Saturday, April 29, 2017

There has been lot of buzz about holding simultaneous elections for Lok Sabha and State Legislature. For the past one week again it gained momentum with Narendra Modi supporting it now. This proposal is not only being discussed in TV studios but the Centre is seeking inputs fro even ordinary citizens..There will be overwhelming support for this proposal because of the argument put forward in favour of it -- simultaneous elections will save a lot of money and will help the government carry forward the developmental projects without any hindrances. But here the real question is not desirability, but feasibility. Can simultaneous elections for both state and Central legislatures be implemented given federal nature of Indian democracy guaranteed by our constitution?
   I feel the simultaneous elections are not feasible in India, because people in general have different perceptions as far as both elections are concerned. Assembly elections are more about local issues, which a general election can never focus on to that extent. Separate elections are essential as they may keep our politicians accountable. If they are assured of no election for the next five years, they are bound to become apathetic to the needs of the general public. In fact it becomes all the more significant in India as we don't have direct democratic device like "Right To Recall"
 The Election Commission should be given more teeth, to find other ways to reduce costs in conducting elections rather than harming federalism and circumventing the constitution. Elections have never been a hindrance to governance as the code of conduct only ensure that government doesn't misuse policy announcements as inducements for voting. In fact if this is not the the government can go to EC to obtain permission to go ahead.
  Most of the people they don't vote for the parties after studying and analysing their manifestos. But they are guided by other extraneous considerations, and external influences swayed by false promises and freebies. If it is simultaneous there are likely to be the twin blunders of voting for two parties and being ignorant about both.
 We have had 16 general elections and a casual glance at the results would reveal the coalition governments were formed at the centre on more than six occasions with regional parties playing a crucial role. Quite a few states have been ruled by regional parties, eclipsing the national parties for decades. Even if simultaneous elections are held is there any guarantee that the elected governments will complete their full term rendering the idea of simultaneous elections irrational and unrealistic? Normally the single party rule belongs to a bygone era.
 Therefore I'm of the firm opinion that the simultaneous elections can never be a solution.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

India securing humble 97th position out of 118 developing nations like in Olympics, on the scale of global hunger index is noteworthy. But I'm surprised to note and find that our former Deputy Chairman Planning Commission, Montek Sigh Ahluwalia says "India has changed faster since 1991" .The most pertinent question I would ask, that for whom the change was brought and who got benefited ? I remember reading that according to UNESCO's global monitoring report 2013/14, India has largest adult illiteracy population in the world. India also has largest number of under nourished people. The Adivasis are being displaced as a result of this change which is pro-Corporate and pro-rich.
Even tiny neighbouring countries fared better than India? Does it not show a glaring disconnect between the economic growth and human development in India, given the prospective, fast-pacing economic growth it claims. The government should understand the imminent danger with continuing the flawed model of development. The second most populous country in the world can never prosper economically leaving 15 percent of people hungry and malnourished. I personally feel, ensuring food security and increasing public expenditure on health and education to the masses are to be made the central theme for any economic policy.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

It is a happy occasion that tomorrow Our Great Osmania University is celebrating its centenary after having completed 100 years. The celebrations are from 26/4/17 for three days, and will be observed throughout the year. I have done my graduation from Osmania, in 70s and still recollect those days, we have lost one academic year because of Telangana Agitation. It is a place known for agitations besides, excellence in academia. When I wanted to do my PG in the University, my father took me to the residence Late PV Narasimha Rao, in Hyderguda, near Urdu Hall, his son Ranga Rao was there, and  he was member of Syndicate  of Osmania University, those days, when my father told him about my requirement, he gave me his visiting card and asked me to meet Dr Mutalib, Head Dept of Public Administration.Dr, Mutalib, was a very famous renowned professor. Similarly Dr G,Ram Reddy was prominent for Politcal Science. Telugu, Sanskrit, English, science ,mathematics, Engineering Departments were very strong, and had very eminent professors. I was reminded of great personalities like Prof.Shivkumar, an eminent English language expert, Scientist Prof, P.M. Bhargava, a recipient of Padma Bhushan, Dr.C.Narayan Reddy, a well known personality in Telugu literature. Dr. Divakarla Venkata Avadhani, also a great scholar in Telugu language and literature was heading the department. Rakesh Sharma, the first Indian, to go into space to the latest being the cricket commentator Harsha Bhogle, are some of the products pf Osmania University.
 Osmania University has made its mark in the world of Arts, culture, and science. The noted feature of this great institution was the maintenance of a beautiful, and sprawling land scape, garden, with lovely Tagore Auditorium. During 1965-70 it was one of the prestigious hubs of knowledge, in the entire world. There used to be a high demand for the products of this great institution in the job market, not only in our country but abroad as well. I will not hesitate to say that Telangana movement and other events did create disturbances which affected the standards a little bit. But unfortunately, what I personally noticed that its huge chunk of lands are under encroachment in many areas. I think there remains a great task ahead to restore its past glory of this great university. I'm hopeful the Govt, and various committees, would strive towards the goal of " make OU great again "

Monday, April 24, 2017

The Union cabinet has decided to disallow the red beacon on Vehicles from 1st May. It is definitely a welcome move. Our constitution says that all are equal but our top brass politicians and bureaucrats try to display the power and privilege to say that they are more important than others. Now the Govt should bring out an act in parliament to prevent use of red beacons and sirens by officials and non-officials barring vehicles used for emergencies like Ambulances. In fact I see, apart from politicians and officials also use these sirens, on their personal four wheels. Some cops are also using sirens on their personal bikes. RTA authorities are helpless in preventing this till now. Now they can take steps to stop such acts which are causing much inconvenience to the general public. Unauthorised use of "Govt vehicle" boards on four wheelers, should also be stopped. And severe punishment should be given for violations as it disrupts traffic and causes trouble to common man. I hope that the govt will take all measures to make sure our VIPs move among their voters without any special privileges and ensure that it shouldn't end up as publicity stunt.
I appreciate our PM for addressing the issue of VIP culture, we can not forget that there are people like Sena MP Gaikwad, who has been violent with AirIndia staff, despite nation wide condemnation for the same is still being allowed into the Air-India flights. It is a fact that there are many more such Gaikwads in India and we have to see how our Administration deals with such people. We also need to do away with special privileges in trains, airplanes, and other places of worship .

Saturday, April 22, 2017

I wanted to share my concern on India's deteriorating Human Development Index. According to UNDP's Human Development Index India has slipped by one rank i.e from 130 in 2015 to 131 in 2016.  Human Development Index (HDI) represents country's development on the basis of three indicators i.e health, education, standard of living. Despite the hype about government's various welfare and development schemes, plight of an average Indian has remained the same or has worsened. I feel both Centre and State Governments should have transparent and constructive implementation of all the welfare scheme otherwise already outpaced this year by small South Asian countries like Srilanka and Maldives. India might slip to the lowest rank in HDI among all South Asian countries if immediate steps are not taken towards bettering the lives of common man. 

Sunday, April 16, 2017

I was appalled to see the report the other day that the Kolkatta High Court judge, CS Karnan passed an order directing the seven judges, of Supreme Court including the CJ , to appear before him on April 28th, at his residence in Kolkatta is baffling as they have been asked to defend themselves, against the charge of violating the SC/ST prevention of Atrocities Act levelled by him as he felt, that the seven judges of Supreme Court have insulted him deliberately with malafide intention thus becoming a hero who has become law unto himself. Is there no end to this sort of behaviour from Justice Kannan? Can Supreme Court not remove him from services, for such an irrational and stupid acts? And more over why is Central Govt. maintaining stoic silence on this isssue, in comprehensible. As Justice of High Court, he brought up Dalit Card. Baba Saheb Ambedkar, who fought for his peers, would turn in his grave seeing the misuse of the advantages he obtained for the community.
He is being deemed a hero, but I'm feeling helpless as no person, public personality or any politician of repute and not alas Not even sensation loving News Channel are not ready to take this issue head on, clearly for the fear of getting isolated. So much for the  Great nation, great democracy and a social fabric!
This reminds me of Singapore's Founding father Lee KwanYew who quoted saying that any society which doesn't recognise merit, and give its due place, will deteriorate and go down in the history, over the time. May God save this country.

Friday, April 14, 2017

Taking cue from a Saakshi TV9 news item on 'Who is going to be No.2 in Telangana cabinet?' I wanted to forth my view on this matter. There are array of thought processes in this regard. It is an important issue considering the fact that the TRS Foundation Day is around the corner.
During last year's plenary, it was discussed and deliberated on elivating  KTR  as party's vice-President or Secretary-General, but since nothing of that sort happened. This time again there is a speculation that he would be made party's Working President.
I have  a  feeling that he deserves to be elevated and KCR being a very shrewd politician, should not do the mistake made by Sonia Gandhi, abnormally delaying the elevation Rahul to the post of Vice President, and  now even for the President. But my personal feeling is KTR should immediately be elevated as working President  of TRS, without any further delay, for obvious reasons.
 A correspondent asked KTR at Armoor rally whether there was any elevation contemplated this time, for which, he said, that he really doesn't know, and if we see the style of functioning of KCR , certainly such issues of sensitive nature, neither he would discuss nor share with any one.
His elevation is important as KTR is very important man both in party as well as government, and it is widely accepted fact. He is has to learn the ropes of business in politics.  I observe him in both print and electronic media he seems to be a tough task master. KCR entrusted him both Hyderabad Municipal Corporation elections, and Khammam Municipal Corporation elections last year, where the party's position at that point of time was very weak, but having been given the task, he had proved his mettle and by winning both corporations. The fact of the matter is if he failed in even in either election, like Rahul in various polls. KTR would have taken the bullet if the TRS failed to get the corporations. I'm of the opinion that if someone is blamed for the defeats then his successes  should be equally rewarded. Moreover what we hear, that there seems to be a communication gap between, KCR and Ministers and legislators and with his elevation this problem could be addressed too.

Saturday, April 8, 2017

I have finished reading Sharad Pawars's "On My Terms From The Grass Roots To The Corridors Of Power"   My old boss and a close personal friend and colleague Sudhir Chaturvedi, ex- CMD Powergrid, suggested me to read this book. I must honestly admit that it is an excellent, rich, insightful and remarkably frank memoir by one of the India's most experienced and influential political leaders and a valuable document of the country's recent history.
   Pawar is one of the key public figures, and in his 50 years of political carrier he has never lost any election. Honestly speaking, before reading this book, I had no such high regard for him as I was of the impression that he is a great manipulator. Other wise how could he become CM of Maharashtra 4 times? But after reading his memoir I feel by his sheer hardwork and intellectual abilities he could become CM 4 times and a successful Union Defence and Agriculture Minister. As an eye witness at the highest levels to Union of India and Maha 

rashtra 's history since 1960s . You will find his reflections on coalition politics, the Congress party and its state of affairs, and the position of Agriculture, and Industry in the country. You will also find rare and sensitive information about many crises, topics on Emergency, it's impact on national and regional politics, fall of Chandrasekhar Govt, in1991. ,Signing of Punjab Accord, BabriMasjid Demolition,vis -a-vis the role of PV NarasimhaRao,1993 Mumbai blasts, Latur Earthquake. He has also touched on Enron power Project Controversy, Sonia's decision to give up PM's post. All this contemporary political topics makes it a very interesting read.
I'm happy to read lot of fascinating assessments of great Indian leaders like Indira, Rajiv, YB Chavan, Morarji Desai, Vajpayee, Chandrasekhar, PV Narasimha Rao, George Fernandes and Bal Thackrey etc. I would recommend this book to anyone with interest in politics.