Thursday, February 11, 2016

The Supreme Court questioning the age old practice restricting of women ( middle aged) to the sanctum sanctorum of Ayyappa Temple is bound to deeply hurt the religious sentiments the world over. Is it not preposterous on the part of the Apex court to ask for proof from the temple board that the women didn't enter sanctum sanctorum some 1500 hundred years ago,? The court found fault with the board against the discrimination as it goes against the Fundamental Rights of a citizen. Again a similar incident happened near Shani Singanapur in Maharashtra where women under the leadership of Trupti Desai followed by hundreds of women activists were prohibited entry into the sanctum sanctorum on the day on which India was declared Republic. It was said 400 years old tradition couldn't be broken. The women were permitted to offer worship God outside the platform which the women activists denied. It may be noted that that there are no such restrictions in many other temples of the country. The Supreme Court must have taken a prima facie view that temples can not bar devotees on basis of gender but agreed to examine. The spiritual temple of Lord Ayyappa has been restricting the entry of women from young girls after puberty to those yet to attain menopause long as the temples be it Ayyappa Or Shani Dev remain religious places par excellence it is up to the devotees to stipulate the rules and regulations. The matters of faith by their very nature are outside the ambit of reason and logic
so the Kerala Govt has submitted an affidavit that banning entry of women of menstrual age in historic Sabarimala temple has been prevailing from the times immemorial and it is for the priests to take view. Infact a temple is not a public museum or picnic place where the right to congregate is unrestricted. There must have been certain unwritten rules and traditions being followed for centuries. For instance one rule observed in the case of Sabarimala is the observance of Vratam for 41 days which can never be changed to suit to a section or some sections of people. Infact it is the prerogative of temple management to impose restrictions while it is to be noted that this is one temple where there is no discrimination on the grounds of caste, creed or religion. A temple is a sacred place for devotees and a devotee is expected to comply with the rules and respect the traditions.
   To me it appears that women in India have

many problems like Dowry, Domestic violence, Eve- teasing, Harassment at work place etc. Agitators like Trupti Desai should focus on such problems instead leading women into a state of unnecessary confusion. Women's dignity will in no way be degraded if they don't enter a temple or a place of worship. Indians have some age old traditions and customs which have to be followed without any resistance. Generally speaking Hindu women who have periods refrain from doing religious rituals. There are few temples in India where the non- Hindus are prevented from entering into the temple. Till Hindu community and Priests are not ready to change the tradition for whatever reasons, is there any need  for any legal intervention and the instant cases of Sabarimala or Shanisinganapur can not be seen through the prism of gender discrimination. All religions enjoy equal amount of respect and status in India. Such age old customs should better be left unquestioned as neither they are a threat to social harmony nor a challenge to the basic human rights.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Few days ago the President Pranab Mukherji released 2nd edition of his book, " The Turbulent Years 1980-1996. " There were lot of speculations about sensational revelations in the book in the media. This piqued my interest to read it but the book was out of stock on Amazon. But as per the available reports, Mukherji, while discussing Babri-Masjid, it seems, pointed out that that its demolition was an act of absolute perfidy which should make all Indians hang their heads in shame. As every one knows, that the demolition of Babri-Masjid indeed has deeply wounded the sentiments of Muslim community, in India and abroad. But after somany years of demolition, why is he raising this issue now? Infact he was part of the Govt, then and what was he doing at that time? I feel it is better not sprinkle salt on the wounds of Muslims and as the President of India, now, he should take concrete steps that no other religious place, be it a Masjid or Church , to be demolished ,
   It was reported that he has accused the former PM P.V. Narasimha Rao with regards to his role in the demolition. Many books on this subject were in the market that time including PV's own book giving clarifications. PVRK Prasad,  former Media Advisor and Additional Secretary who was working closely with him on this exclusive issue also cleared the air by mentioning it in detail, in one of his books.
   PV in his capacity might have failed to avert the unfortunate event but it would not be unfair to dub it as something perfidy and a mistake committed by the then PM? He had sent Para Military troops to Ayyodhya and conducted series of consultations with both Hindu organisations and other stake holders. As a true follower of constitution, he must have hesitated to impose President's rule, as a preemptive measure, fearing to be perceived by some as unconstitutional or anti- Hindu. He can be blamed for his failure to assess the turn of events and gravity of the situation but can not be held guiltiest than the real perpetrators.  Pranab Mukherji should have restrained from hurling accusations on his bete noire who is no more to defend himself.
   It is unfortunate that PV could not get his due for his greatest services from his colleagues and his own party even posthumously.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Netaji Declassification

The release of100 files related to Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose, has not set the India/ New Delhi on flames.True it has evoked huge response but the declassified papers haven't thrown any new light on the  circumstances surrounding Bose's disappearance or death. Prime Minister Modi has surely fulfilled his promise given to Bose's family members about declassifying all files related to him. However it would have been better had the whole bunch of files been released at one go. In such case Modi Govt could have escaped criticism that the periodic release is politically motivated.
  Though the move has garnered accolades from die-hard fans of the INA chief and his family members, it has also served to ruffle the feathers of those within the Congress .Even then,the declassification was welcome move by the Modi Govt. But my friend gave me different perspective to the whole affair. He was of the opinion that ever since the present Govt came to power, a concerted campaign has been launched to denigrate Nehru, and thereby the Congress. After appropriating Sardar Patel's legacy as a foil against that of Nehru, it is now using Netaji's communications, was my friend's opinion. 
   The three commissions set up so far have failed to give a conclusive explanation on the circumstances leading to Netaji's death.The most plausible theory that still holds is that he died in a plane crash. However according to some, this theory is a trash, while some say that he was not in that plane at all, while according to some others, the crash of an airplane in that area , on that date never took place. There are also rumours that he resurfaced in India in the guise of Sadhu, as per some others theory he was spotted in China in his later years.
   After reading some articles in news papers recently and also after listening to the observations of some intellectuals, on this subject on TV, what I have understood that the declassified files have confirmed what one had always believed --- that Jawaharlal Nehru was too noble a soul to allow his political differences with Netaji to influence him at a personal level. Witness the steps he took to ensure the financial well being of Netaji's widow and decision not to bring the mortal remains of Netaji from the Renkoji temple out of the regards for the sentiments of his kin. It was Nehru who donned his barrister gown after a long gap to put up spirited defence of the arrested INA officers at the famous trail at Red Fort and on the other hand Netaji too had such a high regard for Nehru, that he even named o
ne of the brigades of INA as "Jawahar Brigade."
Welcome as the declassification is, it must have disappointed those who were clamouring for it to find documentary evidence to support their allegations of wrong doing against Nehru. The truth be told, hardly any one who can be spoken of in the same breath as Gandhi, Nehru, Patel or Netaji. To overcome this handicap they have gone about planting stories. Unfortunately the statements of some of Netaji's kin have only aided this game plan.
   However, the declassification will only give room for fresh research leading to needless controversies. What really happened to him is anybody's guess and stale subject to the common man as of now. The emerging truth is of no use and will have very little impact on the lives of the ordinary Indians. Both the earlier classification and the recent declassification were purely political acts.
   To me, the Govt has better things to do instead of wasting time and energy in a pointless search for resurrecting incriminating documents as evidence of Nehru's role in Netaji's death. Let it focus on pressing issues of the day, like the growing menace of terrorism, price rise and atrocities against weaker sections etc and think hard on why " Acche din" promised by our PM during the elections, still elude the common man.