Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The Citizenship Amendment Act seems to have brought in more troubles to the country than the cheers.  It was a measure for consolidating or boosting BJP's image.  The North-East has been turned into a war zone, as conflicts between people and the police are going on with the widespread loss of properties and casualties are reported. What started as a peaceful protest by Jamia Mallika Islamia students against the Act on Sunday turned into arson, rioting, and violence, the scale of which Delhi has not witnessed in a long time. Buses were burnt, public property vandalised, and there was a large scale stone-throwing. Media reports say, police entered the campus forcefully and unleashed terror inside. It is alleged that the police entered the library, hostels and even went inside the washrooms to beat students and staff. It was horrifying to read about the violent protests in Delhi, against the CAA. While protesting is a citizen ‘s right, it must be done peacefully. But the reaction of police at the campus must be condemned. Throwing tear gas shells especially after the students said their protests were peaceful, was not right.
 When political parties achieve unexpected electoral victories they often become delusional about their powers. Something of this type seems to have happened to that party after its success in 2019 Parliament Elections. It develops fascistic tendencies in deciding what is right for our nation. The partisan interest of the party has become one with the good of the country, and the party’s manifesto has become the constitution. This is clear from the HM statement “It (CAB) has the endorsement of 130 crore citizens as it was the part of BJP’s manifesto in 2014 as well as in 2019.” The intent of the statement is clear since it has won parliamentary elections in2019, anything that’s in its party manifesto must have the backing of all India’s citizens. No one has the right to disagree. Anyone opposing the party is an anti-national. But all these assumptions have backfired. Consequently, India’s neighborhood policy has been damaged. Besides, this country’s International framework which underlines equality and humanism, which brought laurels is now seen as severely compromised, and many countries including US, UK France, Canada have issued travel advisories for their citizens asking them to” exercise caution” while traveling to NE region. On the one side, NE is playing with fire with people hitting the streets for the protection of the constitution, on the other hand, India’s image among the world community is diminishing and sending signals that country is deviating from its known paths of secularism and democracy.
It will be a real tragedy if foreign governments, as well as foreign investors, think twice before pegging India as a stable and functional democracy. The government needs to ask itself if pushing CAA is worth it.