Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Corruption is widely viewed as an immoral practice and is condemned by all. But it is present and it continues To play its play role in all walks of life. People are compelled to develop a kind of tolerance, thanks to the preferential treatment it provides for access to the public services in India. During my discussion with colleagues view point was that there is nothing unethical in accepting the bribes as long as there are bribe-givers. In every parlance it is euphemistically called 'Quid-Pro quo'. Isn't the conductor /TTE helping you out by providing you a berth ( when you are not entitled to one) , on a train in return for small gratification? Don't we buy tickets double the normal rates, to watch a movie, with our favourite hero ? People who can afford to pay highest capitation fee could seek admission in a medical college under the management quota. Of Course, the parents of the medico may realise that , at a later date in form of dowry. As per statute, giving and accepting dowry is a cognizable offence but we all are aware, that this happens in hush hush manner, every where. Bribery as such is an omnipotent, right from Ration card, Adhar card, Building plan approval , ticket for cricket match, everything under the sun could be done with little greasing of palms of the correct person. In Fact are we not offering coconuts, sweets, and even gold ornaments to Gods/ Goddesses to fulfil our wishes? Are not we thus not humanizing Gods with this kind of basic human instinct ? One of my old boss, had a funny way of expanding the abbreviation TIPS as To insure Prompt service.
This is all a different story as such,as it was one line of argument which many of us outwardly may not like it. Fed up with the system, people have of late begun to join front lines for the fight against corruption and the India's rank being 76th, in the index of global scenario in corruption. One report suggests that as much as 50 percent of the public money intended for welfare programs end up in pockets of politicians, bureaucrats , and influential persons. With over 500 million people living poverty, India can not afford to bear with corrupt any longer. Greater level of tranparency in the functioning of law makers, bureaucrats, public servants, at all levels is the need of the hour.