Saturday, January 9, 2016

Pahankot attack

We all know that the Pathakot attack is a part of series of efforts to thwart peace building efforts between India and Pakitan.There seems to have been utter confusion in handling the terrorist attack..There are professionals in our defence establishment with rich experience and expertise They are expected to, in a situation like this, entrust the tasks with right agencies.If they have failed to do so,it only means that the information was not provided on time to the decision makers.This exposes serious lacunae in our preparedness to face emergencies like this, and moreover this shows that the concerned experts were not involved in making decisions.But here I appreciate,Mr Manohar Parikkar ,the defence Minister  for having admitted that there was a security failure., in Pathankot.Those who have followed the developments, must have noticed that , from the hijacking of official car of SP, to the inaction on follow up,on the incident to the death of 7 defence personnel, there has infact been a series of failures . As one notices, the defence establishment didn't have a clue about the presence of two terrorists, till they began striking .The role of the police, the defence establishment and NSG commodes who were deployed, calls for an evaluation .Infact we must stop living in dream world and be prepared for reality.Is it not terrible that despite several alerts and warnings about the possible terror attack , the authorities remain passive.? It was a matter of shame that there was gross mismanagement and ineffiency,in countering the terrorists.With no clear chain of Command,and control, the operation lost its prime element.Infact when the system is incapable of safeguarding the vital installations such as an Airforce base,or even a nuclear plant , how can we be reassured that we are safe?
   After seeing all this , it appears to me , that in real terms, fortunately , the terrorists  couldn't cause any damage to The Indian AirForce Aircraft ,and other vital installations .Nor could they harm any IAF personnel posted there.Seen from this point of view the terrorists failed to accomplish anything substantial  , other than creating suspense,Admitting security failure that has happened is one thing,and taking steps to prevent such incidents in future is quite another .therefore, security has to be tightened at all defence establishments,in the light of the Pathankot experience ,and for this to happen, there should be a clear idea of how the terrorists breached the security at Pathakot.,and then only all the loop- holes could be plugged.Upgradation of security should be the constant endeavour .
    Again here, I must be failing in my duty if I don't recapitulate, or for that matter I want to remind ,what the present dispensation , when it was in opposition , had told,, about the ThenPM.In 2013 May, Mr Modi while addressing in one of the meeting said"" our soldiers are being beheaded by the fugitive country while their PM is being hosted dinner with chicken Biryani , here  and we are being ruled by a weak PM" In the same year, Mrs Sushma Swaraj , it seems, tweeted like this"" Mr PrmeMinister ,please don't indulge in any sort of discussions over the dead bodies of our soldiers  ,please cancel discussions with NawazSharif""
   All this happened only two and half years ago,and I feel it is not too long a period, to remember and these statements would help us in understanding the people in right perspective .our Beloved PM, was only PrimeMinisterial candidate in the year 2013 ,and he used to say in all public meetings right from Kashmir to Kanyakumari , that people to reject the weak administration, under ManmohanSingh ,and elect a very strong administrator ,to teach a befitting lesson to Pakistan..As a part of protocol, when the visiting PM of Pakistan was hosted a dinner , even that was criticised by of Mr Modi.
    Surprisingly , now the whole cabinet is maintaining lot of restraint ,and without naming Pakistan, our PM said that this dastardly act was against the humanity.Therefore it would be better to see all the tweets of our PM between 2011-13, to understand how he had travelled these years,Some say, it is double standard  while some feel, that is the level of maturity .