Monday, June 26, 2017

June19th, 2017, was a memorable day, in the world history of space science as our Mars-Orbitary Mission MANGALYAAN,-successfully completed 1000 Earth Days.It is a pride of the nation. ISRO has gained reputation in the International space field after the success of Iconic Mangalyaan Mission, and successful launch of GSLV Mark3. This success has taken Indian pride to greater heights. With this we will be able to attract foreign investments, .
It is indeed a matter of deep satisfaction that the launch of GSLV-Mark3, which was nicknamed as "fat boy" by the space scientists, and "Bahubali " by Telugu media. India has shown to the world that its space program is cost-effective, and that it can plan future programs Chandrayaan 2 or Mangalyaan 2, to Moon and Mars. It is now time to seriously think of a manned mission, to space, the only segment in space science where China has an added advantage over us.
I congratulate ISRO for the success of GSLV which has enabled India to occupy a pride of place and recognition among scientifically advanced nations. In fact, an year ago, I remember to have read a comment that it was necessary to indulge in the luxury of this costly mission ignoring the deplorable conditions of millions rural population as the money spent on this mission could have been used for the development works in rural areas. But let us understand that the investment in space research has to be continued because it is like a goldmine where mining has just begun. It needs patience and foresight. Those who look for immediate returns on investments may fail to see the long term benefits which include opening new vistas, for a better living. Kudos to ISRO scientists.