the  present day existing situation.
But whatever may be the outcome, we should leave it to the wisdom of American people.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Yesterday I heard PM Modi air his views on different current issues on Times channel. Speaking on Raghu Ram Rajan he said it's inappropriate to question his patriotism.  And also reiterated that no one above the system. We have to note here that Subramaniam swamy is now targeting other bureaucrats namely Arvind Subramanium and Shakthikantha Das. It came as a surprise to see PM breaking his silence on this issue.  I feel that Rajan has maintained his calm and has ultimately decided to quit, which shows that he is not hankering for power.  He kept the rupee stable and also forced the banks to recognise 'dud' loans. He should have avoided making statements that irked some people at top. 
A cursory look at the list of Rajan's 22 predecessors, whether it was Smith, Sir Benegal Rama Rau, CD Deshmukh , or Manmohansingh  shows that each one was an expert in economic management . Rajan's exit is a huge relief to some politicians but this goes to show that India is not a place for good economists and leaders of his calibre, but they may say that another intellectual like him may replace, but no one knows what would be that person's fate.
Coming to swamy's allegations against Arvind Subramanium that he took stand to protect US pharmaceutical companies, my question is what took him this long to ask for Arvind's sacking?
Arvind got support from BJP leader Arun Jaitley but Rajan didn't as he was selected by UPA government.
I read in one of the English dailies that he is a rabid intellectual, and is more like a bull in a China shop, as he doesn't care for the consequences of his actions are utterances. His commendable abilities are mostly put to use for only negative things and settling individual scores sans any permanent ideology. He has no permanent friends or foes. The high and mighty have used and thrown him or it could be the other way round. But fact remains, that many PMs including Rajiv, PV, Vajpayee, Chandrasekhar were close to him and it was rumoured that they were in awe of him. He had cast his spell on Modi too and was suitably rewarded. It is said that Swamy is only to be heard and not to be followed. Unless his belligerence is kept under check, I feel, Modi will be unnecessarily purchasing problems. 

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Yesterday I heard PM Modi air his views on different current issues on Times channel. Speaking on Raghu Ram Rajan he said it's inappropriate to question his patriotism.  And also reiterated that no one above the system. We have to note here that Subramaniam swamy is now targeting other bureaucrats namely Arvind Subramanium and Shakthikantha Das. It came as a surprise to see PM breaking his silence on this issue.  I feel that Rajan has maintained his calm and has ultimately decided to quit, which shows that he is not hankering for power.  He kept the rupee stable and also forced the banks to recognise 'dud' loans. He should have avoided making statements that irked some people at top. 
A cursory look at the list of Rajan's 22 predecessors, whether it was Smith, Sir Benegal Rama Rau, CD Deshmukh , or Manmohansingh  shows that each one was an expert in economic management . Rajan's exit is a huge relief to some politicians but this goes to show that India is not a place for good economists and leaders of his calibre, but they may say that another intellectual like him may replace, but no one knows what would be that person's fate.
Coming to swamy's allegations against Arvind Subramanium that he took stand to protect US pharmaceutical companies, my question is what took him this long to ask for Arvind's sacking?
Arvind got support from BJP leader Arun Jaitley but Rajan didn't as he was selected by UPA government.
I read in one of the English dailies that he is a rabid intellectual, and is more like a bull in a China shop, as he doesn't care for the consequences of his actions are utterances. His commendable abilities are mostly put to use for only negative things and settling individual scores sans any permanent ideology. He has no permanent friends or foes. The high and mighty have used and thrown him or it could be the other way round. But fact remains, that many PMs including Rajiv, PV, Vajpayee, Chandrasekhar were close to him and it was rumoured that they were in awe of him. He had cast his spell on Modi too and was suitably rewarded. It is said that Swamy is only to be heard and not to be followed. Unless his belligerence is kept under check, I feel, Modi will be unnecessarily purchasing problems. 

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Recently, few days back, I read in news papers, that our PM wants to widen the tax net and he wants 10 crores households , to be brought under the tax net, is understandable..Every person and legal entity whose taxable earnings are above the threshold ought to pay tax without exception.As I know ours might be the only nation where affluent are non- tax payers while those who lead a hand- to - mouth existence are under the scanner for tax compliance .
     I feel , the tax payer while funding Govts , gets nothing in return. The revenue generated perhaps goes first to the coffers of the corrupt.Unless the tax payer is able to see the good roads , live in a clean and safe environment, , is able to lead a decent life at affordable price levels etc there will always be a reluctance to pay tax.Infact this is all for a separate discussion, whereas Iam encountering a different problem as such.
   At present one is required to file compulsorily,IncomeTax Return, even when there is no tax due on total income.Why is such an absurd provision is there in Income Tax Act?  Rightly filing Form15G/ 15H( for non- deduction of tax at source is allowed in such cases ) Herein the most senior citizens are badly affected. Infact , I would say, that this is an avoidable tax measure.
 I feel, the Income Tax department is not going to loose if Income Tax Return is not filed when there is no tax due on total income by tax planning of investments in permissible deductions. The Department should have trust in tax payers  and reduce their burden and concentrate on those tax payers who have taxable income even after permissible deductions.
   Infact , some time back, I read in a news paper report, that in Sweden, when taxes were phenomenally raised overnight  the Tax payers rang up the Taxmen to visit them and collect the enhanced taxes as citizens had absolute faith in the end use of taxes collected,Can we imagine that situation in India in near future,even if is NDA or UPA?

Sunday, May 8, 2016

The ghost of the issue, who owns the Kohinoor, has again come to haunt us. There are different schools of thought, one school says that it is astonishing that NDA Govt which takes pride in its brand of nationalism chose to officially abondon its claim to Kohinoor diamond that remained an irritant in Indo-UK Diplomacy for decades, is not acceptable. While another school is of the opinion that it is an undeniably graceless act to Demand its return after so much time has passed and also it is opined that bringing back the diamond will not alter our status as an emerging economy.
 But after listening to many group discussions on TV, and reading news items, I personally feel, it would have been more graceful act on the part of UK to return it to the rightful owner as any property that has been taken away does normally belong to rightful owner.
"It was neither stolen nor forcibly take away" this was what our Solicitor General Mukul Rohatgi, told the Supreme Court, echoing British argument. During his visit India in 2010, the then British Prime Minister Cameron said that the diamond would stay in London. "What tends to happen with these questions is that if you say yes to one, then you would suddenly find British Museum empty" he said. This shows how they would look at issues.
Now that the stand taken by India certainly amusing Pakistan ,which is now saying that KOHINOOR since belonged to Ranjit Singh whose capital was Lahore and his empire was predominantly in the area that is now in Pakistan. They also claim that Ranjit Singh was born in Pakistan's city of Gujranwala and that his last surviving grand daughter died in Pakistan. British Govt also questioned the ownership of Kohinoor as it says that after the birth of Pakistan the ownership vests not only with India, but also with Pakistan and Bangladesh.
   Kohinoor, is a precious diamond and it is natural that country would like to have it back which was take away when it was being exploited under the British rule. It is ridiculous to call it a gift. All such gifts by subordinates to Rulers are made under duress. Is it not surprising that Govt is not even willing to stake a claim to Kohinoor, as unfolded in SC? The solicitor General's submission is that if we claim our treasures like the Kohinoor from other countries every other nation will start claiming their items from us and then nothing will be left in our museums. This gives the impression, that our museums are full of valuables brought away from foreign countries.
There are few questions that agitate my mind --- should it not be known to the people as what made the Govt to take such a step in disowning it's right over the much talked about diamond? In case it was gifted to Britain, why was the history fabricated with the statements that it would be brought back to our soil? Thus the entire issue is somewhat fishy which needs clarification for knowledge of the people of this country. The Pakistan's entry by filing a petition, in the court, is more perturbing while the most surprising thing is that, even the British-Indian MP Keith Vaz had called for the return of Kohinoor diamond to India.


Tuesday, May 3, 2016

"The Turbulent Years : 1980 to 1996"

Few days ago I have completed reading the book "The Turbulent Years : 1980 to 1996" an autobiography written by our President of India Pranab Mukherjee. This book deals with major issues that confronted him during his tenure as senior Cabinet Minister. Mukherjee, touched upon many contemporary socio-political and economic issues including that of RajivGandhi's Shah Bano Judgement and demolition of Babri Masjid and the crisis of Balance of Payments. Rajiv's decision to bring in legislation to nullify the court verdict in Shah Bano case drew criticism and eroded his modern image" Further in his view " opening of Ramjanmabhoomi site on 1/2/86 was perhaps another error of judgement. He had clearly mentioned that people felt that these actions could have been avoided. In this book, the author was clear that if Rajiv Ghandhi had not taken these initiatives there could never had been such a political buildup leading to demolition of the structure. Over the last two decades, the Congress party with the connivance of obliging sections of media, and academics tried to coverup Rajiv's key role in Ayodhya controversy and put the blame entirely on PV. As a Congress veteran, the president has sought to put the record straight. Ofcourse, in the book, he acknowledged that Rao's inability to prevent the demolition was his biggest mistake, but he doesn't blame Rao for not imposing President Rule in UP on the assumption that the State Govt wouldn't live up to its word. Mukhe
rjee, says, " there are many who blame PV for the destruction of the mosque. I was not in the cabinet at that time and therefore not part of the decision making regarding Babri Masjid issue. However Govt of India was confronted with a Hobson's choice. It didn't have many options. The Central Govt couldn't dismiss an elected state Govt simply because it was apprehensive that latter might not fulfil its obligations to maintain the safety of the Babri Masjid. People argue in hindsight that central Govt should have dismissed the state Govt under art 356 .But this is wisdom in hindsight. How could President's rule be approved by Parliament? The Congress didn't have majority in the Rajyasabha ""
Mukherjee also tried to clear the air on PV perpetrated by Congress in the last two decades -- that is to deny the credit for spectacular economic turn around that he achieved during 1991- 1996. Moreover he has full praise for PV in this book on many counts. Infact before reading this book, I was under the impression that both Mukherjee and Narasimha Rao would not see eye to eye, on many issues, but with this all such apprehensions / assumptions are proved wrong beyond doubt.
Mukherjee says, " these reforms put the country on high growth trajectory and helped towards achieving our true economic potential." " He further says thar Rao with great foresight chose Manmohan Singh as Finance Minister and gave Singh full freedom to navigate the financial crisis and introduce far reaching changes that have made India the economic powerhouse it is today.
The other major spectacular achievement of PV was the manner in which he addressed the militancy problem in Punjab. He says Rao completed full five year term because of his " political deftness." All those who believe that PV one of the India's greatest Prime Ministers, has been denied his rightful place in Indian Parlance, must be grateful to the President for making it very clear on many subjects of intricate nature that the nation was confronted with.
It is certainly an interesting book to read. After this now I have stated reading another book title  'India from Curzon to Nehru and After" by Durga Das.

Friday, April 29, 2016

On Telugu channel NTV a program called "fOCUS" have covered the US presidential Election, the main focus was on Trump and Mrs Clinton, and their victories in various states to get nomination by their respective parties. An article by George on this subject said that Trump's unstoppable race to the White House seems to bring about the situation akin to a situation, if Praveen Togadia or Vijaya Mallya becomes a PM of India. Trump is also said have ideological hatred which he publicly proclaims, while he beats Mallya in exhibitionism or flamboyance. Infact it is reported that there had been incidents of violence in political rallies, clashes between Trump supporters and other major Republican leaders conspiring to derail their challenger and Trump even warned that there would be rioting if any backhand moves are made.
His stated policy positions alienate and frighten people beyond party lines. He is against all minorities and Mexicans whome he sees them as parasites. He opposes immigrants taking jobs away from Americans. Regarding Muslims, he says,"the IS is making $400 million a year on oil. I have been saying it for years. We need to bomb the oil".
As per Guardian of Great Britain, " President Trump could be as big a threat as Jihadi terrorism to global economy.
But biggest question to ponder over is why such a dangerous man is being supported by so many of his country men?
While lower and middle class segments of the population seem to be protesting against the entrenched liberal rich sections and it must be a fact that there is a resentment against the unending flow of immigrants who take away their jobs while contributing nothing to America. Elements even among the educated class resent ideas like free trade that help countries like China at the cost of America.These may be some of the reasons Trump must be looking attractive as he appears to be putting the interests of America above every thing else.
Trump despises India on many counts and it would be a big blow to India and Indians living there if he comes to power.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

The world is aware of how Pakistan keeps changing its colours despite India going extra mile in extending its cooperation. One can take the horse to water but you can not make it drink. Similarly, PM is taking all steps to have cordial relations with Pakistan but latter doesn't seem to reciprocate. When it comes to seeking cooperation from Pakistan in investigating acts of terror on our soil, that were attributed to it ,one can certainly predict this - that it will end up in Pakistan sabotaging such cooperation.  Abdul Basit's stand is not surprising as some sections of Pakistan, are bent on sabotaging any sort of engagement between two counties. All the bonhomie created by Modi's surprise visit to Pakistan and other developments now stand eroded after this sudden volte face. While Shrarif is under pressure by forces inimical to India, Modi also must be under pressure, not to mend fences with Pakistan. We all know China is getting closer to Pakistan for variety of reasons while US 's stand on Pakistan's sponsored acts of terror is increasingly becoming ambivalent. Therefore our PM's personality-centric approach to foreign policy issues vis- a- vis Pakistan where multiple power centres operate. An overwhelming desire for personal glory that a dramatic breakthrough can bring, appears to have clouded Modi 's judgement.
   A major draw back in India's Foreign Policy is that it has many friends but none which can be called 'close'.  India has depended too much on logic and its record of peaceful conduct to impress the world but now it appears that this has little use in reality. India's global strategy is complicated by the fact that both Pakistan and China have vested interests in keeping India's borders in constant state of tension. In fact China's stance is an indication of its double speak on terror vis-a- vis its East Turkestan, independent movement and the LeT,  JeM, UjC trinity.
In the recent past, I happened to read a torrent of articles in the English dailies, on Modi's Foreign policy and Nirupa Rao's article in this regard is very thought provoking. It clearly says, that though Modi appeared to have taken the world by storm following a whirlwind tour of nations that mattered globally ever since 2014. The situation on the ground doesn't seem to have changed a bit, to benefit India. On the contrary our hostile neighbours seem to have been further emboldened to dare our nation at every opportunity. We all know that Pakistan appears to be having a last laugh at with US extending its fire power, while China is less menacing. Nepal gives the impression of dismantling its once inseparable bonding with us.
Here it is not out of place to mention to recall the achievements of Post- Independence Nehruvian-era and thereafter. The Foreign Policy of Nehru, with its stress on Non- alignment, elevated him in terms of International stature. After that there were just patches of excellence during Indira era, while the two stints of UPA rule do not have anything worthwhile. MODI  it can not be denied that within a short spell he has put in motion a very proactive foreign policy which include SAARC initiatives, attempt to mend fences with errant neighbour Pakistan, seeking greater role for India in Afganistan, besides working on ties with Australia, Japan etc. Yet his distinctly pro-US tilt, while US's continues its economic and military aid to Pakistan seems to have alienated Russia.
  With regards Pakistan, we are now back to square one with Pakistan suspending peace process, just days after India gave unprecedented access to The JIT to bring to book, the Pathankot killers. Modi who walked extra mile has now hit a wall as did its predecessors. As such, one author, in one his articles raised genuine concerns, while congratulating the PM for his resolve soon after ascending the throne, in 2014' May to modify his campaign, with regards Pakistan. PM was reminded about his parliamentary election campaign wherein UPA which was in power was lambasted by him for being "soft" on Pakistan. And it was said that if he comes to power it would be reversed as it was clearly told that terrorism and talks can never go together, was was their stand at that point of time. Further it was also said that for every one head that Pakistan army beheaded, we would bring back ten. In the light of such serious comments made publicly, and repeatedly, it was indeed brave on the part of PM to Invite PM Sharif, along with other SAARC leaders for his oath taking ceremony. Showing great admiration like UPA, Modi also engaged with Pakistan irrespective of the bombs and bullets coming from a cross the border and without thought of first bringing the perpetrators of Mumbai attackers to book. It is a fact that even after maintaining cordial relations with Sharif, terror attacks sponsored by Pakistan continued, while the ceasefire violations increased immensely. Surprisingly Modi 's response was different, suddenly an announcement that the stalled foreign- secretary level talks was resumed which even Pakistan, also must have been surprised by this level of magnanimity, especially from a man who in his electoral speeches had sworn to do just the opposite and on the other hand Pakistan's policy towards us has shown a remarkable consistency: explosive aggression, followed by tactical appeasement, while everyone knows that the talks were cancelled earlier two years ago because of continuous ceasefire violations and the Pathankot episode and its aftermath is known world over.
   The author of the article feels that this is all pathetic strategic innocence in dealing with Pakistan, As expected Pakistani JIT went back and absolved Pakistan and Masood Azhar, who has never been interrogated nor arrested which has been supported by China. While our great socalled friend Obama never exerted any pressure on Pakistan. To desist from terrorist activities.
 Modi therefore ought to take note of this hard reality to recast his policies towards Pakistan with greater maturity. He must also learn to evolve national consensus on various options open by taking the opposition and strategic thinkers into confidence