Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Depend on yourself not god men/woman

Radhe Maa is in the news everyday. She has big clientele but is controversial because of her pomp and show. Some of her followers launched outrageous complaints and as a result she is jail.
     Ofcourse problems in life are universal, irrespective of ones religion. One must understand that the role of the preceptor is abide by and propagate detachment from mundane worldly pleasures and elevate followers from anger and lust and grow. But people flock to the so-called Godmen / God woman to seek their advice instead of trusting their own knowledge and intelligence. When solutions suggested by him doesn't work they go to some other such man is the order of the day. Many who end up being exploited this way. People instead of expecting some unknown person to come up with miraculous solutions should be prepared to face challenges on their own.