Monday, December 1, 2014

Fate of Indians Abducted in Iraq

The other day I saw a scroll on the TV that one surrendered Indian ISIS jihadi, has been handed over to Indian authorities. This has taken me back to an episode which happened about 5-6 months ago, 40 innocent construction laborers, have been abducted by ISIS jihadis. And nothing was heard about them, either in print, or electronic media, which makes hue and cry on trivial issues. Even our Ministry of External Affairs didn't make any noise.  Looks like even government didn't come their rescue for the past 6 months and nothing is known about their plight.
       Modi's supporters may not agree but  I feel that ministry of external affairs has failed in taking the issue to its logical conclusion.  And to my utter dismay, one random news stated that only one among those abducted people is surviving.  I strongly feel that Govt  has to respond and clarify the status quo of their plight. Amidst all the euphoria about Modi, he should still be questioned on grave issues like these.  
Iraq has not done anything and may not be interested in doing anything regarding this as ISIS is involved in this case. So the onus of saving innocent Indian lives lies on Indian government.
      Coming to another important issue related this, of the 4 Mumbaites who joined ISIS , only one Arif Majeed has surrendered and was handed over to Indian Government.  The big question here is, what are the efforts being made to trace the other three Indian jihadis. There is no additional information on this too. 
It is puzzling  that the same government which took swift action to rescue abducted Indian nurses, surprisingly has maintained a stoic silence on these 40 innocent Indians trapped in Iraq.
ISIS an anti American and European entity is trying woo Indian youth into taking this vicious path and is also said to be specifically eyeing Hyderabadi's too. It may spell doom for us, if no steps or precautions are taken regarding this. 
      I hope and expect KCR government and the Commissioner of police, Mr Mahendar Reddy, who had the long innings as IG Intelligence, should try to nip it in bud. Central government and state government should come together to fight these anti social elements.  And should take immediate actions to rescue those Indians from Iraq.