Sunday, November 30, 2014

Purchase spree subsequent to Black Friday

In US we have seen Thanks Giving Day, on 27/11/14 for which I have seen people eagerly waiting for it as all shops will be offering heavy discounts mainly on all electronic items like TVs, tablets, phones etc and even on many items of general nature like clothes. This is followed by Black Friday where the same types of discounts are getting extended and you find there is a mad rush in all Malls  and shops; of course, on thanks giving day I have seen people waiting outside in very long queues in front of all Malls and  shops,but whereas for for black Friday and subsequent days,they flock to the malls as all these are holidays, my today,s experience being very bad,and sad, I should say,
Today being Sunday my son-in-law took us to Franklin Mills Mall which is situated 45 miles away and takes about 45 minutes.While I am not surprised to see rush in that outlet mall,where you find all sorts of people right from small babies on strollers to very old people who cannot walk but still do shopping on wheel chairs.

Here I want to enlighten my self on whether it is right to go on shopping spree merely because heavy discounts are being given irrespective of whether the items are needed! I feel sad because I saw thousands of people reaching there in morning, entering each and every shop, most of time only doing window shopping, while purchasing very little; sometimes they purchase and return, which doesn't make any sense! What I noticed was people go there without any aim and objective or without any rhyme and reason, because they do not know what to but, nor is there any real necessity. I am sad because it is criminal waste of money, time and energy as it can be appreciated if they have any requirement or if they have any idea of what to buy. In this process with this type purchase spree shop owners get huge profits,and the malls are only luring the gullible, while we are the losers!
The same situation is catching up in India and the day is not far off that we may become victims of the situation.