Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Few days ago I read an article titled ' Quota Conundrum'. The article was thought provoking. The author says, that the poverty exists in a family unit and not at the caste level. No caste is really backward or forward. New emerging groups in the upper castes who deserve, must be given the benefit of reservation. Infact there has been a great social change after independence. The social inequalities are on the wane in the villages. The economic inequality is the only ill which is troubling irrespective of caste, creed, and religion. And panacea for employment is to do away with reservations.
Sajjad Nomani, a member of Muslim Personal Law Board says, " Ram temple construction is a political issue and that treating the SCs & STs who converted to Islam as not eligible for reservations is a religious discrimination. Therefore he calls for constitutional correction which all political parties and secular parties should press for. Dr ,Subramanya Swamy wants the Supreme Court to decide on Ram temple construction. The court could decide who the first occupant was. Ram is the king of Bharath which consists of entire sub-continent; while Babri is a commander of Mughal forces. Islam doesn't have caste system and hence SCs,STs and OBCs on joining Islam are ineligible as per rule, for reservations and hence there is need for ' correction' in the constitution. Dr Ambedkar wanted reservations for a limited time. It is politicians extending it indefinitely for vote bank, cheating those castes that are responsible for the present troubles that the nation is facing.To honour Dr Ambedkar economic reservations irrespective of caste, faith and origin, is the correct way and will solve the problem- no tinkering with constitution is needed. This is0 my opinion and it is not to hurt anyone's sentiments.