Saturday, December 22, 2018

I just finished reading the book “The Paradoxical Prime Minister, Narendra Modi and his India “by Mr. Shashi Tharoor. It took almost 20 days for me to complete the bulky book but beautifully chronicled Modi years in about 500 pages,(498 precisely). It is divided into five sections comprising 50 chapters. The author did justice to his talent and puts forth before the readers a panoramic view of Modi’s administration from his domestic policy, Swatchh Bharath to Demonetisation, call for Achhedin to GST and finally communalism to nationalism debate. I'm really happy to note that Mr. Tharoor has covered minutest details. In fact, the book reflects Tharoor’s multifaceted persona. Originally I was reluctant to read Shashi Tharoor books, as I was assuming that the language may not be simple and might be difficult for me to comprehend. But luckily this book is not of that type. The beauty of his prose lies in its lucidity and frankness to accept his mistakes.
At the outset, he says that he is paradoxical: Because he says one thing and does another.
He gives voice to a number of liberal ideas like Constitution, being his holy book, Saab ka saath , Saab ka Vikas etc.  While at the same time pandering to some of the most illiberal elements in Indian society, on whom he depends for political support.
Another paradox is how a PM who prides himself on effective governance has, through his silence, appeared to condone the worst aspect of misgovernance—communal riots, lynchings, the violence of Gau rakshaks, and so on.
The third paradox is his talk of soaring ambitions for the country when his government’s performance is underwhelming.
This brilliant study of Modi and the effect he has had on our country, answers these and other questions about the leader who is reviled and worshipped in equal measure.
Using years of close observation, personal encounters with Modi, considerable scholarship, a deep understanding of Indian politics, and an insider’s view of the way the government functions, Tharoor has stitched together a compelling portrait of Modi’s paradoxical figure. I have read an observation about this book “Never before has there been such a superbly written and devastatingly accurate account of the most controversial PM of India ever had.”
Definitely, those who are interested in Modi should invariably read.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Sardar Patel, the very name makes every Indian very proud. He is very rightly called “iron man of India”. Unveiling statue of that great man on his 143rd birth anniversary is a fitting tribute to the great soul as he could bring 656 princely states together, to strengthen liberated India. While inaugurating, our honourable PM boastfully claimed that if Sardar united the nation by merging many states geographically, his government could unite the country economically by bringing in GST.  I fail to understand, how both acts are comparable, I'm not convinced. Regarding GST, let us understand that it was taxpayers money, people are entitled to question. When BSP's Mayawati built parks and memorials, for Ambedkar and Kanshiram, she was accused of squandering public money. As long as politicians and parties use inane issues to divide people however big and tall the statue, it won’t promote unity. It was unfortunate while unveiling the statue of 182 metres, was being compared with other statues. Patel being too big a leader, and his value or height can never be measured with anyone else. The BJP may be enthusiastic to add Sardar Patel to its pantheon of leaders, but so would C.Rajagopalachary or many other freedom fighters and it is our bound by our duty to remember each one them as we owe them a great debt of gratitude.
Let us not forget the fact 31st October, is also the anniversary of the tragic assassination of Mrs. Gandhi who was not only tallest of the world leaders in her day, but deeply admired one within the country though she had her critics. Mrs. Gandhi was cut down on account of Pakistan fanned terrorism in Punjab, she had also helped bring about the birth of Bangladesh, cutting Pakistan to size. In independent India no other leader can lay a greater claim to preserving the country’s unity and integrity, yet we have forgotten to recognize the fact, and the reasons are, narrow, partisan politics, but let us not forget that the common man retains memories.
Every Indian knows the great contribution of Sardar and needs no statutory edifice to remind us of his invaluable life like Mahatma Gandhi, Nehru, Bose(Netaji), sit in the hearts of all Indians and do they require “Sarkari puja”? The political energy that has gone into the statue of unity would thus to be an exercise in superfluity. If we just see, Mahatma Gandhi, also a Gujarati, and who is still remembered, admired deeply, by the whole world, but RSS from which the current dispensation springs sees it differently which tells its own story.
The statue was as much a bold assertion of Gujarati nationalism as it gave our PM, a political lineage to distinguish him from the parent RSS which sat out of freedom struggle. Let us also remember, that no statues have been built for Guruji MS Golwalkar, Deendayal Upadhyaya, VD Savarkar, Or even for that matter, Subhash Chandra Bose who still has a far bigger imprint on our minds.
A true tribute to Patel, therefore, would be to adopt his policies, in letter and spirit, rather than constructing a huge statue. One wonders whether the statue will make the nation more united when the fact is, our present-day leaders are all set to divide the society in the name of caste, religion, and language for political gains.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

I just finished reading Jairam Ramesh 's latest book "Intertwined Lives - PN Hanskar and Indira Gandhi."  It took me 2-3 months (leisure reading only at night time) to finish reading this book unlike my friend Santosh Kalvakota who read it in just 10-15 days.
This book is a biography of late P N Haksar, the advisor, aide, conscience keeper, Principal Secretary to Mrs. Indira Gandhi. In short her  ‘AlterEgo’. For an active Congressman to write about the life and times of India’s most powerful PM when the legacy of even her father Jawaharlal Nehru, is being bitterly contested and twisted out of context on daily basis by the right reactionaries, is no mean feat.
Don’t be put off by the dull and uninviting cover of this bulky book, because inside every page bristles with valuable historical information. You feel as if Haksar has collaborated with Jairam to publish this vital book. Although his name appears as author, Jairam has chosen for the most part to stay in the background, like a director of a play, invisible. It must be author Jairam's connection as a member of that rare species, the thinking politician that led him to the gold mine of unpublished manuscripts, official memos, letters, notes, and other archival material related to Haksar .
If you read it, you will understand, that Haksar was undoubtedly a man of many seasons. The book through the writings, letters, public comments, and records of private conversations brings to life, the multi-faceted , personality of this enormously talented individual. All progressive young Indians of those times were under the tutelage of Karl Marx , and looked on Nehru as their philosophical sage.
Mrs. Gandhi picked him up, as an old family friend, soon after she became Prime Minister in1967 and he stayed with her till 1973. Those were the tumultuous years with Haksar's imprint on them. His memo on the Congress party enabled Indira to assume supremacy over her rivals with famous Congress split in1969. It was Haksar, once a Marxist and always a socialist who masterminded such policy decisions is the Abolition of Privy purses, nationalisation of banks, of coal, of oil refineries, and general insurance. He also played a very key role in the development of relations with Iran, Bangladesh, and China., rapprochement with Shaik Abdulla, Simla New Delhi Agreements, with Pakistan, the emergence of the country as an agricultural, space, nuclear power, and later integration of Sikkim with India.
This power and influence notwithstanding, he chose to walk away in 1973. Of course, again she persuaded him to join back as Special Envoy, and later as Dy. Chairman Planning Commission wherein he left an indelible mark, but exited once and for all from Govt, in 1977. But continued to be Associated with a number of academic institutions, became a patron for various national causes, like protecting India’s secular fabric, propagating scientific temper, strengthening public sector, deepening technological self-reliance. Successive Prime Ministers sought his counsel, and in1987 he initiated reconstruction of India’s relations with China. Till his death in  1998 he remained as an unrepentant Marxist, and one of India’s most respected statesman, and leading public figure.
As per Jairam , he passed away a disillusioned man. That phase began when he showed courage to advise Indira against her son Sanjay. But Indira turned out to be a mother while Haksar was of all common sense, all patriotic. And let us admit Indira had paid for her mistake. In today’s situation, can any civil servant dare to advise against the will of PM?
History applauded Haksar, and after reading it made me wonder about the fact that if these files have thrown so much light, on so many big issues, what about files by other Prime Ministerial alter egos -MO Mathai, Kanti Desai,RK Dhawan, Brajesh Mishra?
Written in Jairam's inimitable style, the goldmine waiting for an attention of thinking politicians. Jairam's chronology of the life and times of PN Haksar is eminently readable, and a “ must read” book.

Saturday, October 20, 2018

I wonder in what way the change in name of a place will affect the lives of the people (Allahabad is now Prayagraj). I am sure, you will all agree that common man today needs to fulfill his basic necessities like food, shelter, and medical facilities, etc and are least bothered about the history of the city. The CM of UP changed it on the pretext of correcting the wrong done by Akbar. It looks like CM is fond of changing the names of streets, places, now cities, but I doubt, whether he is really interested in changing the fate of the city. As I know, the so-called Prayagraj (Allahabad) ranks 96th position out of 111 cities in living standards, (livable cities) in India. But it’s only consoling that he is not alone in this bandwagon, Mayawati has changed the names of Districts. While SP’s Chief, changed them again, to old names, when they were holding the office. It is very worrying that the nation wants to draw attention, towards core issues to be solved, but politicians are busy in politicising issues so that they can be benefited in ensuing elections.

I am afraid, this is not the time to resort to such things, because those who eulogise terror they deviate the minds of innocent Muslims citing such actions which may compel them to think that the Hindus hate us and our history, that’s why they change the names of places, which have signs of Islam. We all remember Yogi, saying that Tajmahal cannot be our pride as he assumes that it was the era of slavery. These immature acts might make Muslims feel that we are prejudiced and Hindus have malice against Muslims. Truly speaking such actions beget terrorism, and provide Pakistani terrorist stooges, an opportunity to agitate Indian Muslim’s minds.
I feel it will be good , if the Apex court delegates the power of the state, which vests them the power to change the place names, as it being misused.

Friday, October 19, 2018

The resignation of MJ Akbar as a Minister of State for External Affairs must have been due to pressure building up on him, which is a positive connotation, for the #Me Too, campaign. His continuation in the post was giving the wrong message to the people as there were chances that he might influence the investigation. His resignation gives a feeling that everyone is equal before the law and gives the victims a sense of satisfaction that their voices are being heard.
It’s sad to see that there are several cases of sexual violence or rape attempts against women, irrespective of their age, and profession, being reported on a daily basis, which really disturbs all of us. This moment has bought out the names of people with a great reputation and some we might have even considered them as our role models too. All women who made allegations are from well-educated strata, and this shows that any person is vulnerable to sexual exploitation whether they are educated or not.
When women of high repute and name and fame (so-called empowered women) are facing this plight then we can only imagine what might be the position of women who are uneducated and financially dependent.
The increasing number of women coming forward and revealing the “wolves in sheep’s clothing " points to the disturbing fact that that sexual harassment is even more prevalent in our society, especially in one’s working environment, than we ever imagined it.
While sending the resignation, Akbar, gave a statement saying that he was resigning to fight the case in his individual capacity, but is it not a pity, that the Minister took 3 days after returning from a foreign tour, which was too late, according to me. Akbar went to court, as a Minister. Was this possible without the government’s encouragement, is the mute point? In India powerful can get away with anything. Had he continued as Minister, it will not be easy for an ordinary person, to fight him legally. His Defence citing elections and political angle could be very flimsy. Had he resigned and gone to court, he would have had some respect.  It is sad to see that his boss is silent especially after talking so much about the safety of women, in India.

Saturday, October 13, 2018

With the Supreme Court agreeing to hear the plea on RAFALE DEAL, I expected the tempers will cool down, but the most unfortunate thing was, the IAF Chief has used the annual press conference, ahead of Air Force Day, to defend the controversial Rafale Deal. It must be noted that Congress or any other party, have never questioned the capacity of the aircraft and in fact it is going to be game changer for IAF which has been struggling to strengthen the forces, and it is a fact that that Rafale was shortlisted after having tested six others who were part of global tender, during UPA time. The IAF Chief is reported to have told that the government has taken a bold step to buy 36 Aircraft’s “at a reasonable and adequate cost”. I feel, the cost component, is for the government of the day, to disclose, as it was claimed by the government that a better price has been negotiated when compared to UPA. It will be appropriate if top officials of armed forces, keep away from media, talking deals which are under public scanner, and moreover, the controversy is the questionable manner in which government settled for 36 aircrafts ignoring the need of 126. Does it make the IAF top brass happy with the uncertainty looming large over the remaining 108?  This issue has brought major embarrassment to the Centre, with the Defence Minister and other Ministers giving wish-washy arguments against accusations of corruption. Is it not difficult to fathom that a Defence company created just 10 days before the deal, and the contract was given to it pertaining to the most sophisticated fighter planes, while ignoring the expertise of HAL which has produced various fighter jets and continues to provide defence equipment to the armed forces even to this day. If there was no graft or nepotism, why not initiate JPC probe is the mute question? Well, Defence deals were shady, are shady, and will remain shady -under any government. It is because no one dares to question them. The total defence expenditure where we spend it and why --raise questions on that and you will be labeled anti-national. Owing to national security tag you won’t get answers. The present government didn’t even want to reveal the price at which they had bought the Rafale planes, citing confidentiality.
But here let's understand that we are buying these with tax payer’s money, from a foreign private company and the company sells these planes across the world, while our government doesn’t want to tell truth. In any case, I don’t know whether the parliamentary committee, on Defence production or Auditor General, will also have to close their eyes. If all these people, see what is the confidentiality involved except making the general public fools.
For the past few weeks leaders from both ruling and opposition have been engaged in a vitriolic war of words over the purchase agreement and Rahul looks to have taken the cue from the past, and is adopting the techniques, slogans, narratives etc of VP Singh, had deployed to vilify his father Rajiv, on Bofors. Let us remember, that no student of political science can miss the commonalities between Bofors and Rafale, which are decades apart in time, but uncomfortably close in the blame game.
*Both Bofors and Rafale hit the headlines, just one year before the Lok Sabha Elections.
*The main target then and now —the Prime Minister
*Individuals perceived to be close PM accused of influencing are, Quattrocchi in 89, now Anil Ambani.
*Opposition charged Rajiv’s that PMO was behind the Bofors deal through personal negotiations, with Swedish leaders, now Congress accuses Modi of following the same tactic by imposing Ambani as a joint venture partner with Dassault .
*In 1989 BJP with all opposition, had demanded JPC and its same story now, with BJP at the receiving end.
During Jawaharlal Nehru’s time also a scandal over irregular purchases of Jeeps for our defence sector had led to a purge in the bureaucracy and Cabinet. Subsequently, many major defence deals involving Submarines from France, MIGs from Russia etc grabbed headlines. So I think unless the influence of global lobbyists is eradicated India will remain at the mercy of foreign suppliers.
The current government did nothing to change that, in four years after being power is sad.  They either helped their rich friends get Defence deals, or made policies that indirectly give their rich friends an advantage is also, sad. Perhaps there is something wrong in the Indian value system and culture. We value relationships family, and our own friends is a bit too much and for this, we are ready to kill merit, talent, and fairness. Why don’t we make policies that enable to a new breed of entrepreneurs to emerge, if we are so sincere? As I understand, we don’t have good systems in place to secure equipment for our forces, and now all such deals will be viewed with skepticism.

Sunday, October 7, 2018

On 2nd October, India celebrated 150th birth centenary of late Mahatma Gandhi. On that occasion, the whole nation commemorated the Father of the Nation and Govt of India has also initiated the program “Swatchh Bharat” to keep the nation clean. And some people also hear an argument that Gandhiji is no longer relevant in India, as we have given up Charkha, gone in for industrialisation in a massive way and lapsed into communal frenzy. Is it enough just lighting the lamp before the photo of Gandhi ji on the occasion of his Jayanthi ? This being the season of Elections why not political parties and people of the country take up the slogan “Swatchh Chunav” for clean and fair elections as mark of respect to Bapu? For a democratic country clean and healthy elections infuse the very life into the nation.
It is painful that Mahatma has been largely restricted to being just the face of cleanliness and sanitation campaigns. We forget that his ideals are still relevant especially when it comes to cleansing the political system whether it’s a propaganda in the name of Swatchh Bharat Mission or the use of draconian laws to expropriate public resources and repress people, it’s clear that Gandhian values of truth and non-violence are given short shrift. In order to do justice to Gandhi’s memory our educational institutions will do well to recommit themselves to educate students on the place and worth of civil disobedience in the life of a democratically vibrant society and polity.
Again coming to Swatchh Bharat scheme, and its implementation, I agree there are certain serious issues, that require to be addressed like the issue of adequate water in toilets, which is why people continue to use open spaces. Second may be the tank cleaning by manual scavengers. Technological interventions such as the use of robots like one used by Kerala based start-up are essential. Keeping all this in view one wishes that the officials focused on ensuring a real change in the mindset rather than merely meeting number based dead lines.

Friday, September 28, 2018

The issue of corruption in India is discussed everywhere now a days and when I posted something related to the burning issue of RAFALE, one of my close friends /Colleague wrote that this is all happening, because the voters are corrupt, and we are only responsible for electing them. I appreciate his concern,and he is right also.
The main reason for bribery or corruption, is that the people in general are happy to do this, and give so long as, the demand is reasonable, and consistent with the favour done. Its only when the demand becomes exorbitant or when people are harassed that it comes to light. Corruption, is multidimensional and can never be contained with mere legislation in my opinion. Corruption stems from the greed and discontent which exacerbated because of societal acceptance, of corruption, and even appreciation of it.
Discontent arises from the fact that bright and talented civil servants are never allowed to work freely, and then face political pressures to make them fall in line. At the same time there is no recognition of  their work while their counterparts in corporate sectors are gaining wealth and fame by doing equal, if not more work. The criticism of corruption in the early years of democratic India was followed by tolerance of it in the years that followed and then culminated in honouring of the corrupt with high positions and even awards.
Severe forms of punishment alone can not be a deterrent as seen even in China where officials who are declared to be corrupt are simply executed. Ofcourse in India the menace of corruption is reaching peak and I feel, the corrective measures should begin from the top.
A strong accountability regime with transparent working structure and a more open and satisfying working environment are some of the long lasting solutions. Political leaders should resolutely decide to do away with it and engage themselves in the task of cleansing the system. Except paying lip service, all political parties, are totally corrupt without any exception.

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Adding fuel to the ongoing controversy Rafale, Former French President Hollande, in an interview to a media house stated that Dassault Aviation was given no choice but to partner with Ambani-led Reliance Defence for the offset clause in the Rafale fighter jet deal.
With this, the Rafale deal is proving to be an albatross around Central Govt’s neck. We have also seen the media briefing on this controversial deal, in New Delhi, few days ago, by Yeshwant Sinha and Arun Shourie -- both former Ministers in Vajpayee cabinet. And senior Advocate, Prashant Bhushan, have made certain startling revelations about the manner in which earlier UPA’s negotiations, at an advanced stage for 126 Rafale fighter jets was suddenly changed by settling for 36 fighters only. This they alleged, was in gross violation of mandatory procedures including bypassing the Cabinet Committee on Security. The purported documents in support, released by them do lend considerable credence to their charges.
BJP has been arguing that UPA Govt. inordinately delayed, the urgent need of fighter aircraft and it was Modi who completed the deal in jiffy when first aircraft itself was to be delivered only September 2019. When the questions were raised by Congress, the BJP leaders and Ministers gave contradicting answers in particular with regard to price per aircraft so much so that one of RSS supporters Mr Nigam, went on to claim that if government disclosed the price, the entire India-specific details would get revealed at the click of button through Google. Subsequently BJP started responding with a counter on Bofors deal, which is a dead issue in spite of BJP Govt's attempt to implicate Rajiv Gandhi. Also unable to give suitable answers BJP attempted to use Bollywood Actress Pallavi Joshi to simply explain the deal.
 Keeping all these things in view the trio, Sinha, Shourie, Bhushan, had come down heavily for inexplicable dropping from the project of a government owned HAL which had already entered into (by then UPA) working share agreement with Dassault Aviation according to which 70 percent of the work on 108 planes were to be done in India. Instead, a company with no past experience in the field of aerospace manufacturing, and incorporated barely days before India-France Joint statement issued on 10/4/15, has been assigned 70 percent of offset benefits worth 210 billion, apparently in flagrant violation of Defence offset guidelines that require approval by Defence Minister,
In fact the easing out of HAL made a mockery of oft-repeated “make in India” slogan. The said joint statement had unequivocally stated that “ the aircraft and associated systems and weapons would be delivered on same configuration as had been tested and approved by Indian Air Force.” Then why such a huge price differentials? 
While the Trio had described the deal as major scandal amounting to misuse of office and criminal misconduct, and places enormous additional burden on the national exchequer. Is there something more than what meets the eye? If the recent claim that the deal finalised now is much cheaper, the government should come out with time line starting from 2001 to give clear picture to the people of this country whose taxes are used to make such big purchases. 

Sunday, September 16, 2018

This is with reference to Mr Krishnasagar Rao, BJP’s spokesperson's article in an english daily titled  Congress --A failing family enterprise published on 10th Aug.  He described Congress party as a family owned business entity. I have seen Mr Krishnasagar in many discussions on televisons and he speaks very logical and is convincing in his aruguments.  But coming to this refered article, it is very evident that his motive was to defame Congress in order to prop up his own party. Not only Krishnasagar ji, many of my FB friends, also express similar opinions.
 Many people who support BJP only, say that the Nehru dynasty enjoyed power for sixty years, but I have not seen anybody talking about the sacrifices, made by Nehru, and his successors including loosing its family members. But here in the Indian context it is very common, to have their scions in the domain in which their families move. It May be very rare to see an example from any field where such legacy doesn’t continue. Even in politics too what about Bihar, UP, TS, AP and so on. Are the leaders of such states not encouraging their heirs? Therefore it looks that “my mistake is not at all a mistake but your mistake is only a mistake.” I can discuss any number of issues, but now I will only confine myself to the dynastic politics, about which it says it’s a sacred cow. But is it so?
Son of MP Ramansingh, son of Vasundhara Raje, including she herself, son of Rajveersingh MP Etah, UP,  Son of Kalyan Singh, are all not from BJP? 
Poonam Mahajan, Preetam Munde, Heena Gavit, are all daughters of BJP leaders. Raksha Khadre is the daughter-in-Law of BJP leader Eknath Khadre.Varun Gandhi, Menaka Gandhi are examples of dynastic politics in BJP party. Now BJP is fielding BH Raghavendra, son of  B.S. Yedyurappa, in coming Assembly Elections Karnataka. As I know there are 38 MPs in LokSabha, out of 281 BJP MPs, and there are 9 MPs in Rajya Sabha out of 56, who are sons and daughters of BJP leaders. So is it fair on BJP or someothers to blame Congress and Nehru family for its dynastic politics? 
Whether anybody agrees or not both Indira and Rajiv have laid down their lives, in the call of duty of the nation, but in BJP I don’t think, anyone is there who laid down their lives for the nation.

Sunday, August 26, 2018

I was pained to read a news item “in spite of law, old parents are left to fend for themselves.” One Mrs Sheela Rani, 75, was found reading scriptures, in her room, in an old age home.  Her room is equipped with a wall-mounted shrine, pictures of deities hanging on walls, utensils and few boxes, of biscuits, and other eatables --all crammed in a room. The only way to pass her time is reading books on scriptures etc. It is mentioned that Mrs Rani who has son and two daughters, has been living away from her children for the past 13 years. When asked she replied that the reasons for her being there can be inferred easily, and she was reluctant to speak the truth, but on persuasion it seems she said that “had my husband been alive, I would have still been at home, with my grand children around me” she lamented. She added that her husband died 26 years ago, and her equation with her son and his wife had not been the same thereafter.
The Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior citizens Act 2007 makes it legal obligation for children and heirs to provide maintenance to parents by giving monthly allowance, which includes Food, clothing, residence, and medical attendance, treatment etc. When asked why she doesn’t file a case , she replied that a mother doesn’t fight, with her own children.
Sanyasa (renunciation) is the most apathetic stage in life disabling the aged with ailments, pains and sufferings.They need proper health care system, which is in a vulnerable position. Governments turn Nelson’s eye to the shelter homes for the aged as 64% of the present generation of youngsters are brutally kicking them out, as per one report.  Government needs to build “Homes for the aged” charging nominal fee. As per latest CII report India’s elderly population, is expected to reach 300 millions by 2050 from 104 millions at present, accounting for18% of the total population. To put it proper perspective, India’s population of 60+ is already equal to the entire population of Mexico, and Russia and by 2050 it may be close to the whole population of US.  Our population of 80+ age group will itself be equal to Belgium, or Greece. This is both an opportunity and a challenge. As it is, the senior care is in its nascent stage, and obviously there is need for Centre to create a Ministry for Elders care, in my view. If you read Bhagavatam (Dasamaskanda) it is mentioned that if we ill-treat elder people it will destroy our fame, wealth, lifespan, and well being.

Friday, August 24, 2018

On last Saturday Mr ImranKhan was sworn in as Prime Minister of Pakistan. But he will be daunted with many challenges. The country has balance payments crisis. The judiciary, there must be in hyperactive mood, many Pakistanis, including senior military officials blame the incompetent, political class for its chronic problems. They have been yearning for a messiah like figure who can turn Pakistan into a financially autonomous, and militarily robust nation that is respected globally. They see Mr Khan as man of that destiny. Imran Khan was repeatedly proclaimed as front runner by the Pakistani media made people suspect that he has backing of Army-ISI. An interesting fact about him is that , though it’s a coincidence, Khan made his team, world champion in 1992 by 22 runs, became 22nd Prime Minister, of Pakistan after 22 years of struggle. His slogan for NAYA PAKISTAN, must have got acceptance as he constructed a cancer hospital and must be providing a world class Education in the form of Nama University. If Mr Khan who sought to portray himself as different from others and is aspiring to change the narrative of Pakistan, let him attempt it.

Monday, August 20, 2018

Today’s special focus,in NTV,9/30pm was very interesting.While discussing about drastic fall in rupee ,a doubt was expressed that Petrol price,touching Rs100/per litre, is not far away.A spike in oil prices is leaving the people ,particularly middle class,and the poor harried.Iam sure it will definitely show negative impact,on the economy, as inflation will flareup, and the RBI will again be forced to hike the lending rates.The result will be industrial recession,compounded or multiplied by deceleration of rupee value further, against the dollar, the reports say.India needs to take up with Saudi Arabia to secure adequate supplies.It should also demand waiver of sanctions,from Trump Admn,(US) , on oil trade with Iran,The zUS calls India its strategic partner, ,but we should know whether it is a rhetoric.It is said that taxes by centre and states account for over 50% of the sales price of oil.They need to find other resources to raise the funds,as letting oil prices, scale up any further will create incendiary situation in India,which may singe the central government, in particular.

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

It is an everyday phenomenon to see political opponents outwit each other all the time through their daily quotes, speeches and bites to media. But in that process of outsmarting each other they quite often they get their facts incorrect. Recent statement of BJP chief, during his  West Bengal tour, who said that his party can never be dubbed as anti-Bengali, as alleged by Mamta, because the party’s founder itself was a Bengali, Shyamaprasad Mukherjee. But many pointed out that Mukherjee founded Bhartiya Jansangh, in 1951, not BJP, as the BJP came into existence in 1980. 
Another instance also like this Mr Sha, while expressing his solid support for “one nation, one election,” he had stated that there were instances when people in a state, had voted for one party at the centre, and another in the state, when both Assembly,and Parliament elections held together and also it was stated by him that in Karnataka in 1980 the voters chose Congress for Parliament and for the state, Janatadal secular. But the statement was incorrect on two counts (I stand for correction if Iam wrong) one, in 1980 the elections were not Simultaneous held and secondly, Janata party’s win was in the year 1983.
Again if one just goes back to period of recent Karnataka elections, where our PM and the Congress, both national parties gave totally incorrect information to the public, just to garner the sentiment and votes. Most of the mistakes were from our PM, but here again I don’t like to blame him totally, (as it must be his speech writer
who fed the information) , but whatever it was, PM  who said during elections rallies, that , it was in the year 1948, it was under General Thimmayya’s leadership the war against Pakistan was won and after that victory the saviour of Kashmir, Gen Thimmayya  was repeatedly insulted by the then PM Nehru and then Defence Minister VK Krishna Menon and it was for this reason Gen Thimmayya had resigned for his post.
But there was no element of truth in it. In the first instance Gen Thimmayya was not the Chief of Army, at that time, it was Mr Roy Bucher. It is authoritatively learnt that Gen Thimmayya was divisional Commander with the rank of Major General. While it was correct to say that Gen. Thimmayya  played critical role in the Kashmir war, he was never humiliated either by PM or Defence Minister at that point of time. Thirdly it is incorrect to say that Krishna Menon was the Minister of Defence, it was Sardar Baldevsingh. 
  The cursory look at the carrier of Thimmayya,shows how Nehru rewarded him,for the good work.In1953 Nehru appointed him to head the UN Neutral Nation’s Repatriation Commission I. A very prestigious appointment, and subsequently awarded Padmabhushan, in 1954, by Nehru Govt, later he became Army Chief, superseding two officials. Unfortunately,the Congress spokes man, who was to correct the record straight, also did the mistake by clarifying that Gen Thimmayya was Indian High commissioner in UK during 1957-62. The fact of the matter is Gen Thimmayya was Army Chief in Delhi, Ofcourse the high commissioner was V K Krishna Menon .
Coming to Gen Cariappa, he was not Army Chief during 1962 Indo-China war. He had retired 9 years before., and the fact is his 4th successor was Chief when the war broke out. Further it was stated that Gen Cariappa was also traeated badly, by the Nehru, also, the facts suggest other wise. The fact could be Nehru and Cariappa might have had differences, but the fact was, that after his term, as Chief of Army, he was sent as High Commissioner to Australia, thus starting a tradition that the Sevice chiefs could be sent as Ambassadors, and this trend continued till 1980s.  importantly, after 33 years ,Rajiv made him Field Marshal, which will never have any retirement,if Iam correct.
If you ponder over all these facts, Congress Governments ill treated military heads of Karnataka, is far from truth, as the facts speak the other way. If Mr Surjewala had kept quiet, the mistakes would have been one sided.

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

'Arvind Subramanian, the Chief Economic Adviser steps down before term'
screamed front page headlines a few days ago.  It is interesting to recall that though he was initially appointed as CEA in Oct 2014 for a period of3 years, his term was extended till  May 2019. It would be highly imprudent to either question or comment on his decision to quit.
In a period of 3 years, three excellent economists have left the country after serving in top positions. And all these resignations or exits do raise a question on the government even though they cited personal reasons for the departure publicly. Raghuramrajan , didn’t seek an extension, while Aravind Panagaria who was handpicked by PM to run NITIAYOG , sought a premature exit, and now Chief CEA, is cutting short the extension, resigned quoting some personal reasons. On the assumption of office, though the present government was able to attract the best of the available talent among the economists, mostly IMF variety,  it has not been able to retain them.
However one fails to see any rationale behind Arun Jaitley himself announcing the CEA’s departure in a blog post. Is it not questionable? Was it appropriate for him to accept the resignation of Subramanian, as he is understood to have acquired the status of a “Minister without portfolio", soon after proceeding on medical leave for kidney ailment? Should CEA not have submitted his papers to Mr. Piyush Goyal, who happens to be nation’s interim Finance Minister?

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Just before Karnataka Assembly Elections, there was a major hyperbole about the Electrification of all the villages in India.  It was a carefully timed political gimmick. In our system, the masters are clearly politicians. One  state power Minister tweeted “we have electrified all the villages.” But  PM was more precise and careful and claimed: “ every single village in India now has access to electricity ". When I tried to gather information on this out of my own curiosity, I found, neither was correct.

Under the definition in place, since October 1997, if a village has a distribution transformer, and power lines in place, as well as electricity provided, to public places, like schools, panchayat offices, and dispensaries including Just 10% of its households, it is deemed to be electrified. But in states like Jharkhand, UP, and Assam, nearly 50% of the rural households have no power. So to consider such villages "electrified” could be far from the truth.

The fact that all of India’s nearly 600,000 villages are electrified, means, it’s no mean achievement, but celebrating over just a piece of statistics like the last inhabited village of India getting electrified is celebrating a bit too early. Afterall, don’t Indian citizens find it a bit weird that all inhabited villages in the country have been electrified, when a simpler and more basic need of potable drinking water in every village is still a far cry.?

In fact, it is even questionable whether they have “access to electricity, as such.” According to the Oxford dictionary, the appropriate meaning of the word Access is the”right or opportunity to use”. But do households which remain in the dark have either the right or opportunity? Only theoretically because whilst the necessary infrastructure is missing the truthful answer is: definitely not as yet and maybe not for a long time to come.

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

 TTD's dirty linen is being washed in the public which is covered by various media outlets. The Head priest Ramanna Deekshitulu has been eased out on attaining the age of superannuation (65). In all fairness the retirement is fixed only for regular Govt employees, enjoying the time-scale of pay, having fixed  TA &DA. Having leaves, and holidays of various kinds, with other perks, perquisites while in service, terminal benefits at the time retirement, pension after retirement, till his death, and family pension throughout the lifetime of the spouse, as far as my knowledge goes, as an HR professional. Therefore, TTD priests do not come under such category. But here not a day passes without arms and wings of Govt meddling with Hindu religious institutions. The abode of worships, centers of unity in diversity, are turned into hotbeds of controversies. Of all the places, the most revered one,  TTD, is always in the news, for the bad reasons. TTD board being an autonomous body, it can fix its own rules, but the norms must be applicable to all, including, Board Members and Chairman, alike, but it’s confinement only to selected priests smacks not only of arrogance, ill-motivation, but also it sounds irrational and ill-logical.

Ever since the new board has assumed office, it has been triggering unnecessary controversies, and the present retirement issue is entirely afresh. Any unpleasant decision should always be implemented in a smooth and dignified manner.  But in this case, the decision to ease them out was taken, after the chief priest, revealed, certain lapses in Administration, of the temple, sent the wrong signal, leading people to think that it is purely an act of vengeance. As per the present action, the axe may fall on all Archakas of all temples in AP.

The board is bound to give an explanation to the objections raised by none other than the Head priest. It has to instill the confidence in devotees, by clearing the doubts they have in their minds. The main contentions of Deekshitulu that they are not allowed, to follow AGAMA rules, in worshiping the God, missing many ornaments, presented by kings like Srikrishna Devaraya, and damaging old constructions, etc, should be clarified, with authentication.

A constant lingering question that arises in my mind is, why are Hindu temples involved in so many controversies? Govt even can not dare to think of intervening in the religious affairs of other communities. Questioning irregularities at one of the most sacred pilgrim centers for Hindus, can not invite summary removal from the from service itself, in the name of retirement. By this action, the TTD board raises suspicion that it has something to hide from the public.

Saturday, May 12, 2018

It is alarming that WHO has ranked 14 Indian cities to be among the 20 most polluted ones globally. This is a serious issue as it does affect, countless lives, even though it may feel like an invisible phenomenon. I was aghast to note that the levels of Air Pollution in our cities have risen to an extent that breathing normal air is equal to smoking twenty-three cigarettes a day.
The occurrences of the heat wave, dust storms, and flash floods have been on the rise. Past week,  some people lost their lives, because of hail storms and thunderbolts in some places.  The root cause for all these natural calamities is nothing but mindless deforestation. Our cities are only concrete jungles. Deteriorating air quality in Hyderabad city is also alarming. The green cover has been fast receding and I see no proper plan on the part the governments to protect the environment. It’s high time the measures of damage control were put in place. The current practice like “planting one sapling and cutting one hundred trees” has to stop otherwise it will leave us in the lurch.
Now are living a life where we have to buy water and I feel if we continue neglecting our environment very soon we may end up needing to buy fresh air too.
Policies to fast-track the use of electric vehicles should become a priority, which KCR may be doing it if everything goes well, as per yesterday’s news report.
The state of our public transport such as buses is a separate story. The Auto-rickshaws and two-wheelers are equally harmful.
Both central and state governments, need to take concerted efforts, to address the serious problem, instead of concentrating on Bullet trains, this is the need of the hour.

Monday, May 7, 2018

Recently  NTV had a storyboard show on the judiciary, impeachment, and its implications.  What I understood from the program is that the proposal for the impeachment motion was ill-conceived. As far as I know, this is the first time, in the Indian history that there has been a move to impeach the CJI of SC. This impetus move was conceived by Congress, followed up few other parties, including Communists. However, this proposal has been turned down by Vice-President of India, Mr. VenkaiahNaidu with an observation that it lacked substantial merit.
The constitution, it seems, says, that a CJ could be impeached only on the grounds of proved misbehaviour or incapacity. However as the political class attempted to debate on the differences in the top judiciary of the apex court , the top court must itself address the issues being seized by politicians, who insist that the CJ is not assigning sensitive cases to senior judges and allotting them to his hand-picked judges, in his capacity as master of roaster . I don’t know whether this comes under proven misbehaviour? When it contends and cites the public outburst of four senior judges of SC and their allegations of abuse by CJ. The CJ must have addressed these issues by convening a full court. Another issue which was raised and had had some dark ramifications including insinuations about the way he dealt with a petition by a medical college a case of suspected bribery etc.  But are the senior judges who question these acts of CJ entirely wrong? While putting in place the Collegium system for judicial appointments, the SC says “consultations with CJ” meant that the consultation with a plurality of judges.
Mr. Naidu rejecting the motion against the CJI, maybe a big setback to the opposition parties, but the image of the apex court is greatly tarnished in eyes of general public. Judiciary should regain the lost confidence which is the need of the hour. Given the simmering discontent within the judiciary, the issue certainly deserved closer scrutiny as it was also chance for the political class to engage itself in an enlightened debate on the wide range of issues affecting the higher judiciary. An impartial inquiry would have instilled confidence in the common man.
The serious action may be a resultant of  “LOYA’s CASE” Supreme court’s ruling.  This case may be a victory for Amit Shah, but it doesn’t explain why the Judge’s family said that he had been offered Rs100crores, and why there were  unexplained injuries on his body and why the entire data has been erased from his phone when the instrument was returned to his family, three days after his death? All these incidents cast aspersions on the justice delivery system and therefore it would be seen by some as reluctance to bring out the truth.

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

The other day in NTv there was big story on cash crunch while many other channels also reported it in different way about sufferings of the people in this city of Hyderabad for want of cash in ATMs .After Seeing all this I have a feeling that again now we are back to the days when Demonetisation of higher denomination of notes announced and implemented.As per the reports many ATMs in bothTelugu states and in Karnataka,which goes to polls soon, welcome users with “no cash “”notice.With this type of notices,displayed on the doors of many ATMs in city people are encountering scenarios like the ones they faced after Demonetisation.
Is it a happy situation that we are denied access to our own money when we require it? What we have here may not be a full blown financial emergency akin to the Demonetisation day’s, but it is certainly a crisis situation.Cashless ATMs are no great advertisement for the buoyancy of the economy.People have a feeling that the ghost of Demonetisation have come back to haunt people with cash crunch.States like TS andAP had written to Govt of India,RBI etc for making available the sufficient cash reserves but Iam sorry to say that the ATM have become “”all time mess”” .The roumers are afloat that the shortage was intentionally created as the GOI is hoarding the cash for the upcoming Karnataka Elections.
The public ,particularly in rural and non-metro areas ,is facing hardships due to cash crunch.The centre’s proposed financial resolution and deposit insurance bill,has launched a big scare among people as it purportedly allowsfailing banks to use depositors money to cut losses.Due to this ,perhaps,people are withdrawing money to invest in real estate,etc as people’s trust is eroding in public sector banks besides string of high-profilebank frauds which came to light recently.
Moreover the issuance of Rs 2000currency note in lieu of earlier Rs1000 was a move I’ll-thought of,.In what manner it re-monetises the economy faster, is a moot point.Moreover the principle that the next higher subsequent higher denomination should be Rs 2or2’5 higher is thrown away to winds .The damage that was done to the economy is irreparable as per top economists including Manmohansingh and Chidambaram,whose statements we have ignored, just for political reasons but ultimately that is the reality,which any sane man has to accept,.This situation has become a ready made heaven for hoarders but in the process you have made life of a common average consumer most miserable.
We are back from a refreshing short trip to Chennai and Pondicherry which we took along with my oldest daughter, son-in-law, and grandkids.  We also had the fortune of visiting Adiparashakti temple in Melmarvattor and also had darshan goddess Kamakshi. 
During this four day trip, I carried book titled “Wheels Behind The Veil written by Late PVRRK Prasad, IAS, Media Advisor to former PM PV Narasimha Rao.
Mr. Prasad, had the advantage of working with  PV Narasimha Rao, DR.M.Chenna Reddy, VengalaRao, N T Rama Rao, Dr. Manmohansingh very closely, and he tried to throw some light on many complex situations which he witnessed. This book contains several things that had happened behind the veil of political governance and had not been revealed earlier for various reasons, are revealed here without hesitation with a particular reference to the relationship between senior civil Servants and political bosses.
 We have a feeling that normally an IAS officer, will enjoy power and authority at the expense of tax payer’s money, sitting AC bungalows, a happy go lucky fellows.These officers are the wheels that turn Administration behind the veil of political governance. This concept is very well explained in this book, which people will enjoy with little interest in Administration and contemporary politics.
The approach was slightly different, perhaps the writer wanted to hold the mirror to the contemporary political and administrative scenario. But it is confirmed by the writer that nothing in this book was hearsay as every incident mentioned, he had some role to play or was a direct witness. So his account of various events appears authentic, especially on PV, his approach to burning issues then, his interactions with bureaucracy and political bosses etc.
The most interesting thing which I liked, in this book, is that as Media Advisor he tried to clear many misunderstandings people have about PV, on Ayodhya and Babri-Masjid demolitions, his connections with Tantrik Chandraswamy, Hawala racket, including film star Rajinikanth’s entry into Congress etc, being closely associated with many intricate issues, this bureaucrat had cleared the air. 
During the Babri-Majid demolition time, some important section in Congress also blamed him, but if you read this, you will be convinced that it is far from the truth. He has taken all precautions and written commitments. But was ditched by top BJP leadership (Of course not Vajpayee), the imposition of  President’s rule was suggested, which as a true democrat, a strong believer in value-based politics, he didn’t want to throw out a democratically elected government, without following due procedure. He made it clear to all important Congress leaders including Arjun Singh, who also nodded his head, but later spread false stories. As strong God believer, he made sincere efforts for the construction of Ram temple. The writer was actively involved when an apolitical Ram temple construction Trust was formed by associating Adwaita, Dwaita, Vishistadwaita pithadhipathis, and heads of other important mutts,  and got it registered. Bringing together all mathadhipatis was a very very difficult task. It is very easy to talk Sri Ravishankarji and ask him to negotiate, but it was very challenging to get pithadhipatis to show some interest in such matters. It represented all cross-sections of Hindu society and it had members acceptable to all political parties
The last chapter “When PV deemed power a curse”  highlights his personality. He was in Hyderabad one day, after having been exonerated by Supreme Court in cash-for- votes and other cases, he wanted Prasad to help him in selling his house, for making payments to his lawyers.As CM of AP, he handled large amounts of party funds, later he occupied many important positions in Delhi.Prasad writes that he couldn’t believe that a man of his stature had to sell his house to clear his Advocates dues. I was pained to read that party leaders including CMs who benefited from their acquaintance with PV didn’t bother about him once he lost power. I think some believed that PV was too good a man to mind their silence and some others deliberately kept aloof from lest they should fall foul of his successors. Finally, PV was left alone to fend for himself.

Saturday, April 14, 2018

One has to hang one’s head in shame with the recent horrific crimes, that jolted the nation’s conscience- in Unnao UP where a minor girl was the victim, allegedly raped by BJP MLA and another eight-year-old child from the nomadic tribe by police personnel in Kathua near Jammu. Congress as such got bad name after three decades of its governance, regarding corruption and other crimes,  but BJP seems to have acquired all this very fast and replaced Congress. In respect ofYogi Adityanath, it is not enough if he holds a clean image, but he must act fast to Demonstrate it and also purge the state of all despicable patriarchal mindsets that have accumulated over the decades of political rule. Today the accused MLA Kuldeep was arrested by CBI and justice should be done fast without further dilly-dallying. The worst part of it is the victim's father died in police custody under suspicious circumstances. Ensuring protection of women from rapes Love Jihads, casting couch etc should always constitute one of the top priorities of Rajdharma, whether be it UP, Kerala, TS or any state.
 The highest melancholy of human life is a physical assault on the chastity of virginity. The holistic saying about the women the world over is "if wealth is lost nothing is lost if health is lost something is lost if chastity of women is lost everything is lost.” This rape culture is spreading like a hazardous virus. I'm sorry to say, not a day passes without a dozen rape cases. Can anyone understand the traumatized victim-patient and her parent’s pains? The fallacious judicial pronouncements may even force them to go to appellate courts. The heart of every human being pinched with pain to read a report in media that 39 rape incidents occurred in the prestigious JNU during 2014/15. This phobia of dastardly moral decline in the students raises its ugly head owing to unethical and unscientific education that has not been kindling creative impulse and innovative spirit in the minds of youngsters and also may be due to entrapping of social media cum movies.
I also feel that the criminals are emboldened because of the laxity in the enforcement of the law besides enormous delay in filing and processing of cases.Justice delayed is justice denied.

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Senior most Advocate and former Law Minister, Shanti Bhushan filed PIL in SC, seeking clarification on the administrative authority of CJI as the”master of roster” and seeking laying down of principles and the procedures to be followed in preparing the roster for allocation of cases to other benches, as reported in a section of press today.
While filing the case on behalf of his father, Mr Prashant Bhushan,also wrote a letter to the Secretary General of SC, stating that the matter should not be listed before the bench that includes CJI, DeepakMisra.
Further, It is also reported that the letter said that it would be appropriate that the case be placed before three senior most judges of SC, for allocating it before an appropriate bench. In the petition the CJI has been named as one of the respondents along with the registrar .
This report shows the sad state of affairs in our top judiciary.
The letter by Justice Chalameswar last week to CJI with copies to all the judges, is sufficient to indicate that the health of the judicial system in India which appears to be in very bad shape and the “independence “ and preeminence of judiciary stands compromised.
The letter of the senior most judge after CJI, asked for a sitting of the full court,-all judges of SC to discuss the matter of CJ of Karnataka HighCourt, Dinesh Maheswari who has also made himself available to be used and trampled upon by Union Law Ministry. In the process law ministry has with the report of justice Maheswari, disregarded and denigrated the SC Collegium which had twice sent the name of the District Judge KrishnaBhat, for elevation to the HighCourt. Infact, SC Collegium had recommended Bhatt’s name for elevation but the law ministry is sitting on the file, even after Bhat’s name has been recommended not once but reiterated its previous recommendation, after allegations levelled against Bhat by some Lady Magistrate were found to be false. Its on record that Previous Chief Justice of Karnataka High Court enquired into the allegations and submitted his report to SC collegium. Acting on the same, Bhats name has been cleared by SC collegium and forwarded to GOI. Law is fairly settled that once SC collegium reinterates any name, GOI has no option but to follow the collegium Recommendation. Curiously, GOI directly writes to the Karnataka CJ, bypassing the SC, the CJ Karnataka acts upon the communication and institutes a second enquiry.
Thus, in my opinion, the CJ Karnataka has committed grave contempt of the SC. Now its to be seen what SC is going to do in that matter…????
Its often said that Public memory is very short. Not long ago, we have witnessed high profile cases having far reaching consequences, being entrusted to Benches to the Choice of CJI. When 4 senior most Judges revolted by going to Press, some remedial measures appear to have taken place, including the allotment of cases to other benches, but major PIL cases are kept with CJI himself.
One Cannot be a Judge of his own case….is a very old saying.
Its curious to note that CJI is hearing cases where allegations are indirectly/directly made against CJI himself, even after the historic press conference of 4 senior most judges, one of them is likely to be next CJI…
It’s shocking to learn that hundreds of HighCourt Judge appointments recommended by SC Collegium are pending with the government for about ,not two months but two years as per the statement of second senior most judge of SC. Sitting on the file indirectly amounts to be a case of Executive arrogance/interference in the business of judiciary, which is against the principles of constitution. The basic feature of Indian constitution is independence of judiciary. There should be some time frame for the Govt to accept or not to accept the Collegium’s recommendations.
The friction between the Executive and Judiciary is not a new phenomenon. DuringMrs Gandhi’s regime also, a single party with majority and strong popular leadership attempted to turn things to its advantage. Executive which has been accused of “Sitting”on judges appointments (a former CJI reduced to tears before PM) despite huge vacancies, and backlog,.
As per the report there are about 230names recommended by top court Collegium as judges of various HighCourts which are kept pending for the past almost two years.
Even in the case of SC two names CJ Of Uttarakhand HC KM Joseph, and a senior Lawyer Indu Malhotra for appointment as top court judges didn’t find favour with the government.
Justice Chalameswar’s letter is a “dire warning about the state of Indian judiciary, which appears to have been seriously compromised by the Executive “”said Mr Dushyant Dave , a view shared byBhushan who lamented that “unfortunately CJ is not doing anything to stop this interference by the government “ But one has to concede that both the Collegium and NJAC Act have their own pit falls,according to the reports,. In the end the suggestion to form an independent full time body to select judges doesn’t inspire confidence.
A middle path needs to be urgently found as crores of cases are pending in various courts including at the appellate level. The present government brought the NJAC through an amendment but it had some inherent flaws and struck down by SC. Besides CJI , two apex court judges after him in seniority, ,NJAC has members including the Union Law Minister and two eminent persons chosen by the committee consisting of CJI ,PM,and leader of the opposition. The main pit fall in this is , that members of the panel were given veto power which means the law minister could throw out any name sent sent to it by judicial side. That might also be the reason why this amendment was struck down.
Viewed from any angle, this sort of grave situation of friction between Government and Judiciary on one hand coupled with unprecedented squabbles within the Judicial system on the hand is not going to do any good for our country. Justice Chalameshwar is retiring in June and two other senior most Judges also before the end of 2018. Justice Ranjan Gogoi who is tipped to be the next CJI is one of the four Judges who openly revolted against the SC CJI and his style of functioning. Its to be seen what the Government is going to do with Justice Gogoi..????
Will he be humiliated like Jayant patel (who ordered CBI enquiry against Amit Shah resulting in Amit Shah being sent to Jail) and go the same way as Justice Jayant Patel…
What Judgement SC is going to pronounce in the case of death of Judge Loya in suspicious circumtances in Nagpur.. (It may be recalled that Judge Loya took strong exception for the absence of Amit Shah in the fake encounter case of Sohrabuddin sheikh & his wife Kausarbi)..
It shouldn’t be long before we see answers to all the above and many other issues…. WATCH…
"Democracy is beautiful in theory, but in practice, it is a fallacy” as per Mussolini. This was what I was remembering when I came to know that the post-budget session was washed out. I'm of the very firm opinion that the leader of the house and treasury benches should take a major part of the blame for the low performance. As I have observed that their efforts to coordinate the house are far from satisfactory and it is unfortunate that even the Speaker has not been proactive in facilitating, the introduction of a no-confidence motion, instead of being mechanically reactive to the ruckus in the Houses. When the entire session seemed to have washed out the speaker could have resorted to the rulebook to bring the house in order. The Speaker’s repeated denials to permit discussions on the motion, proposed by YSRCP, TDP and even Congress, on the pretext of pandemonium in the house, reflected the timidity of the government. But again here let us remember that it is an ill-conceived fact that NDA which had always criticised UPA2, for its anarchy, during sessions followed the same route. Surprisingly it is a comedy that ruling party at the center is planning to go on a hunger strike for a day, to express its displeasure over the opposition parties, role in logjam. Further, it was reported that NDA MPs are going to return their 30 days emoluments under “no work no pay” policy. I think people will understand this type of gimmicks. The Speaker has got power to suspend the members obstructing the proceedings, but that was not done, and in the meanwhile, the house guillotined Rs 24 lakh crores budget without an iota of discussion. I fail to understand, why the government was afraid of motion, having a brute majority? It seemed running away from a debate on budgetary priorities, like persisting problems on agriculture unemployment, industrial slump, rising fuel prices, soaring inflation, hasty implementation of Demonetisation and GST etc.
 The common people of this country do wonder whether this is the type of democracy they wish for. It cannot be imagined that what sort of message this highest lawmaking body is passing on to state legislatures, local bodies, through its present way of functioning.
Therefore this time the onus for failure totally lies with the ruling as the main opposition had remained helpless in the adjournment saga and if this is the type of parliament functioning there is every need to go for a change in the constitution.

Friday, April 6, 2018

It’s no doubt, that entire world is suffering from the spate of fake and propaganda news. In social media, especially in WhatsApp groups, a lot of fake messages are in circulation.I am really pained to say, that I have become victim many times when I was told that it was fake, I expressed sorry also. When the content is appealing and we genuinely feel, others also may enjoy, but when we come to know that it is fake, we feel dejected. I am sorry to say that I have shared one message 2/3days ago which says that our former chief election commissioner Mr. Seshan and his wife passed away, but later I came to know that it was fake, and I felt very bad to know this. But this gag order being the case of journalists,and the fact of the matter is all journalists do not necessarily spread all such news. As I know we see two types of journalists; first boot licking and sycophant journalists who support the government for everything while the second variety subscribes to expose the wrongdoers and the consequences are of little importance. The government could have, therefore, threatened to take away their accreditation, branding them as fake.

In the present context, the explosive growth of social media has unleashed fake news also. However, the key question remains whether the government could dictate terms to the media and decide what is genuine and what is false. Past experience shows that any attempt by the government to gag the media in the name of regulation, has boomeranged, be it the infamous Press bill, of Rajiv, in 1988, or the Emergency restrictions. Therefore self-regulation is way forward to protect the independence of media and uphold the freedom of expression. Actually, with the PM Modi ‘s intervention the I&B Minister Smriti Irani, withdrew the order within 24 hours, laying down new guidelines to punish journalists for creating and spreading fake news. Her directive, evoked widespread criticism as it was seen as an attempt to muzzle and intimidate, the free press ahead of general elections. Though controversial order has been withdrawn, considerable damage has already been done in terms of perception battle.As a matter of fact, the present decision of withdrawal has been the quickest in Indian history. This is the second time Modi government has blinked on a media-related issue. If my memory serves me right, the first was in 2016 when the Ministry put on hold its order to shut down NDTV India for a day in the face of strong and united opposition by the media.
There was a report “PM withdraws order threatening journalists over the fake news” this headline used by a newspaper was quite apt. As rightly observed by former Editor and BJP Minister Arun Shourie, (who is no longer in the good books of the current BJP government as he always stood on the side of the truth) the defunct order issued in the name of I&B Minister, could not have come without clearance by PM or PMO. The order was nothing but a trial balloon to divert media attention from covering burning issues which are affecting the image of Modi and his government. Therefore the PM’s order is a clear sign to Irani who has been aggressively taking on the criticism on social media platforms.The Editors Guild of India has rightly pointed out that the Ministry’s Order would have opened floodgates for frivolous complaints to harass journalists and organisations to fall in line.  And doubts are being raised over the impartiality and independence of the recently constituted Press Council of India.

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

A very large number of Indians use Facebook and other social media, are really startled to note the breach of personal data of 50 million people across the globe from Facebook through  Cambridge Analytica, a British firm that has employed dubious methods. I feel, this must be a wake-up call for The Indian Govt, as it is supposed to frame comprehensive and a robust data protection law.
Whenever we celebrate something, we generally post it on FB, so that the kith and kin would enjoy. But many people share a lot of personal information on the social media platform not knowing its implications. We don’t even know whether we are victims of this micro-targeting during elections but we should know that our information may not be safe in the hands of a foreign company.
In the last few days, we have seen how both Congress and BJP are busy in trading charges about the alleged links with Cambridge Analytica, and lakhs of social media users in our India are seriously worried that their personal data could have been stolen, misused or even compromised. Whatever explanation FB might be offering, about the data breach, can it conceal the fact that its data safety systems are weak? The fact of the matter is, it has failed to honor the deep trust reposed in it by millions of people, who use it. Now stringent action needs to be taken against the culprits if it is found that the data has been exploited.
And it's an irony that I'm posting grievance against FB on FB.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Today’s newspaper carries a report that for the banks ensuing 3/4days, they are closed due to holidays which in turn may cause a lot of inconvenience to the general public.In fact, the holiday culture is killing the Indian productivity. On an average, the government employees enjoy holidays for more than 72 days excluding sick leave, LTC leave. If we keep aside the forced holidays by politicians, what a criminal waste of time in the name of holidays? In my personal view, the government should declare only 3 national holidays Independence Day, Republic Day,and Gandhi Jayanthi. There should a separate list, of holidays for different religious people for their festivals should be declared and people belonging to a particular religion may be allowed to use the holiday meant for the festival while the other employees belonging to other religion may be allowed to work, which will enhance the productivity. I don’t understand what will Muslims or Christian’s do during Hindu festivals and vice-versus? Except for the father of the nation, the births and death anniversaries of all other national leaders,  the holidays should be cancelled forthwith. The officials should pay tributes standing silence for 2 minutes as a matter of respect, in their respective offices and I'm sure this is the only correct way of remembering the services, of such great people. If the vote bank politics are kept aside, a determined leader like Modi Ji, could certainly prune the unwanted holidays and cultivate the work culture among the employees, for the productivity of the nation.Another practical suggestion of mine is, that instead of a six-day week, all the government offices, should strictly work for 8 hours, in a day, for 5 days in a week, and 2 days weekends may be left for the family enjoyment after pruning unwanted holiday

Sunday, March 25, 2018

The BJP led central government is now caught in catch 22 situation after Karnataka government decided to give an independent religion tag to Lingayats. This is definitely a shrewd move by SiddaRamaiah, to split BJP’s Lingayat base,The decision to recommend minority religion tag to the Lingayat community, might have surprised many, and definitely people will say that this was done fir political reasons, but it is quite natural, for party’s survival, and somebody else is in his place, also would have done it.Here the CM prodded some of his ministers to run a vigorous campaign, appointed a committee, got it recommended, to avoid political lapses.But here the the joke of the season is a BJP leader accusing CM of Karnataka, dividing people on communal lines, and this is called pot calling kettle black. Lingayats with Yeddyurappa as leader ,have been BJP’s presumed support base. Siddaramaiah has created a havoc, for BJP by formally approving its demand for a separate religious status. Of course Veerashaivas in Karnataka are opposing it.On the other hand CM has ordered display of portraits of Basavanna in all government offices across the state, as Lingayats follow him and his Vachanas.
Another smart action by CM was, playing the Kannada pride card.He got the signboards in Hindi removed which was welcomed by many .The government also promoted Kannada flag which there hitherto, in the pre-Independence day’s of the Samyukta Karnataka movement.In the last five years, I don’t know whether he did any outstanding work, but is a man of vision ,with no major scam caught up in tenure.It looks he has managed the budgets well ,and populist move of  Indira canteens have won lot appreciation, I believe.
In the circumstances a direct test of strength between Siddaramaiah and Yediyurappa’s BJP can well go in CM’s favour. But here again the main obstacle for him may be the vote-wasting capability of most frustrated politician Deve Gowda, and his JD(s) doesn’t have a hope in hell of getting anywhere near the power, but he could be an effective nuisance .

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

 We keep hearing TDP leaders right from Union Ministers (former), MPs, MLAs, and spokespersons in TV shows, say or still continue to harp on the same old story, that the AP’s bifurcation was, unscientific, hasty, and unjust. In my view it totally incorrect and far from the truth. The main grouse is no capital, and for this where is the necessity to blame Congress? Did Congress or UPA ask CBN to move immediately, 10 years time was given to construct the capital, but he only left at JET  speed overnight, for the reasons best known to all and sundry?
The root cause behind crying hoarse about the bifurcation was far from scientific traces. Its roots only lopsided development and misplaced priorities, and nothing else. Secondly, the then UPA’s decision, by no measure, could be termed as hasty, as the TRS with all the political parties, were fighting for it for 12 years, and all said and done KCR was on fast unto death, staking his life while all the parties from Andhra gave letters agreeing for it, CBN gave two letters. Let us understand that as a leader of the opposition for 10 years, does he not know how it was to be bifurcated? Why he didn’t attend an all-party meeting to suggest modalities. He was only harping on SAMANVYAYAM and what is that SAMANYAYAM, God only knows as it is BRAHMA PADARTHA, because he never spelled out, the definition of SAMANVYAYAM, fearing the wrath of Andhra people. Finally, I would say that it is not all unjust as the formation of the Integrated state at the time States Reorganisation itself on the basis of language, in1956, was infested enough with discordant voices, and dissenting notes.
Now it is time for AP, TDP to learn lessons of the adverse consequences of heavy centralisation, and initiate adequate preventive measures so as to ward off any separatist tendencies likely to raise their heads henceforth.Already Agitation started for a High Court for Rayalaseema and people, in general, have feeling that it is being neglected.


Tuesday, March 20, 2018

It's mind-boggling to see Pavan Kalyan take a U-turn on the burning issue of Special Status for AP,  after burning midnight oil, with many reputed bureaucrats and politicians, on this issue for the last few days. Either He must be inconsistent in his ideas or as Naidu says,  he is being dictated by some top guns. Whatever Maybe the case, people of Andhra will simply ignore him because he has the habit slipping away from the promises made in public. If you remember, he promised to lead the Agitation against land pooling done in AP for the capital Amaravati, by CBN. People of AP cannot be fooled by his occasional appearances and his vague promises. We have seen many big stars have faded into oblivion with the passage of time. If we recall, he said once that since his brother Chiranjeevi, had been ditched, by some people, after floating his PRAJARAJYAM party, and he wants to teach a lesson to them, but in my view, for settling personal scores, we need not enter public life, which does no good to the public in turn. As could be seen from his past record, he appears in public occasionally, with forceful well-scripted punch-dialogues followed by Zero action.His party’s 4th anniversary the tirade he made against CBN and his TDP must have definitely astonished many in TDP while the opposition must have enjoyed, the punches. Though it was lacking in clarity and accuracy, it was clear that it was against CBN, and TDP and also to some extent YSRCP. CBN might not have expected this unforeseen U-turn,by Pavan and consequences of it on the government’s vegetative nature on its poll promises and also the allegations against the corruption, must be bothering Naidu very much. Let us understand that every political outfit while entering, will only say that it is to start clean politics or rather corruption free, but after assuming office, it will be a different story. AAP government in Delhi is a clear example in this respect. But I am surprised to note that during his election campaign, he advised voters to accept money from political parties, which is against the stated objective of clean politics.Already he is under controversy with regards to the land he purchased, for the house and office, which itself is a bad start.Now it is for the people of AP to decide the future course of action, on many burning issues.

Friday, March 16, 2018

The defeat of BJP in all six Lok Sabha seats where by-elections were held this year has alarmed the party in UP ahead of 2019 Parliamentary polls. While stoking speculation about the opposition stitching an alliance together to take on the ruling, after tasting success in the recent bypolls. If the reverses in MP, Rajasthan bypolls has put the ruling dispensation on the back foot, the UP and Bihar by poll results must have come as a rude shock. In fact, both Gorakhpur and Phulpur were held by CM Yogi Adityanath and KP Maurya, DCM respectively. Now it is increasingly becoming evident that the NDA’s sheen is wearing off and voters have begun to see through the government’s boasts about its non-existent achievements. I'm unable to comprehend the result of Gorakhpur, especially, because, Yoginath is five-time MP and had tremendous influence. On our way to Muktinath, Nepal, I met him personally for half an hour in his Gorakhpur Ashram, this was just 4 days before he became CM of UP last year.  He was so kind, that he has arranged accommodation for us in his Guest House, on our return from Nepal. The loosing of the seat was a surprise for me, and now I can imagine the prevailing discontentment among the voters of that place.
NDA established its superiority in the last Lok Sabha elections and won more than 300 seats, while it got exclusively for BJP 282 seats and it was able to form the government on its own, but over the period its strength was dwindling. Now its strength has come down to 272, and even if it gets reduced by one, it will only be a minority government. When it had 282, numbers, its style was different as they didn't have to depend on alliance partners. In fact,  partners were at its mercy, which we have seen Uddhav Thackeray of Shiv Sena, saying that he was being seen with suspicion but BJP just brushed aside all such utterances.
It looks like their friends were waiting to see this precarious situation for the party and expecting that they would be taken into confidence while Congress seems to be brimming with joy as it faced humiliating defeat with only 44 seats in 2014 and in this four years period another 4 got added when it won by-elections.
Normally, all by-elections, only ruling party will win. What is more surprising is even in Bihar J.D. and NDA combine lost to Lalu’s RJD.
Last LokSabha elections BJP had 46 regional /national parties, on its side with Amit Shah,  had enlisted good support, but subsequently, one after the other allies are leaving it. With Shivsena and TDP, major chunk went out while Akalidal is just waiting in the wings.  Now BJP looks to be isolated.
In view of the present situation, the party has to do real introspection and make amends as it has only one year time for next elections.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

The English proverb which says, "the pot calling the kettle black” perfectly applies to Nirav Modi who defrauded PNB. He has the audacity to write to PNB in which he blames it for destroying his brand and our astonishment he adds that the bank has shut the doors on his ability to repay the debt. What a courage! But if we seriously go to the depth of the matter soon we will admit that it is only our easy going system in which criminals easily find a chance to commit such of these notorious crimes. It is also shocking that the political parties instead of addressing the situation objectively, are only indulging in mudslinging .
The funny thing about the banking fraud that is rocking the country is that no one is accountable. The FM remained silent at first and then blamed the auditors, for the PNB fraud, as if he was just an onlooker and thank god he didn’t blame RBI. I think, in India apart from the game of cricket another game that catches its fancy is blame game, which is a national pastime. His cabinet colleague Ravishankar Prasad blamed it on Congress which was the easiest way as he was seeing Indira’s BankNationalisation, as the reason for the mess. Nirmala Sita Raman Defence Minister, gave a different version. Let us admit that unforgettable scams marked the government’s of all Congress PMs from Indira’s time. Manmohansingh personally most respected for his  unquestionable integrity and incorruptibility, was a finance minister in 1992 when Harshad Mehta triggered a Rs 4000/crores banking scam siphoning of money from interbank transactions. Manmohan ji as PM allowed some abominably corrupt ministers to flourish. So, my point is, the Congress scams do they justify BJP’s Scams? I feel there is no way the government of the day can disassociate itself from the present scandal.
Those who have eyes to see can see that scandals of this kind cannot happen without the knowledge and cooperation or participation of politicians in power. Equally relevant is the question is could Nirav Modi  have escaped from India without official collusion! 
We have seen Nirav Modi has politely declined to cooperate with CBI in its enquiries against him. But why not? Is Vijay Mallya cooperating with CBI? Has any one in our great country dared to touch Lalith Modi? Irrespective of party in power, situation in our country doesn't seem to improve.