Sunday, August 30, 2015

AP and TS suicides

It is sad to note that even after seven decades of India's independence the poverty is only rising at a jet speed. And it's decline seems to be not in sight in near future. Infact we have to hang our heads in shame if we look at the recent  notification from Indian Institute of Statistics on suicides in India vis a vis AP& TS. Absolutely there is no correlation between what our great so called top leaders who shout from the roof tops about the progress or development vis a vis the ground reality on many important issues concerning general public. It feels sad that 70 years of freedom has not empowered the food providing farmers. 
    As per the statistics we see 15 suicides in an hour everyday all over India. Is this what we dreamed for independent India? I feel very depressed for the pathetic state of affairs of the day and the Governance. It is not out of place to mention that over the period of time, the whole administration and the governance has  gone into the hands of totally corrupt politicians, bureaucracy and sometimes even judiciary. It is also a fact that the suicides are generally committed by poor and downtrodden those who are unable to make their both ends meet.  While politicians, corrupt babus are amassing lots of black money to keep it in Swiss banks.
        Some of the poverty alleviation programs like Food For Work were introduced with lot of fanfare have become the food for our so called leaders? When our leaders are unable to provide food and shelter to the needy it would be too much to expect healthcare and education? Diminishing income levels and spiraling costs are making it difficult for the downtrodden to survive and leading to mass suicide. 
          In AP 4451 such deaths have occurred and in Telangana number stands at 6882 and these two states stand at number 10 in the suicides compared to other states. Where is the  development which our great leaders speak?
            With regards to complete family suicides, AP is in 4th place while MP, UP and Karnataka take first three places. I am at a loss to understand as what is that we have achieved right from Nehru to Modi? With high suicidal rate we can easily imagine our country's developmental plight . Our political leaders have to put their heads to shame. Only god can save our country

Tuesday, August 25, 2015


After hearing Modi on the Republic Day, there has been lot of debate on it. Many said that it has no vision nor any direction which I think is because he has failed to fulfil the tall promises he made before the LokSabha elections.
I was very impressed with his 1st Independence Day speech where in he talked about " Swatcha Bhatat Abhiyan" ,Make in India Campaign " ,Jandhan Yojana, Settingup of Toilets in Schools" and the issue of Black money. But this time around when the entire nation wanted to know what progress it has made in the last one year, he had nothing to offer. We also know that he is known for beating the drum on every possible achievement but this time our Prime Minister stayed completely mum on Foreign Policy, Pakistan and Terrorism. I expected that he would come up with an account that of progress in delivering promises he made from same rampart , precisely an year ago. Probably he wanted to skip politically contentious issues like prolonged non-functioning of parliament session, and held up reforms or even deteriorations of Govt and Opposition relations on an important occasion like Independence day. On his remarks " on corruption was eating away at INDIA like termites" every one waited for him to break his silence on "LalitGate, VYAPAM but he didn't utter a single word. He neither dared to explain the problems involved on implementing OROP. He probably knew that implementation of promises can never be done with waving hand.
On the whole it was opined that his speech was lifeless, lacked conviction and substance. Opening of bank accounts and surrender of LPGs by some may not be a big achievement and the wheels of economy are not moving at the promised pace. While Foreign Investments are not pouring in as the investor's confidence is not restored. You all know, on the last Independence Day, Modi was flush with electoral success and he claimed that he was an outsider to Delhi. This year he is an insider but the promised change is yet to begin. Infact there was no logical explanation for him to skip entire Mosoon Session and leave it to his lieutenants who didn't do a good job. No doubt Congress is guilty of many failures and misdeeds but rubbing on same theme again and again doesn't win points for the Modi Govt. It has to stand on its merit and start delivering before it is too late.

Depend on yourself not god men/woman

Radhe Maa is in the news everyday. She has big clientele but is controversial because of her pomp and show. Some of her followers launched outrageous complaints and as a result she is jail.
     Ofcourse problems in life are universal, irrespective of ones religion. One must understand that the role of the preceptor is abide by and propagate detachment from mundane worldly pleasures and elevate followers from anger and lust and grow. But people flock to the so-called Godmen / God woman to seek their advice instead of trusting their own knowledge and intelligence. When solutions suggested by him doesn't work they go to some other such man is the order of the day. Many who end up being exploited this way. People instead of expecting some unknown person to come up with miraculous solutions should be prepared to face challenges on their own. 

Monday, August 10, 2015

Historical trends and future indicators

If media reports are any indicators then there seems to be lot of discontentment and disillusionment with the functioning of Modi Govt. People from all walks of life including scholars, executives, waiters at the restaurants even security personnel are being critical of Mr Modi and his Govt as per a very senior commentator. While some people criticised him over his Foreign jaunts, others say there is a big hiatus between his promises and implementation. More astonishing, it is even reported that the performance of his cabinet colleagues is far from satisfactory, as per Modi's long term strategists/ supporters, who are displeased as some Ministers are unable to live up to their expectations,
 According to social scientist Ashish Nandi had observed that any duly elected popular government would start slowly loosing its sheen after about one and half years. In 1986 it was Shabano case for Rajiv Gandhi government, implementation of Madal commission report by V P Singh Govt in 1992  and  P V Narasimha Rao Govt in Babri Masjid,are few examples in this regard. The iron man of Gujarat Modi also must be facing similar situation if I'm right. It is not because of any wrong decision, I would say, but owing to some mistakes in other areas of administration, his popularity is on decline as per the reports.
 While Modi is on decline, one of my Delhi friends says, there is a chance for congress to revive, which really made me to surprise as Rahul has become not only proactive, now a days, mixing with common man, all this after coming back from 2 months leave, but it is to be really seen whether this tempo could be sustained for another 4 years. In fact the same gentleman went to the extent of telling me that Rahul may even lead the party to victory in the hustings in 2019. I'm at a loss to understand the basis for his assumption. But the fact of the matter is if we go back in history in 1997 Indira Gandhi was defeated within three years she came back to power. Similarily in 1998 Rajiv lost in polls and again in 1991 he would have come back to power had he been not assassinated. In view of all this history and also due to decline in Modi's popularity may be 10 Janpath must be hoping for the best.
If it is critically examined, in realistic sense from other angle that history gets repeated, may not hold good, as certain facts can never be overlooked. The fact is that congress is very weak organisationally and in process lost in many states. Rahul lacks the charisma which Rajiv and Indira had while the present generation would not appreciate the dynastic role in India. The voter now would not see who are his ancestors, but would see the quality of the leadership.
In the present democratic India, a credible opposition leader with high integrity is the need of the hour, because after Nehru and Indira, Modi is a very powerful leader in the country is an indisputable fact. He has full command over the party and government which no other prime minister had except Nehru and Indira Gandhi. Both Nehru and Indira had to face very stiff opposition leaders but in case of Modi he has not faced a strong opposition leader.
 Looking back into history once again during 1947-50 even within the Congress people had an alternative in Sardar Patel, another power centre and Nehru had to invariably take his views into confidence and respect Patel's view while deciding the candidature of the first president of India. With Patel's demise in 1950 Nehru became undisputed leader in the party and government, but the situation in the parliament was different as he had to face very strong leaders like, Shyama Prasad Mukhrejee in Jansang, Hiren Mukhrejee, AK Gopalan etc from communists. But all of them used to make constructive criticism which Nehru used to appreciate as a true democrat.
 In 1974-75 Jayaprakash Narayan fought against the rampant corruption against Indira and she had to promulgate emergency to keep her baiters in jails and in the process she lost 1977 elections miserably.
 As I understand from the reports Modi feels he is a very tall leader of the day like Nehru while he has scant respect for Constitutionally independent institutions like Indira. In fact, these two are very dangerous trends in a democratically elected governments and for controlling such irrational tendencies a credible opposition is essential. When Nehru had Kriplani and Rajaji while Indira had Jayaprakash, but there is no one for to question Modi or to face him?
Since there is ample scope to speak against Modi on many important issues like appointing inefficient ministers, for encouraging religious intolerance but MPs and ministers and also for giving preference to loyalty rather than efficiency in political and administrative appointments.
 All these are very disturbing situations and the situation of opposition is also further more disturbing while most of the Regional parties are bogged down under heavy corruption and other issues while in Delhi people had some hope in AAP but it had dug its own grave and we are seeing the down trending of the Congress is continuing. Imm
ediately after Modi's take over in an year the crude oil prices went down and the economists felt that Modi is lucky enough and he would be further lucky if Rahul continued as his opponent.

Monday, August 3, 2015

Death penalty for Yakub Memon right or wrong?

Oflate heated debate over execution of Yakub Memon as taken major space in English dailies and television time slot. The trial court pronounced its verdict in 2007,14 years after the crime that shook India. It is preposterous that so much time should have been elapsed. It took another eight years to hang the accused in the midst of a big drama after the last  minute appeal. 
One school of thought is that the capital punishment as per the statute has to implemented, while the other school, those opposed to it say that this has become outdated and barbaric and that it should be scrapped as it doesn't serve as deterrent any more and already more than 100 countries in world have dispensed with it.
    In this case a thorough investigation has been done and judicial process has been meticulous. There could have been hardly any doubt that the perpetrators of this heinous crime deserved harshest punishment, but if we look at from the other side of the view we see certain hard realities. A man's last few hours under certainty of impending death, his family members being handed over a lifeless body with a broken spine will be the reality which give a severe jolt to the nation.
     Many of us know as I said above that many countries have already abolished the capital punishment and now it is time for India to follow suite. The Law commission is seriously working on it and may recommend for its abolition soon. In such rare cases rigorous imprisonment till death would have been more appropriate. If we recollect, something similar also transpired in the case of hanging Afzal Guru for his attack on Parliament.
        When blasts occurred in 1993 had the judgement been pronounced immediately after a reasonable period, the situation would have been different. There would have been some sense of closure for all of us. The long lapse has also made it worse and it points to inefficient investigative procedures, lapses in the functioning of our judicial system, and non seriousness of the Govt machinery. Justice delayed is justice denied.
        In the instant case of Yakub Memon, there seems to be critical failures on all the counts, leading to the wide spread impression that justice was not done. As I understand, he was convicted on the basis of the statements of his co-accused, a provision permitted under TADA only. It also a fact that this one man who didn't handle weapons or even explosives, was given the death penalty .
      While the other school of thought, that such a punishment is required as the accused who has not spared a thought for the death of innocent civilians in the serial blasts, was infact given all the opportunities under the Indian jurisprudence with the Supreme Court literally " burning midnight oil". Though the death sentence may not be a deterrent against terrorism, but it finds a place in the statute book, as such the courts cannot be faulted in awarding it. But in the case of Memon his legal team tried their best to save him. Even after three member bench of Supre Court rejected his mercy plea on last Wednesday, another mercy petition was submitted to the President.Though President has already rejected the mercy plea earlier, he still had long meeting with Union Home Minister and legal experts before he went by the centre's recommendation to reject it. All this shows that by no stretch of imagination could it be held that he didn't get fair deal and Memon shouldn't have forgotten that the explosion has resulted in the death 257 innocent people.
      However I feel, the incident is wrong step but in the right direction. Wrong step that this has happened at a time when many intellectuals and legal luminaries are debating the continuance of the death penalty. Right because it would send a strong signal to the terrorists of both domestic and international that they cannot use our soil as their play ground. Let us salute our judiciary and send a message to perpetrators of such heinous crime that we also respect the right of innocent victims of 1993 Mumbai blasts.
       In the end one can ask whether such executions would put an end to terrorism? The answer can never be affirmative. Courts across the world must think of alternative ways of punishing terrorists. The Govt shpould come with strategy to root out terror, but execution may be cowardice. As all of us know that the capital punishment has become a hot topic but I feel we need stringent laws on counter terrorism. And culprits have to punished without delay as Indian legal system uneccessarily gives terrorists a fairly long rope before taking the final step.