Friday, July 7, 2017

There is lot of discussion on Indo-China bilateral relations and media showing the pictures of movement of arsenal by China, which is very disturbing.The confrontation has been raging for over here 3 weeks at Doklam plateau in Bhutanese territory which forms a tri-junction between Sikkim, China and Bhutan. As I understand from the reports that China has violated the Bhutanese territory and Indian soldiers obstructed this move of China. And this is supposed to be the cause the tension. Later Army Chief Rawat made statement that India is ready for two -half -front war , and Chinese media warned India of consequences citing 1962 war. India is at a disadvantage, but the situation may not be that bad. Drunk with economic and military power China seems to be moving with terrorist mindset. Their designs in Bhutan, Arunachal Pradesh will not succeed by holding out threats and it's ways are always unpredictable, for example closing the route Nathulal-pass, for our Indian pilgrims to go to Mansarover shrine. The new Yatra route was apparently opened by Beijing to show mark of respect to Hindu religious sentiments and deepen ties with new Government under Modi, and it is not surprising that Beijing has now taken a U-turn, on the issue and stopped our pilgrims which shows how unpredictable they are.
  I have read in one of the articles, that during the period when communism was at ascendency, the then king of Sweden had remarked that "if one is not a socialist till the age of 21 it shows he /she has no heart, and if he/she continues to be a socialist after 21 years it shows the person has no head." It has back - stabbed India by occupying our Aaksaichin area, and it is hand in glove with Pakistan, and opposing India at every stage on many issues concerning India, like Entry into Nuclear Suppliers group and the UN ban on Masood Azhar have soured our relations with China.
 Both the countries have escalated the matters to undesired levels. We all know India and China put together makeup one third of humanity and do you feel can they afford to be neighbours at each other's throats? Whatever may be postures and provocations, the standoff has to be resolved by diplomatic means, but even today's morning news bulletin also says, the alarming situation on the order and it was announced that the Modi-Xi jinping meeting at G20 summit in Germany also ruled out which was not in good taste seeing the border situation. 
  India and China may have many boundary disputes but  to avoid casualties of men and material both need to pursue peace talks through bilateral efforts. India must be sticking to Mc Mohan line, and disputed areas which we have lost and efforts should be made to reclaim but not at the cost of lives of our people.