Tuesday, July 11, 2017

On the 1st July, we stayed at our village Ramgundam. There I just wanted to go round to see, and in the process I also went to see my old government  school where I have studied up to 4th class, then from 5th class onwards we all went  to the only school at Ramgundam Zilla Parishad High school which is about 2 km away from my village. After seeing the school in my village, some stray thoughts have come to my mind, and I feel  some of my FB may also appreciate it.  The village school is now a High School but  after seeing the students studying there in that school, I strongly feel that the reservations are required for the students studying in only such government schools. Every one should ask oneself which category of children need reservations? It is the children who are studying in convent or corporate schools or children studying in government schools? Well nourished children studying in well furnished schools or malnourished children studying in ill furnished Govt schools? The children who study under strict supervision in private schools or those children studying under no supervision in government schools? We all know rich sections send their wards to international schools in cities including Hyderabad. Do they need support of reservations just because they belong to so-called OBCs, SCs & STs or minorities? 
Reservations should be given to those who are socially disadvantaged, economically deprived educationally discriminated. But where do you find them? After seeing the school, I felt, no surveys are needed or statistics are required to identify them as they are found in government schools and these are the children who need the support because in government schools the academic standards the less said the better it is as the parents of these children come from lower strata of society and they show little interest in their children and take no interest in functioning of the school. They are voiceless sections of the society.  The Ramagundam school lacks infrastructure, and it may the same case with other schools in other villages as well. Some schools that have infrastructure, there will be no strength and in some schools might have strength but there may not be sufficient number of teachers.  After looking at this case in particular I strongly feel that these children studying in these government schools do need the support of reservations. Maybe its time to rethink caste based reservations to economic condition reservations.

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Indian judiciary is respected world over ,for its independence, fairness and impartiality while enjoying unflinching public faith. But of late, the unsavoury episode involving a confrontation between judge of Calcutta High Court, Karnan and the Supreme Court, has created, severe embarrassment to the institution and exposed the deficiencies in The collegium system of appointment of judges. The judges of higher courts, trading charges, and pronouncing jail sentences against each other, has shocked the legal fraternity.  The seven judge bench of Supreme Court ordered arrest of Karnan, and sentenced him to six months imprisonment, for contempt of court, and also issued a gag order preventing the media, from carrying any statement by the defiant judge.
A High court judge being punished for contempt of court is unprecedented in the history of Indian judiciary. Such indecent internal battle will only erode the dignity of judiciary. If you really see the sequence he made charges of corruption against his own fellow judges of High Courts and Apex court stayed his own transfer order, issued strictures against Chief Justice of Madras High Court, and on the top of it, ordered the arrest of seven Supreme Court judges including the Chief Justice.
The unpleasant situation arising out of the judgements vis-a-vis the behaviour of Karnan, should serve as wake up call. It is not enough to think, in terms of enforcing rules and regulations as it would be viewed as strangulation of freedom of speech. The more fundamental problem that needs to be addressed is sound procedures in selection of judges. We have already seen the dissent, note of one of the judges in the collegium, Justice Chalameswar, who said that he will not be attending the meetings of collegium as it lacks transparency in selection of judges. Taking cue from the systems used in the selection of administrative jobs, police, Railways, and Revenue  services, similar approach is required in judicial administration as well.  I feel "Indian Law service" must be put in place, with meritorious Law Graduates,. These Law Officers can be promoted over a period of time based on certain criteria to become judges across the country. The selection of judges could be from the pool of meritorious Law Officers. If we can make judiciary stronger we can arrest the growing erosion of faith in judicial system.
In the instant case if Karnan, who was once a polling agent of AIADMK, and later for some time associated with Congress, is a product of defective Collegium system. His elevation as Judge raises many questions because he had virtually no known practice at the Madras Bar. By ordering his arrest and imprisonment, the Supreme Court might have sent a strong message against those making all sorts of attacks on judiciary but what is required is the correction of system. There is need for introspection and transparency in selection mechanism.

Friday, July 7, 2017

There is lot of discussion on Indo-China bilateral relations and media showing the pictures of movement of arsenal by China, which is very disturbing.The confrontation has been raging for over here 3 weeks at Doklam plateau in Bhutanese territory which forms a tri-junction between Sikkim, China and Bhutan. As I understand from the reports that China has violated the Bhutanese territory and Indian soldiers obstructed this move of China. And this is supposed to be the cause the tension. Later Army Chief Rawat made statement that India is ready for two -half -front war , and Chinese media warned India of consequences citing 1962 war. India is at a disadvantage, but the situation may not be that bad. Drunk with economic and military power China seems to be moving with terrorist mindset. Their designs in Bhutan, Arunachal Pradesh will not succeed by holding out threats and it's ways are always unpredictable, for example closing the route Nathulal-pass, for our Indian pilgrims to go to Mansarover shrine. The new Yatra route was apparently opened by Beijing to show mark of respect to Hindu religious sentiments and deepen ties with new Government under Modi, and it is not surprising that Beijing has now taken a U-turn, on the issue and stopped our pilgrims which shows how unpredictable they are.
  I have read in one of the articles, that during the period when communism was at ascendency, the then king of Sweden had remarked that "if one is not a socialist till the age of 21 it shows he /she has no heart, and if he/she continues to be a socialist after 21 years it shows the person has no head." It has back - stabbed India by occupying our Aaksaichin area, and it is hand in glove with Pakistan, and opposing India at every stage on many issues concerning India, like Entry into Nuclear Suppliers group and the UN ban on Masood Azhar have soured our relations with China.
 Both the countries have escalated the matters to undesired levels. We all know India and China put together makeup one third of humanity and do you feel can they afford to be neighbours at each other's throats? Whatever may be postures and provocations, the standoff has to be resolved by diplomatic means, but even today's morning news bulletin also says, the alarming situation on the order and it was announced that the Modi-Xi jinping meeting at G20 summit in Germany also ruled out which was not in good taste seeing the border situation. 
  India and China may have many boundary disputes but  to avoid casualties of men and material both need to pursue peace talks through bilateral efforts. India must be sticking to Mc Mohan line, and disputed areas which we have lost and efforts should be made to reclaim but not at the cost of lives of our people.