Tuesday, September 20, 2016

I am shuddered to see a report that " the bread we eat can cause cancer" . We all know India has been living in the company of adulterators, for ages,As for those whom we elect have other business to keep their voters busy,by raising other issues which have nothing to do with what we eat.Every alternate day we come across reports highlighted by media . I don't think our rulers ever take such issues seriously until few people die, so that the issue can be politicised,.It is different matter that even our leaders are adulterated as they mix up issues, to keep people confused and keep them away from core issues.
 Either packaged or in ready- to-eat form bread is becoming more popular as food item and the industry must be expanding fast.. Infact I have read that many countries banned the use of potassium bromate and potassium iodate, in bread and the report shows that the food safety awareness in India is certainly very poor.The Food Safety and Standards Authority, of India is not equipped to regulate the industry,.But what I
feel, the multinational companies should realise social responsibilities.
  Food adulteration seems to be within no bounds in India, Leave aside junk food, the daily used bread and food are seemingly harmful for the health.Normally as we all know the doctor usually tells his patients to take milk, fruits and bread,while recovering from illness,But now it seems the healthy can become sick, by consuming milk, bread and fruits as everything is adulterated.There are reports every day that the fruits are being ripened with carbides,while the milk is found with harmful chemicals and hormones, .Now most of the breads and buns found in the market are with carcinogenic chemicals .Not only some nameless companies but also globally branded companies must be unhesitatingly adding all such additives, at the cost of consumers health,.The food adulteration is nothing but slow poison,at a massive scale.Therefore it is incumbent on the part the Govts to take all necessary steps to curb this menace at all levels.

Even coming to vegetables and cereals, under the " Grow more food scheme" the agricultural researchers have succeeded in growing more quantities, but the original quality of every vegetable and cereals has been compromised.There is no taste and original smell/ aroma of each vegetable, is spoiled completely.Then what is the use crops to get more and more yield without original quality? The chemical manures are spoiling the originality,Inaddition to this, the cold storage system also must be making them to loose the original quality .Add to it , to make any fruit to ripen , chemicals are being used,All these are affecting the general health of people.
  The sad state of affairs is that today we get everything and anything under the sun is only adulterated , as such the Govts must bestow their full attention , and that chemical manures, pesticides should be avoided in case vegetables, Fruits, cereals,while in respect food items, it should  publish the list of hazardous , toxic chemicals as is done in west, while the food authorities intensify their checks and the violators should severely punished,I order to put an end to this menace which has already created havoc in the society.