Friday, April 29, 2016

On Telugu channel NTV a program called "fOCUS" have covered the US presidential Election, the main focus was on Trump and Mrs Clinton, and their victories in various states to get nomination by their respective parties. An article by George on this subject said that Trump's unstoppable race to the White House seems to bring about the situation akin to a situation, if Praveen Togadia or Vijaya Mallya becomes a PM of India. Trump is also said have ideological hatred which he publicly proclaims, while he beats Mallya in exhibitionism or flamboyance. Infact it is reported that there had been incidents of violence in political rallies, clashes between Trump supporters and other major Republican leaders conspiring to derail their challenger and Trump even warned that there would be rioting if any backhand moves are made.
His stated policy positions alienate and frighten people beyond party lines. He is against all minorities and Mexicans whome he sees them as parasites. He opposes immigrants taking jobs away from Americans. Regarding Muslims, he says,"the IS is making $400 million a year on oil. I have been saying it for years. We need to bomb the oil".
As per Guardian of Great Britain, " President Trump could be as big a threat as Jihadi terrorism to global economy.
But biggest question to ponder over is why such a dangerous man is being supported by so many of his country men?
While lower and middle class segments of the population seem to be protesting against the entrenched liberal rich sections and it must be a fact that there is a resentment against the unending flow of immigrants who take away their jobs while contributing nothing to America. Elements even among the educated class resent ideas like free trade that help countries like China at the cost of America.These may be some of the reasons Trump must be looking attractive as he appears to be putting the interests of America above every thing else.
Trump despises India on many counts and it would be a big blow to India and Indians living there if he comes to power.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

The world is aware of how Pakistan keeps changing its colours despite India going extra mile in extending its cooperation. One can take the horse to water but you can not make it drink. Similarly, PM is taking all steps to have cordial relations with Pakistan but latter doesn't seem to reciprocate. When it comes to seeking cooperation from Pakistan in investigating acts of terror on our soil, that were attributed to it ,one can certainly predict this - that it will end up in Pakistan sabotaging such cooperation.  Abdul Basit's stand is not surprising as some sections of Pakistan, are bent on sabotaging any sort of engagement between two counties. All the bonhomie created by Modi's surprise visit to Pakistan and other developments now stand eroded after this sudden volte face. While Shrarif is under pressure by forces inimical to India, Modi also must be under pressure, not to mend fences with Pakistan. We all know China is getting closer to Pakistan for variety of reasons while US 's stand on Pakistan's sponsored acts of terror is increasingly becoming ambivalent. Therefore our PM's personality-centric approach to foreign policy issues vis- a- vis Pakistan where multiple power centres operate. An overwhelming desire for personal glory that a dramatic breakthrough can bring, appears to have clouded Modi 's judgement.
   A major draw back in India's Foreign Policy is that it has many friends but none which can be called 'close'.  India has depended too much on logic and its record of peaceful conduct to impress the world but now it appears that this has little use in reality. India's global strategy is complicated by the fact that both Pakistan and China have vested interests in keeping India's borders in constant state of tension. In fact China's stance is an indication of its double speak on terror vis-a- vis its East Turkestan, independent movement and the LeT,  JeM, UjC trinity.
In the recent past, I happened to read a torrent of articles in the English dailies, on Modi's Foreign policy and Nirupa Rao's article in this regard is very thought provoking. It clearly says, that though Modi appeared to have taken the world by storm following a whirlwind tour of nations that mattered globally ever since 2014. The situation on the ground doesn't seem to have changed a bit, to benefit India. On the contrary our hostile neighbours seem to have been further emboldened to dare our nation at every opportunity. We all know that Pakistan appears to be having a last laugh at with US extending its fire power, while China is less menacing. Nepal gives the impression of dismantling its once inseparable bonding with us.
Here it is not out of place to mention to recall the achievements of Post- Independence Nehruvian-era and thereafter. The Foreign Policy of Nehru, with its stress on Non- alignment, elevated him in terms of International stature. After that there were just patches of excellence during Indira era, while the two stints of UPA rule do not have anything worthwhile. MODI  it can not be denied that within a short spell he has put in motion a very proactive foreign policy which include SAARC initiatives, attempt to mend fences with errant neighbour Pakistan, seeking greater role for India in Afganistan, besides working on ties with Australia, Japan etc. Yet his distinctly pro-US tilt, while US's continues its economic and military aid to Pakistan seems to have alienated Russia.
  With regards Pakistan, we are now back to square one with Pakistan suspending peace process, just days after India gave unprecedented access to The JIT to bring to book, the Pathankot killers. Modi who walked extra mile has now hit a wall as did its predecessors. As such, one author, in one his articles raised genuine concerns, while congratulating the PM for his resolve soon after ascending the throne, in 2014' May to modify his campaign, with regards Pakistan. PM was reminded about his parliamentary election campaign wherein UPA which was in power was lambasted by him for being "soft" on Pakistan. And it was said that if he comes to power it would be reversed as it was clearly told that terrorism and talks can never go together, was was their stand at that point of time. Further it was also said that for every one head that Pakistan army beheaded, we would bring back ten. In the light of such serious comments made publicly, and repeatedly, it was indeed brave on the part of PM to Invite PM Sharif, along with other SAARC leaders for his oath taking ceremony. Showing great admiration like UPA, Modi also engaged with Pakistan irrespective of the bombs and bullets coming from a cross the border and without thought of first bringing the perpetrators of Mumbai attackers to book. It is a fact that even after maintaining cordial relations with Sharif, terror attacks sponsored by Pakistan continued, while the ceasefire violations increased immensely. Surprisingly Modi 's response was different, suddenly an announcement that the stalled foreign- secretary level talks was resumed which even Pakistan, also must have been surprised by this level of magnanimity, especially from a man who in his electoral speeches had sworn to do just the opposite and on the other hand Pakistan's policy towards us has shown a remarkable consistency: explosive aggression, followed by tactical appeasement, while everyone knows that the talks were cancelled earlier two years ago because of continuous ceasefire violations and the Pathankot episode and its aftermath is known world over.
   The author of the article feels that this is all pathetic strategic innocence in dealing with Pakistan, As expected Pakistani JIT went back and absolved Pakistan and Masood Azhar, who has never been interrogated nor arrested which has been supported by China. While our great socalled friend Obama never exerted any pressure on Pakistan. To desist from terrorist activities.
 Modi therefore ought to take note of this hard reality to recast his policies towards Pakistan with greater maturity. He must also learn to evolve national consensus on various options open by taking the opposition and strategic thinkers into confidence

Monday, April 25, 2016

Last week it was reported that "in Twitter World, all is well with Mallya." . Mallya who left for London on 2nd March, using his diplomatic Passport has been very active on Twiitter uploading 10-15 messages almost every day. There was another news report which said that his Diplomatic Passport, was suspended and subsequently it was even made invalid which makes it difficult for him to travel anywhere.
 Mallya's episode, exposes the magnitude of systematic sloth. If you look at the events that took place, he launched Kingfisher Airlines in May 2005" , while acquired Deccan Air lines in 2007. By 2010 we have all read that the Kingfisher Airlines was deep in debt and Mallya was searching / looking for debt- recast, and right- offs. By 2011 Kingfisher owed monies to Airports, Oil Companies, Employees, and Tax Dept and by 2012, the Airline was grounded. Mallya's episode shows how the system lags and how the promoters are able to deploy influence and money power. I was surprised to read that Mallya is fighting over 250 cases in various fora. 
    Mallya's escape from the country reminds me one of the Bond's movies. And "Loot and Leave" a term coined by Late VP Singh, best describes the wilful defaulter's disappearance.  This wouldn't have been possible but for the connivance of the "creamy layer" of the society and the Bank Officials who are equally guilty. When Banks are in a hurry to grab their ordinary customers by the throat over the default of even a single EMI, it is disappointing to note that the wilful defaulters like Mallya go scot free after plundering tax payer's money and escape from the country.
  But SEBI's move to cut the wilful defaulters to size is laudable and also CBI's decision to probe if any political intervention had helped to obtain loans are positive outcomes of the given situation.   
    It is really shocking to know that Chandan Mitra, another MP didn't know that Mallya is also a Member of the Parliamentary Committee he is heading. Mr Mallya who got elected to Rajya Sabha with BJP's support from Karnataka, has not attended even a single meeting of the Standing Committee on Commerce of which he was part of.
   The news of Mallya's departure from India is not shocking, given the manner in which he used to keep the top brass wrapped around his little finger.  This incident has also brought to fore how inefficient the CBI's so called lookout notice is in the case of rich and powerful. Though the Banking Consortium approached the DRT and moved the Apex court to prevent him from leaving the country, it is evident, that the stable door was shut only after the horse had bolted. It is also hard to believe that Mallya managed to hoodwink everybody. The banks have finally woke up from their deep slumber, after Mallya fled the country. Rather than debate who facilitated the great escapes of Lalit Modi, VijayMallya, Quatrochi, Or Dawood Ibrahim we should now decide what can be done to get the lost money back. Infact it is preposterous that high profile individuals like a Rajyasabha member can give a slip. It appears that in India those who are wanted by law can escape with ease. It is ironic that the banks and financial institutions which hound ordinary people, especially poor farmers, over loan repayments, look the other way when alleged offenders like him are allowed to escape. The statement of Attorney-General Rohatgi,"we are not after anybody's blood. We want to sit across him and reach settlement on getting back our money" -was in a bad taste since Bank Managements do not show this attitude while dealing with ordinary people who may fail to pay back loans for genuine reasons.
  Therefore the wilful defaulters must be treated as criminals and an amendment must be moved in Parliament irrespective of the stature the defaulters enjoy. If you look at this specific case, it is obvious that everybody  played their part. It is no exaggeration to say that the Bank Chairman transmit political pressure down the line. If a chief cannot ward off how can the subordinates withststand? Anyhow " flight" of capital was poorly"" piloted" .All signals might have been mindfully or otherwise ignored by the powers that be as Mallya could call the shots. Now to cry over split milk by regulatory bodies, watchdogs, and others who mattered, is amusing. From Warrenanderson to LalitModi and now Mallya all of them were able to leave the country without any impediments and it is fine to be pro- corporate but justice must be done.
  After following the case in the media both in print and electronic, I'm sure, it is certainly not fair to blame the banks alone for lending such a huge amount to Mallya despite his failing business. Political interference in decision making in public sector banks is the root cause of this NPA mess. The call for making the entire process of lending to big corporates transparent merits serious consideration, the RBI and the Govt shouldn't come in the way of publication of names of wilful defaulters,as the public has a right to know how it's money has been utilised.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

A Hug is like a boomerang you get it back right away, says Bil Keane but Mr Rajagopalan thinks otherwise. I wanted to present to you some of the views expressed by him in an artilce titled, "It is time PM realised politics of Embrace is detrimental to national interest" . These are strictly authors views and not mine. The author says that having been disenchanted with the Congress, people reposed their faith in Modi and voted BJP to power. And after assuming office PM Modi has been visiting many countries, all aimed at promoting national interest.
   It is said that the manner in which PM conducts himself, while meeting heads of Govts abroad makes one wary, particularly taking the initiative to embrace foreign leaders is not in good taste he says as the politics of embrace has always been disastrous for the nation if one cared to look at the history.
   The author went on to say that after Persian king Nadirsha embraced Delhi ruler Bahadur Shah, we were deprived of Kohinoor Diamond. Mahatma Gandhi hugged Mohammad Ali Jinnah on many occasions, and the nation got partitioned. Afzal Khan tried to hug Shivaji at Pratapgarh Fort, but Shivaji killed him and made a daring escape. Lord Mountbatten embraced Nehru and  Kashmir's Gilgit area went to Pakistan. Former PM Vajpayee hugged his Pakistan counterpart, Nawaz Sharif at Wagh border and within few weeks we had to fight Kargil war. Modi made a detour to Lahore and embraced Sharif, and the militant attack on Airbase at Pathankot followed.
   Since every nation Persues policies to further its interests such embraces never help change anything on the ground. America has announced a deal to supply F-16 fighter jets to Pakistan close on the heals of Modi hugging Barack Obama, before holding bilateral talks.
   During state visits abroad PM should make others realise that India is strong nation having its own dignity and commanding the respect of other nations. It is further observed in the article, that sadly enough, no foreign dignitary has ever come forward to hug our PM. Normally, it is Modi who makes first move and now it is time, PM realised that politics of embrace could be detrimental to nation as such.

Monday, April 18, 2016

Few days ago I saw a very sad report about the closure of prestigious HMT watch factories which I feel is a decision taken in haste. After my long associated with a Maharatna Public Sector undertaking NTPC for more than 33 years, another public sector  company HMT wiped out of the map. During my younger days, Hyderabad, HMT was very famous for its watches and people used to stand in queue to get a this prestigous watch. Hyderabad was known for many public sector undertakings. One of them was Chetak scooter for which people used to wait for months to get their turn. And it used to take lot of influence to get that scooter any earlier than predetermined date.  Same was the case with HMT watches. I personally feel, the management and trade unions should have stepped up their efforts to save the company. In this day and time when there is so much emphasis on "Make in India", was it not possible for HMT have reinvented itself? .
  In fact the closure of HMT must be a wake up call to other Public undertakings. The notion that all public enterprises are white elephants is a wrong one as there are many public sector units which are consistent achievers and performers.( like NTPC and Power Grid). Their work culture and strategies should have been replicated in other organisations held by Govt too. I would have been happy, if such good performing companies could take over their "sick siblings" and help them to recover. The Department of Posts can serve as beacon of hope with way it has reinvented itself. Companies should look for qualities like accoutability, competency, discipline and speed to adapt to modern day changes and  also visibility in the market are what PSUs must look forward to. I still hold the opinion that Govt of India should have explored other possibilities to revive this great undertaking.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

The news that some of the leading lights of India figure in the PANAMA papers shows how the corruption has exponentially increased in liberalised Indian economy. Last year it was Swiss leaks, a global list with over 1100 Indians holding secret bank accounts in HSBC Geneva, which shaped the debate over black money parked overseas. Now it is Panama Papers. These papers, infact must shame the '" who is who" who have figured in the list and they must follow the example set by Iceland's Prime Minister. I would say that our Auditors and pliable IT officials who work hand in glove must also be punished severely. Though Govt of India has promised action following the revelations, one wonders whether there will be results at all. The fact of the matter is that the Govt is not that serious in putting an end to this menace of black money.It is evident from the progress the Special Investigation team constituted to look into the issue of black money has made till date. A Govt's amnesty scheme that was offered to Tax dodgers last year has met with lukewarm response while Finance Minister's warning of consequences, appear to have more sound than substance. The case of Vijaya Mallya, is one such example. Despite various acts such as Foreign Exchange Management Act, Prevention of Money Laundering Act, Prevention Corruption Act etc many seem to be able to spot the loopholes while we continue to remain cynical.
   If we see the Govts across the world, show no political will in retrieving black money stashed in tax heavens, as the leaders mostly rely on funding by money launderers to stay in power. It is shame that public personalities in politics, cinema, sports worshipped as " role models" are on lists of dishonour. I personally feel, the Panama Papers are a blow to the NDA, as its promise to bring the black money stashed abroad, remains unfulfilled. It  must be a cheerful news to the opposition, having another reason to stall parliament when needed. Infact the Govt having failed in getting back the promised "several lakhs of crores of rupees of black money" from abroad should atleast now try to redeem itself by acting in right earnest against the tax defaulters on Panama Papers list. If probe limited to a single Law Firm Mossack Fonseca could unearth black money worth fifteen hundred lakh crores of rupees, the total amount hidden in the tax heavens must be beyond any one's imagination. If one consortium of journalists could expose corruption to this extent, mightier Govts must be able to act against tax defaulters.
   Here again people have doubts on many things especially, knowing that Vinod Adani of Adani group, said to be close to the top echelons is among 500 Indians linked to tax heavens, while the others include Amitab Bachan, Aishwarya Rai etc. It was reported in some newspaper that India would have the privilege of getting Bachan as next President of India.
  But all said and done, these revelations are a chance for BJP, Govt to translate its promise of unearthing black money.
  For any effective investigation to take place, it is imperative to make the findings transparent and free from political influence. For this the Govt requires strong political will as there appear to be heavyweights on this list. The centre must also closely cooperate and coordinate with International groups to build a global network that cracks down on money laundering.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Few days ago I read an article titled ' Quota Conundrum'. The article was thought provoking. The author says, that the poverty exists in a family unit and not at the caste level. No caste is really backward or forward. New emerging groups in the upper castes who deserve, must be given the benefit of reservation. Infact there has been a great social change after independence. The social inequalities are on the wane in the villages. The economic inequality is the only ill which is troubling irrespective of caste, creed, and religion. And panacea for employment is to do away with reservations.
Sajjad Nomani, a member of Muslim Personal Law Board says, " Ram temple construction is a political issue and that treating the SCs & STs who converted to Islam as not eligible for reservations is a religious discrimination. Therefore he calls for constitutional correction which all political parties and secular parties should press for. Dr ,Subramanya Swamy wants the Supreme Court to decide on Ram temple construction. The court could decide who the first occupant was. Ram is the king of Bharath which consists of entire sub-continent; while Babri is a commander of Mughal forces. Islam doesn't have caste system and hence SCs,STs and OBCs on joining Islam are ineligible as per rule, for reservations and hence there is need for ' correction' in the constitution. Dr Ambedkar wanted reservations for a limited time. It is politicians extending it indefinitely for vote bank, cheating those castes that are responsible for the present troubles that the nation is facing.To honour Dr Ambedkar economic reservations irrespective of caste, faith and origin, is the correct way and will solve the problem- no tinkering with constitution is needed. This is0 my opinion and it is not to hurt anyone's sentiments.

The National award for Telugu movie Bahubali is really surprising. No doubt SS Rajamouli had stunned the cinematic world with its mixed fantasy and folklore, with stories of unbridled imagination. UK's The Guardian, gave the film a four star rating, calling it a " fantastic bang for your buck" . The Forbes also gave it a four star rating, while BBC included the film in their documentary :"100 years of Indian Cinema." After a gap of many years, my youngest daughter took us to the nearby Cinema Hall in a Mall, for this movie. To me, The Bahubali depicted feudal era internal strifes in a royal family that too fictionally. No realistic history or social message about protecting country's unity or human values. Those who have seen Benhur will understand this wherein, it depicts the plight of Jews during Christ's life time in Roman Empire. Infact, to me , it was like story in Chandamama, mixed with Kommuri Sambasivarao's detective story line. I am sure if Rajamouli has done like this on " Kakatiya Pratapa Rudra" or " Dwarakadheesh Srikrishna" or " Krishnadeva Raya" with historic facts, he would win an Oscar awards. too. It looks that the Govt must have mistook Bahubali for Hindu religion upliftment, as the leftist Malayali intelligentsia used to get awards every year during Congress days for depicting India in bad shape. Other wise many classical pictures or culturally rich films by K Viswanath were neglected lot during leftists hold on cultural stage in India.
Bahubali's global success has thrust Telugu cinema,into a lime light. I wish all the Telugu movies Directors all the best. The main objective of National awards is to encourage good and small budget films and explore unknown talent in various fields connected with cinema. It is surprising that it took 63 years for a Telugu film to win coveted award. In retrospect it is surprising to note how celluloid classics such as Mayabazar, Sankarabharanam, missed the awards. Infact Mayabazar was adjudged the greatest Indian film of all times in poll conducted 2013 by a leading News Channel. In comparison Bahubali was average, had series of special effects and graphics and was garish as such. Ofcorse, Bahubali -- the beginning is no doubt good and it's director has been honoured with Padma award but I fail to understand on what basis it was judged the best film given that it was just hyped and high budget movie with all commercial elements minus a message for the society.
The recent event "World Cultural Festival" held in New Delhi, on the banks of River Yamuna organised by Guru Sri Sri Ravishankar of Art of Living. And the gathering was addressed by the Prime Minister of India. The fact of the matter is there is no business like Godmen business they have no fixed working hours, indulge in extensive travel, they get public adulation and no need to shave every morning.
It is also a known fact that the saints and the self-styled Godmen have been around the powers that be from times immemorial. With regards to their habitat, some lived in mountains and caves while others lived in palaces as advisers with the heads running to them for salvation and solutions. It is not out of place to mention that in today's date they enjoy the patronage, for they represent vote bank while moulding the public opinion. From Punjab to Kerala and Gujarat to Assam, we have seen them acting as spiritual advisers and in the process, have they not become Kingmakers or influencers of Govt policies?
Sri Sri Ravishankar or Baba Ramdev, who have done admirable work in their respective fields have easy access to the nation's high and mighty and they both have followers across political parties. Corporate Gaints, Bollywood actors and actresses, diplomats stand in queue to touch their feet and our great Prime Minister, is not indifferent to their lure. By spending over Three hours at the venue, Modi left no one in doubt that his faith in Sri Sri Ravishankar and his Art of Living was unshakable. The fact remains that the PM and All his Ministers dismiss the criticism of the event, while ensuring that entire might of the state was mobilised to make WCF a grand success. Modi infact called the WCF a Kumbh of all cultures as he clearly understands the utility of the New- age Gurus, since both Ravishankar and Baba Ramdev, represent the pulse of two major social groups. Ravishankar is useful to PM owing to his world connections and liberal India while Ramdev delivers to Modi the rural and urban middle class. The fact of the matter is Modi has been a frequent visitor to Ramdev's Ashram in Haridwar and he has been invited by PM to any official function, held in connection with spirituality.
But the PM even deployed the Army to create the infrastructure at the venue. And during his speech PM had all praise for him and his Art of Living (AOL). It has been reported that AOL has been connecting him with many international leaders. But Ravishankarji' s posturing on Indo-Pak relations may be at varience, with that of PM and Sangh Pariwar but MODI allowed the Aol, to persue people to people contact with Pakistan!
Modi 's detractors have already charged the Govt with doling out huge financial and other concessions to both Gurus.We now see AOL is beginning the sale of daily use products like mineral water and tooth paste etc, while Ramdevji had never hidden his commercial interests and Patanjali has taken on well established multinationals.
Only time will tell what would be impact of such gurus in the Indian context vis a vis Modi Govt.