Sunday, December 1, 2019

Ever since BJP gave Sadhvi  Pragya Singh Thakur, the Lok Sabha ticket from Bhopal, Sadhivi has been managing to embarrass BJP. By fielding her, their party hoped to generate the Hindutva ripple effect to give the party a lift across the country but it was an utter miscalculation. She could be a street fighter but is not cut out for politics, is as clear as daylight. Sadhus and sadhvis in the present-day Indian politics, particularly in BJP, have nothing to prove; nor is there anyone in their flock who can claim a contribution to the freedom struggle. Their sole aim appears to be causing fissures in society to remain politically relevant, and divert the nation from pressing problems like Economic slowdown, unemployment, etc.
What Thakur has done is to repeatedly cross the redline by eulogising Mahatma’s assassin Godse. The mascot of Hindutva has done it again, this time on the floor of the house called Godse Deshbhakth. She was forced to tender apology a furor with the stinging counter-attack on Rahul for calling her a terrorist. It’s not enough to condemn her remarks or bar her from meetings of their parliamentary party or drop her from the consultative committee of the Defence Ministry. The only way to deal with the serial offender is to EXPEL HER from the party if it’s really serious and concerned. The ruling party must walk the talk, on its avowed commitment to the Gandhian values by showing her the door.
Our Honourable PM had gone on record that he would never be able to forgive her. I feel it’s a big mistake by the party to give her the ticket from Bhopal, considering her background, as it was reported that she was associated with radical Hindu outfit Abhinav Bharat, and Durga Vahini, the women’s wing of VHP. By allotting party ticket the party is guilty of mainstreaming fringe elements. Many may feel, that she must be having the blessings of her bosses, otherwise, why she is so brazen? How could BJP which claims to be a party with a difference and bats for "purity in politics” justify making her MP when she faces grave charges? I feel the present action against her is only an eyewash. Had the party taken exemplary action in the first instance, she would perhaps have learnt “Laxmanna Rekha” of free speech.
The only way for the saffron party to redeem itself from the mess is to remove her from the party. Such course correction will be a fitting tribute to Mahatma as the country marks his 150th birth anniversary.