Saturday, January 2, 2016

Resurrecting Congress

If Pranab Mukharjee was PM, LS drubbing would have been avoided "senior Congress leader Kursheed now regrets making Manmohan Singh PM instead of Pranab. Little do these worthies realise that Pranab is not pliable and would have played by rules and conscience, without giving in to pressure groups. And for all practical purposes, as of now they don't have leader, either at the national level or in states, who could mould people's opinion to get votes. I would say, there is a leadership vacuum? Modi is certainly BJP's tall leader and in Congress none of the present leaders match him, be it in framing strategies or in oratorical skills. The grand old party has to make some objective introspection instead of psychophancy. However, if you go by today's report in a section of press,things are now slowly changing at the local bodies level. BJP's failure at the local bodies level, that too in BJP ruled states in general and especially in PM' s state Gujarat in particular should have been a major item in the newspapers if Congress was doing better media management. And it would have had damging affect on the ruling party. 
     The report says that the Congress is continuing with the trend of doing well in local body polls, especially in BJP ruled states as it won 8 out of 11 in Chattisgarh, as per yesterday's declaration of results. Compared to the previous polls in which BJP had won 7 out of 11 but now the party managed only 3 seats. As such it appears that the Congress has shown some signs of recovery after facing  a serious drubbing in 2014 Lok Sabha elections. The rejuvenation, party leaders feel, is stemming from Municipality level, as in last few months it performed well in Gujarat, Maharashtra, MP and now in Chattisgarh.
    A Delhi based sociologist Shiv Viswanathan says that the spree of victories signifies that people are mature when it comes to making political choices, it's their way of saying  ''don't take us for granted".