Sunday, January 24, 2016


With the passing away of Mrinalini Sarabhai, the legendary dancer and an inspiring dance teacher, a glorious chapter in the history of cultural India came to an end. We all know that the whole country, we are all proud of her achievements. As I read, her father , Swaminathan, was a renowned Barrister in Madras High Court. She was the daughter of Ammukutty Swaminathan, a social worker and political activist during independence movement,a member of the constituent assembly, and the Rajya Sabha, and the president of the Bharath Scouts And Guides.
  Mrinalini married Vikram Sarabhai, a renowned Physicist, and a member of renowned industrialist family of Sarabhais from Ahemadabad. It is known fact that Sarabhai ( Vikram) is considered to be the Father of the Indian Space Program. Our Late President, Abdul Kalam, in his autobiography "The Wings OF Fire""paid rich tributes to Sarabhai couple. It seems she has founded and nurtured Darpana Academy of performing arts and continued the lineage of Bharata Natyam, established by Rukmini Devi Arandale and Meenakshi Sundaram Pillai. Mrinalini died full of age, honours and glory. I would have been happy had her death been condoled by our PM. This Ofcouse pinches me a bit for Mrinalini, the dance( she excelled both in traditional Bharat Natyam and Kathakkali dance forms) was not merely an art form to be pursued like a student but its a like penance (Tapasya). Her singular achievement was she brought contemporaneity into both these forms of dance. There can not be more poignant tribute to this artist par excellence than the one paid to her by none other than her own daughter Mallika: My mother Mrinalini has just left for her eternal dance".  May her soul rest in peace. 

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Few days ago, I have read an article by T J S George, in which he says, most categorically that we learned nothing from Mumbai's terror attack. Will we learn something from Pathankot?" It was indeed an interesting read. It is a fact that we have failed to learn from the past. It is also a high time that our Intelligence Depts, reorganised themselves to keep the country safe from terror.
   The Pathankot assault was rude shock that Pakistan's elected leaders do not have any influence on many things connected with army or militants. This is evident, because our PM's lunch, with Shariff, has met with a setback.The resumption dialogue has been put-off by the developments beyond the control of both sides. Here the blessing in disguise, is that Pakistan tacitly accepts that men who stormed the airbase were probably theirs. Secondly, the Indian response has been very cautious. Even the tone of the opposition was also very moderate .All over the world, every country's Govt has an army but in the case of Pakistan it seems more like, it is the army that owns the Govt. Therefore any parleys between India and Pakistan can be effective only if the signatures of armed forces are appended to any agreement. India may insist upon this and its allies across the world may hold this condition of India as just and the only guarantee for any Indo-Pak agreement to be honoured in word and deed.
   In this connection I have read one more article "to talk or not to talk.." by Rakesh Sood, the developments after Pathankot attack, suggest that policy of "Talk, wait, watch, talk" might work this time in dealing with Pakistan. Pakistan's response was positive, quick and has resulted in some arrests. Also the comments from Pakistan's greatest benefactors, US and China, about the attack are pro -India and persuasive. Going ahead with talks in this scenario will only help mobilise world opinion, in India's favour.
     If you analyse, Pakistan is now on tenterhooks after Pathankot but it is not so much due to India's expected response but because, Kerry of US, called Shariff to get to the bottom of the issue and Pakistan can not afford to play games with US unlike India, as it relies very heavily on US for financial and military assistance. But here again let us remember that the US has an unsavoury reputation of running with hare and hunting with the hounds and India would be making a mistake if it were to rely wholly on US for justice. In the end we may have to fight our own battles and having already given Pakistan a long rope, people feel that the time has come to plan for some serious action.
      While Modi has been very cautiously responding to the situation our Defence Minister said, "pain must be inflicted on those who hurt India." This caters to the emotions of millions of Indians disgusted by Pakistan's policy of exporting terrorism. But what did the Defence Minister really mean by the said statement? Is he pointing out at the Indian policy of promoting terrorism on Pakistan's soil? Every one knows that Pakistan is already making baseless allegations of Indian involvement in terrorist crimes inside Pak. Infact Pakistan is the victim of its own deeds but it wants to blame India.The Defence Minister's statement gives credence to it. A militarised state like Pakistan can only afford to foment cross border terrorism, but democratic India with free press, Independent Judiciary, with multi party political system can never follow Pakistan .
   The Defence Minister's hot pursuit policy recourse was often demanded by BJP leaders while in opposition but in Govt they realise it's complex intricacies. Hot pursuit means, what, India crossing the Pakistan border to bomb the terrorist infrastructure, only US can do this as Pakistan's military establishment is in its control, but how can India enjoy that privilege?
  At a time when Pakistan is increasingly isolated and exposed of its involvement in such acts of terror, any such hot pursuit would only illegitimise India's claims and actions in the eyes of International community .Complex questions like terrorism do not have quick fix solutions?

Saturday, January 16, 2016

In India, where faiths and religious traditions take precedence over natural laws and politics prevails over reasoning. On last Tuesday, the Supreme Court put on hold Jallikattu, the controversial, Bull-running sport in Tamilnadu, following strong opposition from animal rights activists eight days after the Central Govt , lifted the ban on this practice. In fact the decision of the Supreme Court to stay the proceedings, should be welcomed as it is a very cruel game, in which the Bulls are tortured by the persons who try to tame them. They are either injured or even some times killed. I fail to understand as to why it is being considered as part of the festival. Should people celebrate, the torture of animals and victory of human beings over animals?
   The bench of justices Deepak Mishra and NV Ramana have raised one very apt question "what is the necessity of a festival like Jallikattu?""
  The fact of the matter is ,the centre has modified the 2011 notification, which prohibited the use of bulls in sports ( the Jallikattu) in Tami Nadu and (Bullock cart race) in Maharashtra. While it is a fact that the animal welfare board and it's own Attorney-General Mukul Rohatgi have opposed it tooth and nail. But the Govt chose tradition over welfare.
    Should people allow the Bulls to suffer such  abominable cruelty in the name of tradition? Given the fact that bullfighting has been banned even in countries like Spain, where it was a traditional sport, the move to lift the ban in India certainly can not be justified. All news channels and print media, had openly come out saying that Centre gave clearance, for Jallikattu in poll bound Tamilnadu with an eye on wooing the voters. The strong and very decisive Jaya Lalita, by reviving this sport, has proved once again, that she is the Supreme leader and capable of getting whatever she wants and can make and unmake things to her advantage. As I know, she is the only CM, of non-BJP who has been able to receive such large number of favours from Centre, for the reasons best known to anybody's comprehension.
   As I have read, and whatever little I could understand from various sources, that this notification which was issued recently, is in direct violation of 2014 Supreme Court Judgement and also goes against the ban issued by the Ministry of Enviroment. What is even more distressing is, welcoming of the Centre's notification, by the regional parties of a very progressive state like Tamilnadu and muted response of all the national parties, while public is not gung ho about it. At one stage even JayaLalita recommended the Centre to issue an ordinance ,in order to circumvent the Supreme court's decision which shows that she can go to any extent, to achieve her objective.
      During the arguments on TV, I have seen the other side of the arguments also that if the domesticated Bulls can be used for agriculture and transport, why not for this sport? If we were to accept that using animals for sport amounts to cruelty, we need to apply the same logic to all the animals.The capture and use of Elephants in temple processions and tourism displays should also be banned.
  Only time will tell whether or not the Govt's attempt to reach out to the people in the state politically through such regressive steps without heeding to its own concerned Minister Menaka Gandhi or even for that matter its own Attorney General, would succeed.
Instead of waging battles, the animal activists, should better take it up as a social movement to educate the masses to put an end to this type of  medieval practices.

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Pahankot attack

We all know that the Pathakot attack is a part of series of efforts to thwart peace building efforts between India and Pakitan.There seems to have been utter confusion in handling the terrorist attack..There are professionals in our defence establishment with rich experience and expertise They are expected to, in a situation like this, entrust the tasks with right agencies.If they have failed to do so,it only means that the information was not provided on time to the decision makers.This exposes serious lacunae in our preparedness to face emergencies like this, and moreover this shows that the concerned experts were not involved in making decisions.But here I appreciate,Mr Manohar Parikkar ,the defence Minister  for having admitted that there was a security failure., in Pathankot.Those who have followed the developments, must have noticed that , from the hijacking of official car of SP, to the inaction on follow up,on the incident to the death of 7 defence personnel, there has infact been a series of failures . As one notices, the defence establishment didn't have a clue about the presence of two terrorists, till they began striking .The role of the police, the defence establishment and NSG commodes who were deployed, calls for an evaluation .Infact we must stop living in dream world and be prepared for reality.Is it not terrible that despite several alerts and warnings about the possible terror attack , the authorities remain passive.? It was a matter of shame that there was gross mismanagement and ineffiency,in countering the terrorists.With no clear chain of Command,and control, the operation lost its prime element.Infact when the system is incapable of safeguarding the vital installations such as an Airforce base,or even a nuclear plant , how can we be reassured that we are safe?
   After seeing all this , it appears to me , that in real terms, fortunately , the terrorists  couldn't cause any damage to The Indian AirForce Aircraft ,and other vital installations .Nor could they harm any IAF personnel posted there.Seen from this point of view the terrorists failed to accomplish anything substantial  , other than creating suspense,Admitting security failure that has happened is one thing,and taking steps to prevent such incidents in future is quite another .therefore, security has to be tightened at all defence establishments,in the light of the Pathankot experience ,and for this to happen, there should be a clear idea of how the terrorists breached the security at Pathakot.,and then only all the loop- holes could be plugged.Upgradation of security should be the constant endeavour .
    Again here, I must be failing in my duty if I don't recapitulate, or for that matter I want to remind ,what the present dispensation , when it was in opposition , had told,, about the ThenPM.In 2013 May, Mr Modi while addressing in one of the meeting said"" our soldiers are being beheaded by the fugitive country while their PM is being hosted dinner with chicken Biryani , here  and we are being ruled by a weak PM" In the same year, Mrs Sushma Swaraj , it seems, tweeted like this"" Mr PrmeMinister ,please don't indulge in any sort of discussions over the dead bodies of our soldiers  ,please cancel discussions with NawazSharif""
   All this happened only two and half years ago,and I feel it is not too long a period, to remember and these statements would help us in understanding the people in right perspective .our Beloved PM, was only PrimeMinisterial candidate in the year 2013 ,and he used to say in all public meetings right from Kashmir to Kanyakumari , that people to reject the weak administration, under ManmohanSingh ,and elect a very strong administrator ,to teach a befitting lesson to Pakistan..As a part of protocol, when the visiting PM of Pakistan was hosted a dinner , even that was criticised by of Mr Modi.
    Surprisingly , now the whole cabinet is maintaining lot of restraint ,and without naming Pakistan, our PM said that this dastardly act was against the humanity.Therefore it would be better to see all the tweets of our PM between 2011-13, to understand how he had travelled these years,Some say, it is double standard  while some feel, that is the level of maturity .

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Resurrecting Congress

If Pranab Mukharjee was PM, LS drubbing would have been avoided "senior Congress leader Kursheed now regrets making Manmohan Singh PM instead of Pranab. Little do these worthies realise that Pranab is not pliable and would have played by rules and conscience, without giving in to pressure groups. And for all practical purposes, as of now they don't have leader, either at the national level or in states, who could mould people's opinion to get votes. I would say, there is a leadership vacuum? Modi is certainly BJP's tall leader and in Congress none of the present leaders match him, be it in framing strategies or in oratorical skills. The grand old party has to make some objective introspection instead of psychophancy. However, if you go by today's report in a section of press,things are now slowly changing at the local bodies level. BJP's failure at the local bodies level, that too in BJP ruled states in general and especially in PM' s state Gujarat in particular should have been a major item in the newspapers if Congress was doing better media management. And it would have had damging affect on the ruling party. 
     The report says that the Congress is continuing with the trend of doing well in local body polls, especially in BJP ruled states as it won 8 out of 11 in Chattisgarh, as per yesterday's declaration of results. Compared to the previous polls in which BJP had won 7 out of 11 but now the party managed only 3 seats. As such it appears that the Congress has shown some signs of recovery after facing  a serious drubbing in 2014 Lok Sabha elections. The rejuvenation, party leaders feel, is stemming from Municipality level, as in last few months it performed well in Gujarat, Maharashtra, MP and now in Chattisgarh.
    A Delhi based sociologist Shiv Viswanathan says that the spree of victories signifies that people are mature when it comes to making political choices, it's their way of saying  ''don't take us for granted".