Saturday, September 26, 2015


Few days ago I saw an editorial on the issue of withdrawal of stamps of both Rajiv& INDIRA ,followed by few news items, in different news papers and I also saw a scrolling in one of the Telugu channels on the same subject,which prompted me to share few of my thoughts on  this issue,

    We all are aware that in past few years,the Indian postal service is really failing to compete with the private courier services,in India,any amount push being exerted by Govt ,to activate it is yet to yield tangible results and  at the same time , it seems the Govt of India has decided to discontinue the stamps of both Rajiv,& INDIRA , the former PMs.,which would upset minds of some in general and congress in particular .

    Having agreed that congress is on the decline, but what I fail to understand is, why despite the upswing in political fortunes the NDA consistently stoops so low to try and erase the impression that the "FAMILY" has made on the public mind? Infact, I also read in some news papers that the Union Civil Aviation Ministry also is contemplating to rename several Airports in the country, including IndiraGandhi International Airport in this capital.In a way,renaming streets or landmarks,has now been,the BJP's back lash against the congress which named almost everything after Nehru and Gandhis.

     History could be conveniently rewritten but fact remains eternal. Assuming that Congress did some disservice by refusing to recognise any one beyond the "family" , the concerted effort by NDA2 to push its own pets, betrays a massive inferiority complex.It must be true that the congress neglected some of the national heroes during its rule.Does BJP stand to gain anything by following the wrong practices followed by its rival?The BJP can not appropriate SardarPatel,who was a congressman to the core,and was also an important Member of the first cabinet of Independent India .Whether Congress has belittled him or not,he is very widely known and respected even today.

    Therefore what I personally feel, the BJP Govt must be large hearted and open minded instead of stooping down to do the very things of which it accuses congress and the discontinuation, in my opinion, is petty minded. Infact, In democratic  country like India,who knows that The BJP will be in power,always and if some other parties come to power they may also resort to the same gimmick, which would be looked down upon.