Tuesday, April 24, 2018

The other day in NTv there was big story on cash crunch while many other channels also reported it in different way about sufferings of the people in this city of Hyderabad for want of cash in ATMs .After Seeing all this I have a feeling that again now we are back to the days when Demonetisation of higher denomination of notes announced and implemented.As per the reports many ATMs in bothTelugu states and in Karnataka,which goes to polls soon, welcome users with “no cash “”notice.With this type of notices,displayed on the doors of many ATMs in city people are encountering scenarios like the ones they faced after Demonetisation.
Is it a happy situation that we are denied access to our own money when we require it? What we have here may not be a full blown financial emergency akin to the Demonetisation day’s, but it is certainly a crisis situation.Cashless ATMs are no great advertisement for the buoyancy of the economy.People have a feeling that the ghost of Demonetisation have come back to haunt people with cash crunch.States like TS andAP had written to Govt of India,RBI etc for making available the sufficient cash reserves but Iam sorry to say that the ATM have become “”all time mess”” .The roumers are afloat that the shortage was intentionally created as the GOI is hoarding the cash for the upcoming Karnataka Elections.
The public ,particularly in rural and non-metro areas ,is facing hardships due to cash crunch.The centre’s proposed financial resolution and deposit insurance bill,has launched a big scare among people as it purportedly allowsfailing banks to use depositors money to cut losses.Due to this ,perhaps,people are withdrawing money to invest in real estate,etc as people’s trust is eroding in public sector banks besides string of high-profilebank frauds which came to light recently.
Moreover the issuance of Rs 2000currency note in lieu of earlier Rs1000 was a move I’ll-thought of,.In what manner it re-monetises the economy faster, is a moot point.Moreover the principle that the next higher subsequent higher denomination should be Rs 2or2’5 higher is thrown away to winds .The damage that was done to the economy is irreparable as per top economists including Manmohansingh and Chidambaram,whose statements we have ignored, just for political reasons but ultimately that is the reality,which any sane man has to accept,.This situation has become a ready made heaven for hoarders but in the process you have made life of a common average consumer most miserable.
We are back from a refreshing short trip to Chennai and Pondicherry which we took along with my oldest daughter, son-in-law, and grandkids.  We also had the fortune of visiting Adiparashakti temple in Melmarvattor and also had darshan goddess Kamakshi. 
During this four day trip, I carried book titled “Wheels Behind The Veil written by Late PVRRK Prasad, IAS, Media Advisor to former PM PV Narasimha Rao.
Mr. Prasad, had the advantage of working with  PV Narasimha Rao, DR.M.Chenna Reddy, VengalaRao, N T Rama Rao, Dr. Manmohansingh very closely, and he tried to throw some light on many complex situations which he witnessed. This book contains several things that had happened behind the veil of political governance and had not been revealed earlier for various reasons, are revealed here without hesitation with a particular reference to the relationship between senior civil Servants and political bosses.
 We have a feeling that normally an IAS officer, will enjoy power and authority at the expense of tax payer’s money, sitting AC bungalows, a happy go lucky fellows.These officers are the wheels that turn Administration behind the veil of political governance. This concept is very well explained in this book, which people will enjoy with little interest in Administration and contemporary politics.
The approach was slightly different, perhaps the writer wanted to hold the mirror to the contemporary political and administrative scenario. But it is confirmed by the writer that nothing in this book was hearsay as every incident mentioned, he had some role to play or was a direct witness. So his account of various events appears authentic, especially on PV, his approach to burning issues then, his interactions with bureaucracy and political bosses etc.
The most interesting thing which I liked, in this book, is that as Media Advisor he tried to clear many misunderstandings people have about PV, on Ayodhya and Babri-Masjid demolitions, his connections with Tantrik Chandraswamy, Hawala racket, including film star Rajinikanth’s entry into Congress etc, being closely associated with many intricate issues, this bureaucrat had cleared the air. 
During the Babri-Majid demolition time, some important section in Congress also blamed him, but if you read this, you will be convinced that it is far from the truth. He has taken all precautions and written commitments. But was ditched by top BJP leadership (Of course not Vajpayee), the imposition of  President’s rule was suggested, which as a true democrat, a strong believer in value-based politics, he didn’t want to throw out a democratically elected government, without following due procedure. He made it clear to all important Congress leaders including Arjun Singh, who also nodded his head, but later spread false stories. As strong God believer, he made sincere efforts for the construction of Ram temple. The writer was actively involved when an apolitical Ram temple construction Trust was formed by associating Adwaita, Dwaita, Vishistadwaita pithadhipathis, and heads of other important mutts,  and got it registered. Bringing together all mathadhipatis was a very very difficult task. It is very easy to talk Sri Ravishankarji and ask him to negotiate, but it was very challenging to get pithadhipatis to show some interest in such matters. It represented all cross-sections of Hindu society and it had members acceptable to all political parties
The last chapter “When PV deemed power a curse”  highlights his personality. He was in Hyderabad one day, after having been exonerated by Supreme Court in cash-for- votes and other cases, he wanted Prasad to help him in selling his house, for making payments to his lawyers.As CM of AP, he handled large amounts of party funds, later he occupied many important positions in Delhi.Prasad writes that he couldn’t believe that a man of his stature had to sell his house to clear his Advocates dues. I was pained to read that party leaders including CMs who benefited from their acquaintance with PV didn’t bother about him once he lost power. I think some believed that PV was too good a man to mind their silence and some others deliberately kept aloof from lest they should fall foul of his successors. Finally, PV was left alone to fend for himself.

Saturday, April 14, 2018

One has to hang one’s head in shame with the recent horrific crimes, that jolted the nation’s conscience- in Unnao UP where a minor girl was the victim, allegedly raped by BJP MLA and another eight-year-old child from the nomadic tribe by police personnel in Kathua near Jammu. Congress as such got bad name after three decades of its governance, regarding corruption and other crimes,  but BJP seems to have acquired all this very fast and replaced Congress. In respect ofYogi Adityanath, it is not enough if he holds a clean image, but he must act fast to Demonstrate it and also purge the state of all despicable patriarchal mindsets that have accumulated over the decades of political rule. Today the accused MLA Kuldeep was arrested by CBI and justice should be done fast without further dilly-dallying. The worst part of it is the victim's father died in police custody under suspicious circumstances. Ensuring protection of women from rapes Love Jihads, casting couch etc should always constitute one of the top priorities of Rajdharma, whether be it UP, Kerala, TS or any state.
 The highest melancholy of human life is a physical assault on the chastity of virginity. The holistic saying about the women the world over is "if wealth is lost nothing is lost if health is lost something is lost if chastity of women is lost everything is lost.” This rape culture is spreading like a hazardous virus. I'm sorry to say, not a day passes without a dozen rape cases. Can anyone understand the traumatized victim-patient and her parent’s pains? The fallacious judicial pronouncements may even force them to go to appellate courts. The heart of every human being pinched with pain to read a report in media that 39 rape incidents occurred in the prestigious JNU during 2014/15. This phobia of dastardly moral decline in the students raises its ugly head owing to unethical and unscientific education that has not been kindling creative impulse and innovative spirit in the minds of youngsters and also may be due to entrapping of social media cum movies.
I also feel that the criminals are emboldened because of the laxity in the enforcement of the law besides enormous delay in filing and processing of cases.Justice delayed is justice denied.

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Senior most Advocate and former Law Minister, Shanti Bhushan filed PIL in SC, seeking clarification on the administrative authority of CJI as the”master of roster” and seeking laying down of principles and the procedures to be followed in preparing the roster for allocation of cases to other benches, as reported in a section of press today.
While filing the case on behalf of his father, Mr Prashant Bhushan,also wrote a letter to the Secretary General of SC, stating that the matter should not be listed before the bench that includes CJI, DeepakMisra.
Further, It is also reported that the letter said that it would be appropriate that the case be placed before three senior most judges of SC, for allocating it before an appropriate bench. In the petition the CJI has been named as one of the respondents along with the registrar .
This report shows the sad state of affairs in our top judiciary.
The letter by Justice Chalameswar last week to CJI with copies to all the judges, is sufficient to indicate that the health of the judicial system in India which appears to be in very bad shape and the “independence “ and preeminence of judiciary stands compromised.
The letter of the senior most judge after CJI, asked for a sitting of the full court,-all judges of SC to discuss the matter of CJ of Karnataka HighCourt, Dinesh Maheswari who has also made himself available to be used and trampled upon by Union Law Ministry. In the process law ministry has with the report of justice Maheswari, disregarded and denigrated the SC Collegium which had twice sent the name of the District Judge KrishnaBhat, for elevation to the HighCourt. Infact, SC Collegium had recommended Bhatt’s name for elevation but the law ministry is sitting on the file, even after Bhat’s name has been recommended not once but reiterated its previous recommendation, after allegations levelled against Bhat by some Lady Magistrate were found to be false. Its on record that Previous Chief Justice of Karnataka High Court enquired into the allegations and submitted his report to SC collegium. Acting on the same, Bhats name has been cleared by SC collegium and forwarded to GOI. Law is fairly settled that once SC collegium reinterates any name, GOI has no option but to follow the collegium Recommendation. Curiously, GOI directly writes to the Karnataka CJ, bypassing the SC, the CJ Karnataka acts upon the communication and institutes a second enquiry.
Thus, in my opinion, the CJ Karnataka has committed grave contempt of the SC. Now its to be seen what SC is going to do in that matter…????
Its often said that Public memory is very short. Not long ago, we have witnessed high profile cases having far reaching consequences, being entrusted to Benches to the Choice of CJI. When 4 senior most Judges revolted by going to Press, some remedial measures appear to have taken place, including the allotment of cases to other benches, but major PIL cases are kept with CJI himself.
One Cannot be a Judge of his own case….is a very old saying.
Its curious to note that CJI is hearing cases where allegations are indirectly/directly made against CJI himself, even after the historic press conference of 4 senior most judges, one of them is likely to be next CJI…
It’s shocking to learn that hundreds of HighCourt Judge appointments recommended by SC Collegium are pending with the government for about ,not two months but two years as per the statement of second senior most judge of SC. Sitting on the file indirectly amounts to be a case of Executive arrogance/interference in the business of judiciary, which is against the principles of constitution. The basic feature of Indian constitution is independence of judiciary. There should be some time frame for the Govt to accept or not to accept the Collegium’s recommendations.
The friction between the Executive and Judiciary is not a new phenomenon. DuringMrs Gandhi’s regime also, a single party with majority and strong popular leadership attempted to turn things to its advantage. Executive which has been accused of “Sitting”on judges appointments (a former CJI reduced to tears before PM) despite huge vacancies, and backlog,.
As per the report there are about 230names recommended by top court Collegium as judges of various HighCourts which are kept pending for the past almost two years.
Even in the case of SC two names CJ Of Uttarakhand HC KM Joseph, and a senior Lawyer Indu Malhotra for appointment as top court judges didn’t find favour with the government.
Justice Chalameswar’s letter is a “dire warning about the state of Indian judiciary, which appears to have been seriously compromised by the Executive “”said Mr Dushyant Dave , a view shared byBhushan who lamented that “unfortunately CJ is not doing anything to stop this interference by the government “ But one has to concede that both the Collegium and NJAC Act have their own pit falls,according to the reports,. In the end the suggestion to form an independent full time body to select judges doesn’t inspire confidence.
A middle path needs to be urgently found as crores of cases are pending in various courts including at the appellate level. The present government brought the NJAC through an amendment but it had some inherent flaws and struck down by SC. Besides CJI , two apex court judges after him in seniority, ,NJAC has members including the Union Law Minister and two eminent persons chosen by the committee consisting of CJI ,PM,and leader of the opposition. The main pit fall in this is , that members of the panel were given veto power which means the law minister could throw out any name sent sent to it by judicial side. That might also be the reason why this amendment was struck down.
Viewed from any angle, this sort of grave situation of friction between Government and Judiciary on one hand coupled with unprecedented squabbles within the Judicial system on the hand is not going to do any good for our country. Justice Chalameshwar is retiring in June and two other senior most Judges also before the end of 2018. Justice Ranjan Gogoi who is tipped to be the next CJI is one of the four Judges who openly revolted against the SC CJI and his style of functioning. Its to be seen what the Government is going to do with Justice Gogoi..????
Will he be humiliated like Jayant patel (who ordered CBI enquiry against Amit Shah resulting in Amit Shah being sent to Jail) and go the same way as Justice Jayant Patel…
What Judgement SC is going to pronounce in the case of death of Judge Loya in suspicious circumtances in Nagpur.. (It may be recalled that Judge Loya took strong exception for the absence of Amit Shah in the fake encounter case of Sohrabuddin sheikh & his wife Kausarbi)..
It shouldn’t be long before we see answers to all the above and many other issues…. WATCH…
"Democracy is beautiful in theory, but in practice, it is a fallacy” as per Mussolini. This was what I was remembering when I came to know that the post-budget session was washed out. I'm of the very firm opinion that the leader of the house and treasury benches should take a major part of the blame for the low performance. As I have observed that their efforts to coordinate the house are far from satisfactory and it is unfortunate that even the Speaker has not been proactive in facilitating, the introduction of a no-confidence motion, instead of being mechanically reactive to the ruckus in the Houses. When the entire session seemed to have washed out the speaker could have resorted to the rulebook to bring the house in order. The Speaker’s repeated denials to permit discussions on the motion, proposed by YSRCP, TDP and even Congress, on the pretext of pandemonium in the house, reflected the timidity of the government. But again here let us remember that it is an ill-conceived fact that NDA which had always criticised UPA2, for its anarchy, during sessions followed the same route. Surprisingly it is a comedy that ruling party at the center is planning to go on a hunger strike for a day, to express its displeasure over the opposition parties, role in logjam. Further, it was reported that NDA MPs are going to return their 30 days emoluments under “no work no pay” policy. I think people will understand this type of gimmicks. The Speaker has got power to suspend the members obstructing the proceedings, but that was not done, and in the meanwhile, the house guillotined Rs 24 lakh crores budget without an iota of discussion. I fail to understand, why the government was afraid of motion, having a brute majority? It seemed running away from a debate on budgetary priorities, like persisting problems on agriculture unemployment, industrial slump, rising fuel prices, soaring inflation, hasty implementation of Demonetisation and GST etc.
 The common people of this country do wonder whether this is the type of democracy they wish for. It cannot be imagined that what sort of message this highest lawmaking body is passing on to state legislatures, local bodies, through its present way of functioning.
Therefore this time the onus for failure totally lies with the ruling as the main opposition had remained helpless in the adjournment saga and if this is the type of parliament functioning there is every need to go for a change in the constitution.

Friday, April 6, 2018

It’s no doubt, that entire world is suffering from the spate of fake and propaganda news. In social media, especially in WhatsApp groups, a lot of fake messages are in circulation.I am really pained to say, that I have become victim many times when I was told that it was fake, I expressed sorry also. When the content is appealing and we genuinely feel, others also may enjoy, but when we come to know that it is fake, we feel dejected. I am sorry to say that I have shared one message 2/3days ago which says that our former chief election commissioner Mr. Seshan and his wife passed away, but later I came to know that it was fake, and I felt very bad to know this. But this gag order being the case of journalists,and the fact of the matter is all journalists do not necessarily spread all such news. As I know we see two types of journalists; first boot licking and sycophant journalists who support the government for everything while the second variety subscribes to expose the wrongdoers and the consequences are of little importance. The government could have, therefore, threatened to take away their accreditation, branding them as fake.

In the present context, the explosive growth of social media has unleashed fake news also. However, the key question remains whether the government could dictate terms to the media and decide what is genuine and what is false. Past experience shows that any attempt by the government to gag the media in the name of regulation, has boomeranged, be it the infamous Press bill, of Rajiv, in 1988, or the Emergency restrictions. Therefore self-regulation is way forward to protect the independence of media and uphold the freedom of expression. Actually, with the PM Modi ‘s intervention the I&B Minister Smriti Irani, withdrew the order within 24 hours, laying down new guidelines to punish journalists for creating and spreading fake news. Her directive, evoked widespread criticism as it was seen as an attempt to muzzle and intimidate, the free press ahead of general elections. Though controversial order has been withdrawn, considerable damage has already been done in terms of perception battle.As a matter of fact, the present decision of withdrawal has been the quickest in Indian history. This is the second time Modi government has blinked on a media-related issue. If my memory serves me right, the first was in 2016 when the Ministry put on hold its order to shut down NDTV India for a day in the face of strong and united opposition by the media.
There was a report “PM withdraws order threatening journalists over the fake news” this headline used by a newspaper was quite apt. As rightly observed by former Editor and BJP Minister Arun Shourie, (who is no longer in the good books of the current BJP government as he always stood on the side of the truth) the defunct order issued in the name of I&B Minister, could not have come without clearance by PM or PMO. The order was nothing but a trial balloon to divert media attention from covering burning issues which are affecting the image of Modi and his government. Therefore the PM’s order is a clear sign to Irani who has been aggressively taking on the criticism on social media platforms.The Editors Guild of India has rightly pointed out that the Ministry’s Order would have opened floodgates for frivolous complaints to harass journalists and organisations to fall in line.  And doubts are being raised over the impartiality and independence of the recently constituted Press Council of India.