Friday, September 23, 2016

It is obvious that the attack on the army camp at Uri, was meant to provoke an Indian reaction, which in turn would give Pakistan a peg to demand International intervention in Kashmir at UN session. Mouthing same rhetorics, "not resting till perpetrators, are brought to justice" and " we will avenge our martyrs" is no longer enough to fool people demanding a swift and befitting retribution. Our HM's statement that Pakistan is a terrorist state which needs to be isolated tells us nothing new. Our response to every terror attack emanating from Pakistan has become predictably routine while there is wave of public anger demanding revenge against Pakistan. But nothing happens afterwards as the terror leashing master minds in Pak wait for fury and indignation to subside before launching of their next attack,
While it has been the state policy of Pakistan to bleed India wherever possible , we lacked consistency in our Pakistan policy and kept on maintaining strategic restraint with focus on dialogue despite continuous terror attacks. Uri is the latest such provocation in this connection we may see the firm reaction of our PM is an indication that India may not play the reckless game as many would like it to.
     I remember reading somewhere that India doesn't have a comprehensive national policy to deal with domestic militancy as well as cross border terrorism. The latest attack also captures the complex reality of Indo-Pak ties, and the Kashmir issue. In fact it calls for an alert security grid and sophisticated policy responses, neither can be achieved by rhetorics and simplistic blame games.
  To me it looks that even ordinary people expect the Govts to take quick action. One reason for this could be the strident stand taken by BJP when congress led UPA was in power. Naturally people expect more robust response now. PM seems to have discussed the subject at the highest level and an action must have been drawn. But before taking action it has to weigh its pros and cons. After initial demand for "whole jaw for a tooth" it looks that the Govt doesn't seem as of now inclined to resort to any retributive military action. While direct action is certainly inadvisable as India has everything at stake --- economic supremacy, prosperity, honour and position which will be lost in no time. We have been mature enough so far not to resort to any sort of knee-jerk reaction. There are number of options such as covert operations, resorting to economic blockade, ending diplomatic relations, etc. Most feasible among them would be resorting to diplomatic isolation, along with up gradation of border security infrastructure as this sort of disaster had shocked the nation. It is very humiliating to see that Pakistan attacks us and we can not defend ourselves. In fact every citizen has the right to defend himself more so the soldiers exposed to gunfire. This right should be allowed to exercise freely and the Govt is not expected to ask them to sit like ducks in the enemies firing range. To deal with Pakistan effectively we have to set our own house in order. Some reports state that sensitive information pertaining to our military, passed on to enemy just for some gratification. Punjab and Kashmir are notorious for fake currency and drug trafficking, being supplied through Bangldesh and Nepal. We have to plug all these loopholes and set our house in order and look at the issue holistically. And we have to come up with correct strategy to counter Pakistan's frequent provoking.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

At a time when the girl child is looked down upon and subject to many atrocities in our country, it's ironic that women have salvaged India's pride at Rio Olympics. Sakshi, Sindhu, Aditi and Deepa Karmakar are pride of thus nation every Indian ought to be grateful to these women. They have all proved that with hard work nothing is impossible.
 No doubt India's poor performance at Rio must serve as an eye opener to officials and the Ministry of sports must take the responsibility .The kind of zeal shown by various state governments towards Olympic medal winners is welcome but these States should show the same enthusiasm and invest in sports, to produce more medal winners.
I'm happy our PM Modi constituted a Task Force for the coming Olympics and the Sports Authority of India seems to realise now that there is immense talent now available in India. In fact  we made things worse by sending huge contingent thinking it would translate into a bigger medal haul, but unfortunately these were Athletes who lacked the fire to win. They have hurt the nation's pride and been in the news for all the wrong reasons. We now have two young heroines and are deeply indebted to them for salvaging the nation's pride.
 Even tiny countries like Singapore have won gold medals. Where did we fail? Infact first the Cricket crazy nation must learn to look beyond Cricket and promote other sports activities in the same level. Here I remember one old saying by George Bernard Shaw who said" Cricket is a game played by 11 fools and watched by 11000 fools" . This is true in India especially where we see a craze for the T20 and IPL matches etc. I would extend this to argue that it is true of all sports where every one loves to comment but few want to encourage their children to play.
   Both AP and TS competed to shower awards on Sindhu. Awards from other States, organisations, indivisuals,and others continue to pour with the tally of unending monetary awards for Sindhu crossing around 15 crores, I feel overdose of every thing is not good. There should be some upper limit for awards , compensations etc in large national good because public exchequers are funded by tax payer's hard earned money. Since India has a federal structure some system should formulated whereby in case consolidated monetary awards cross a stipulated limit of say a five or ten crores, balance may be taxed at hundred percent. However there should be total ban on gifting of immovable property . We have seen some Cricketers having become ultra super rich because of too many awards.
   Despite bold pronouncements by the Govts at the end of Olympics to encourage all sports, the fact remains that the sports gets the least priority in allocations of budget every year. Shaming the sports is the sports bodies headed by politicians who know nothing about the game except enrich themselves while the fact of the matter is that 30 percent of schools in the six southern states don't have playgrounds and almost all parents want their wards to become Engineers and doctors only, therefore it is natural that the sports take the back seat. Every school in our country should make sport compulsory from class 5th, and to implement this, every school should have sufficient infrastructure. 
 In this connection , I want to remind one costly mistake done by our Sports Ministry in the recent Olympics and the Indian contingent 's indiscretions at Rio further lowered its image in the eyes of International Fora, .The Sports Minister and his staff were warned of even expulsion for their " aggressive and rude behaviour. The contingent packed with self designated celebrities like sons of former CMs ,and a not a doctor but a radiologist etc, The Union Minister of State for Sports was found in the beaches cheering locals at Rio. No nation could beat India in the game apathy, and irresponsibility towards its own Atheletes. For instance all the so called privileged travelled in business class while Atheletes went in economy. 
Now it is time we have to hunt for hidden jewels, and nurture them from young age and the Govts both State and central should take concrete steps to develop our sports. It should call players like PT Usha, Malleswari, Milkha Singh and many more distinguished players to establish academies, as it is already proved that Gopichand has succeeded through his academy, while keeping politicians and bureaucrats out of its arena so that we may achieve medals in the next Olympics at Tokyo.
Few days ago a very sad incident occurred in our Rainbow Vistas, a gated community where we have been living for the past almost 4years. One young software Engineer who lives in one of the towers  died of serious pulmonary infection, surprisingly the reason being, he had the habit of patronizing Pigeons and I am told hundreds of pigeons used to be there in his balcony although as they used to be fed by him and his family. In a matter of only 4 years he had contracted this serious lung problem and passed away at a very young age of about 45. And doctors diagnosed it as serious pulmonary disorder occurring due to Pigeons. The doctors opinion has been corroborated by an article in a Sunday magazine few days ago.( The Pigeon Paradox: feeding them could be bad for your lungs  dated 14th Sep )
The Pigeon occupies a prime place in urban India. As we all are aware, across India Pigeon feeding is quite popular. On my way to office I used to find vast quantities  maize strewn all over the road and the dividers with flocks of pigeons having a feast.
Surprisingly it is indicated that the instances of human pulmonary conditions that have been associated with pigeon proximity have been known to occur from early times in Kerala. I believe It is also said that the erstwhile aristocratic families fancied pigeons keeping as a tradition and a hobby and were known to pass away after contracting mysterious diseases. nfact as per the writer of the article there are several types of fungi present in pigeon dropping that can spread in the environment and transmitted to children and the elderly as well.  As a matter of fact the writer mentioned many technical terms like Hypersensitive pneumonitis , Zoonotic fungal disease, Cryptococosis etc , which are all Greek and Latin to me,. I just wanted to enlighten my FB friends on this subject whatever little I have read and understood.  I therefore request you, not to patronize pigeons at all.
Corruption is widely viewed as an immoral practice and is condemned by all. But it is present and it continues To play its play role in all walks of life. People are compelled to develop a kind of tolerance, thanks to the preferential treatment it provides for access to the public services in India. During my discussion with colleagues view point was that there is nothing unethical in accepting the bribes as long as there are bribe-givers. In every parlance it is euphemistically called 'Quid-Pro quo'. Isn't the conductor /TTE helping you out by providing you a berth ( when you are not entitled to one) , on a train in return for small gratification? Don't we buy tickets double the normal rates, to watch a movie, with our favourite hero ? People who can afford to pay highest capitation fee could seek admission in a medical college under the management quota. Of Course, the parents of the medico may realise that , at a later date in form of dowry. As per statute, giving and accepting dowry is a cognizable offence but we all are aware, that this happens in hush hush manner, every where. Bribery as such is an omnipotent, right from Ration card, Adhar card, Building plan approval , ticket for cricket match, everything under the sun could be done with little greasing of palms of the correct person. In Fact are we not offering coconuts, sweets, and even gold ornaments to Gods/ Goddesses to fulfil our wishes? Are not we thus not humanizing Gods with this kind of basic human instinct ? One of my old boss, had a funny way of expanding the abbreviation TIPS as To insure Prompt service.
This is all a different story as such,as it was one line of argument which many of us outwardly may not like it. Fed up with the system, people have of late begun to join front lines for the fight against corruption and the India's rank being 76th, in the index of global scenario in corruption. One report suggests that as much as 50 percent of the public money intended for welfare programs end up in pockets of politicians, bureaucrats , and influential persons. With over 500 million people living poverty, India can not afford to bear with corrupt any longer. Greater level of tranparency in the functioning of law makers, bureaucrats, public servants, at all levels is the need of the hour.
Last month when Mr Jai Ram Ramesh, MP, Rajya Sabha from Karnataka gave a book "Old History New Geography-Bifurcation Of Andhra Pradesh" to my brother Venu. And he in turn gave it to me. 
In Feb,2014, Indian Parliament had divided Andhra Pradesh to create 29th state Telangana. The struggle for bifurcation, has been long pending, for over almost 58 years. In between for many reasons, the movement had ups and downs, during 1969 when Dr M Chenna Reddy, spearheaded , it was on high pitch, and hundreds of people lost their lives, during the struggl. But at a later date When KCR started it, it was all together a different story,and the fact of the matter is, it was totally a public movement, where all political parties, all unions, all associations unitedly supported, including Congress of Telangana area but ultimately KCR could manage it to be his show, which is different matter altogether, as the public perception matters ,
" The wheel had turned full circle in 58 years " says Mr Jairan in the opening Chapter of his book and tried to answer questions like why did it happen? How did it happen? and when it happened,what exactly happened. It provides valuable , historical, political context to the controversial, creation of Telangana state which fully came into existence on 2nd June 2014 .
As I could notice, it is a combination of official notes, records, combined with back room political discussions laced with lot of funny anecdotes. The book is of three parts, the historical context of AP, and TS, the drafting of the bill to create a new state, and passing of the Bill to become law.
JaiRam had the guts to highlight the sensational and controversial topics like " pepper spray incident, in Parliament by the then MP Vijayawada Rajagopal, and disruption of Parliament by Coastal Andhra and Rayalseema MPs, and CM of AP 's resignation episode in protest etc. The book is full of meticulous documentation of rich history. It presents an insider view of that entire drama. He goes on to provide, pains taking into account various consultations, held with stake holders, on issues that included the status of Hyderabad, the bone of contention, Internal security, Concerns from Maoists, Managing water Resources, including Economic and Financial matters. The sad part was, 16 MPs from AP and Rayalseema were suspended and the Bill was kept open till 18th Feb, which was fully passed in the Lok Sabha, 2 days later in Rajya Sabha, where on atleast 4 occasions, JaiRam had to run, across BJP benches to clarify the provisions of the Bill to its leaders Jaitley and Naidu.
I feel , this book is a narration of history, told first-hand by some one who has an in depth knowledge of it. It's a must- read not only for Academia but for general reader seeking understanding of contemporary India.
JaiRam writes in chapter, A Last Word, that he wrote account of the 
Bifurcation to clarify the " nuts and Bolts " of it, and it's process and to dispel public misconception, if any.
I am shuddered to see a report that " the bread we eat can cause cancer" . We all know India has been living in the company of adulterators, for ages,As for those whom we elect have other business to keep their voters busy,by raising other issues which have nothing to do with what we eat.Every alternate day we come across reports highlighted by media . I don't think our rulers ever take such issues seriously until few people die, so that the issue can be politicised,.It is different matter that even our leaders are adulterated as they mix up issues, to keep people confused and keep them away from core issues.
 Either packaged or in ready- to-eat form bread is becoming more popular as food item and the industry must be expanding fast.. Infact I have read that many countries banned the use of potassium bromate and potassium iodate, in bread and the report shows that the food safety awareness in India is certainly very poor.The Food Safety and Standards Authority, of India is not equipped to regulate the industry,.But what I
feel, the multinational companies should realise social responsibilities.
  Food adulteration seems to be within no bounds in India, Leave aside junk food, the daily used bread and food are seemingly harmful for the health.Normally as we all know the doctor usually tells his patients to take milk, fruits and bread,while recovering from illness,But now it seems the healthy can become sick, by consuming milk, bread and fruits as everything is adulterated.There are reports every day that the fruits are being ripened with carbides,while the milk is found with harmful chemicals and hormones, .Now most of the breads and buns found in the market are with carcinogenic chemicals .Not only some nameless companies but also globally branded companies must be unhesitatingly adding all such additives, at the cost of consumers health,.The food adulteration is nothing but slow poison,at a massive scale.Therefore it is incumbent on the part the Govts to take all necessary steps to curb this menace at all levels.

Even coming to vegetables and cereals, under the " Grow more food scheme" the agricultural researchers have succeeded in growing more quantities, but the original quality of every vegetable and cereals has been compromised.There is no taste and original smell/ aroma of each vegetable, is spoiled completely.Then what is the use crops to get more and more yield without original quality? The chemical manures are spoiling the originality,Inaddition to this, the cold storage system also must be making them to loose the original quality .Add to it , to make any fruit to ripen , chemicals are being used,All these are affecting the general health of people.
  The sad state of affairs is that today we get everything and anything under the sun is only adulterated , as such the Govts must bestow their full attention , and that chemical manures, pesticides should be avoided in case vegetables, Fruits, cereals,while in respect food items, it should  publish the list of hazardous , toxic chemicals as is done in west, while the food authorities intensify their checks and the violators should severely punished,I order to put an end to this menace which has already created havoc in the society.