Tuesday, August 25, 2015


After hearing Modi on the Republic Day, there has been lot of debate on it. Many said that it has no vision nor any direction which I think is because he has failed to fulfil the tall promises he made before the LokSabha elections.
I was very impressed with his 1st Independence Day speech where in he talked about " Swatcha Bhatat Abhiyan" ,Make in India Campaign " ,Jandhan Yojana, Settingup of Toilets in Schools" and the issue of Black money. But this time around when the entire nation wanted to know what progress it has made in the last one year, he had nothing to offer. We also know that he is known for beating the drum on every possible achievement but this time our Prime Minister stayed completely mum on Foreign Policy, Pakistan and Terrorism. I expected that he would come up with an account that of progress in delivering promises he made from same rampart , precisely an year ago. Probably he wanted to skip politically contentious issues like prolonged non-functioning of parliament session, and held up reforms or even deteriorations of Govt and Opposition relations on an important occasion like Independence day. On his remarks " on corruption was eating away at INDIA like termites" every one waited for him to break his silence on "LalitGate, VYAPAM but he didn't utter a single word. He neither dared to explain the problems involved on implementing OROP. He probably knew that implementation of promises can never be done with waving hand.
On the whole it was opined that his speech was lifeless, lacked conviction and substance. Opening of bank accounts and surrender of LPGs by some may not be a big achievement and the wheels of economy are not moving at the promised pace. While Foreign Investments are not pouring in as the investor's confidence is not restored. You all know, on the last Independence Day, Modi was flush with electoral success and he claimed that he was an outsider to Delhi. This year he is an insider but the promised change is yet to begin. Infact there was no logical explanation for him to skip entire Mosoon Session and leave it to his lieutenants who didn't do a good job. No doubt Congress is guilty of many failures and misdeeds but rubbing on same theme again and again doesn't win points for the Modi Govt. It has to stand on its merit and start delivering before it is too late.