Tuesday, April 26, 2016

The world is aware of how Pakistan keeps changing its colours despite India going extra mile in extending its cooperation. One can take the horse to water but you can not make it drink. Similarly, PM is taking all steps to have cordial relations with Pakistan but latter doesn't seem to reciprocate. When it comes to seeking cooperation from Pakistan in investigating acts of terror on our soil, that were attributed to it ,one can certainly predict this - that it will end up in Pakistan sabotaging such cooperation.  Abdul Basit's stand is not surprising as some sections of Pakistan, are bent on sabotaging any sort of engagement between two counties. All the bonhomie created by Modi's surprise visit to Pakistan and other developments now stand eroded after this sudden volte face. While Shrarif is under pressure by forces inimical to India, Modi also must be under pressure, not to mend fences with Pakistan. We all know China is getting closer to Pakistan for variety of reasons while US 's stand on Pakistan's sponsored acts of terror is increasingly becoming ambivalent. Therefore our PM's personality-centric approach to foreign policy issues vis- a- vis Pakistan where multiple power centres operate. An overwhelming desire for personal glory that a dramatic breakthrough can bring, appears to have clouded Modi 's judgement.
   A major draw back in India's Foreign Policy is that it has many friends but none which can be called 'close'.  India has depended too much on logic and its record of peaceful conduct to impress the world but now it appears that this has little use in reality. India's global strategy is complicated by the fact that both Pakistan and China have vested interests in keeping India's borders in constant state of tension. In fact China's stance is an indication of its double speak on terror vis-a- vis its East Turkestan, independent movement and the LeT,  JeM, UjC trinity.
In the recent past, I happened to read a torrent of articles in the English dailies, on Modi's Foreign policy and Nirupa Rao's article in this regard is very thought provoking. It clearly says, that though Modi appeared to have taken the world by storm following a whirlwind tour of nations that mattered globally ever since 2014. The situation on the ground doesn't seem to have changed a bit, to benefit India. On the contrary our hostile neighbours seem to have been further emboldened to dare our nation at every opportunity. We all know that Pakistan appears to be having a last laugh at with US extending its fire power, while China is less menacing. Nepal gives the impression of dismantling its once inseparable bonding with us.
Here it is not out of place to mention to recall the achievements of Post- Independence Nehruvian-era and thereafter. The Foreign Policy of Nehru, with its stress on Non- alignment, elevated him in terms of International stature. After that there were just patches of excellence during Indira era, while the two stints of UPA rule do not have anything worthwhile. MODI  it can not be denied that within a short spell he has put in motion a very proactive foreign policy which include SAARC initiatives, attempt to mend fences with errant neighbour Pakistan, seeking greater role for India in Afganistan, besides working on ties with Australia, Japan etc. Yet his distinctly pro-US tilt, while US's continues its economic and military aid to Pakistan seems to have alienated Russia.
  With regards Pakistan, we are now back to square one with Pakistan suspending peace process, just days after India gave unprecedented access to The JIT to bring to book, the Pathankot killers. Modi who walked extra mile has now hit a wall as did its predecessors. As such, one author, in one his articles raised genuine concerns, while congratulating the PM for his resolve soon after ascending the throne, in 2014' May to modify his campaign, with regards Pakistan. PM was reminded about his parliamentary election campaign wherein UPA which was in power was lambasted by him for being "soft" on Pakistan. And it was said that if he comes to power it would be reversed as it was clearly told that terrorism and talks can never go together, was was their stand at that point of time. Further it was also said that for every one head that Pakistan army beheaded, we would bring back ten. In the light of such serious comments made publicly, and repeatedly, it was indeed brave on the part of PM to Invite PM Sharif, along with other SAARC leaders for his oath taking ceremony. Showing great admiration like UPA, Modi also engaged with Pakistan irrespective of the bombs and bullets coming from a cross the border and without thought of first bringing the perpetrators of Mumbai attackers to book. It is a fact that even after maintaining cordial relations with Sharif, terror attacks sponsored by Pakistan continued, while the ceasefire violations increased immensely. Surprisingly Modi 's response was different, suddenly an announcement that the stalled foreign- secretary level talks was resumed which even Pakistan, also must have been surprised by this level of magnanimity, especially from a man who in his electoral speeches had sworn to do just the opposite and on the other hand Pakistan's policy towards us has shown a remarkable consistency: explosive aggression, followed by tactical appeasement, while everyone knows that the talks were cancelled earlier two years ago because of continuous ceasefire violations and the Pathankot episode and its aftermath is known world over.
   The author of the article feels that this is all pathetic strategic innocence in dealing with Pakistan, As expected Pakistani JIT went back and absolved Pakistan and Masood Azhar, who has never been interrogated nor arrested which has been supported by China. While our great socalled friend Obama never exerted any pressure on Pakistan. To desist from terrorist activities.
 Modi therefore ought to take note of this hard reality to recast his policies towards Pakistan with greater maturity. He must also learn to evolve national consensus on various options open by taking the opposition and strategic thinkers into confidence