Sunday, December 7, 2014

Condolence for Justice, Krishna Iyer death

With the recent sad demise of our justice Krishna Iyer, we have lost not only an eminent Jurist, but a great, humanist, who extended his unstinted  support for the cause of poor and down trodden , till he breathed his last.Infact, everyday in FB,I see so many issues and any number of topics being discussed, but I feel sorry to say that 3/4 days ago when such a great soul passed away, not a word of condolence  or few good words about him appeared. Many senior advocates and jurists are also unusually maintaining silence on his demise except one photo I believe, appeared.
  I remember to have read sometime ago, that Krishna Iyar celebrated his 100th birthday somewhere last month. My late father Sri Satyanarayan Rao (Harkara ) of Ramgundam, a very popular , and highly respected man, who also fought for the cause of poor,in our areas Ramgundam, Peddapalli and  Manthani and surrounding ares of karimnagar district of telangana state and was  a staunch advocate of  Mr Krishna Iyar. I remember once he was telling me  that,  
When Mrs Gandhi lost her case in Allahabad High court, she preferred an appeal before Supreme Court and the then Law Minister Mr Gokhale, telephoned him to say that they would reach, next day for filing an appeal, it seems Mr Iyer told him that he was at liberty to file an  affidavit with the help of an advocate, with Regisrar of Supreme Court as such  it  need not be known to him. When it was filed Mr Nani Palkiwala appeared for Mrs Gandhi while Shanti Bhushan, appeared for Rajnarain,and  Mr KrishnaIyar, skipping lunch, heard the arguments on both sides for 7 hours continuously, and for pronouncing the judgement, that day whole night he remined in the court itself, with his secretary, prepared the judgement made few hundreds of copies for immediate distribution, and next day before noon, pronounced the judgement, that was his commitment, to the justice, and impeccable integrity .
  While reading about him, I came to know that, when was given PADMA AWARD, it seems he telephoned Mr K.R Narayanan, the then President Of India and asked him, if accepts this award will there be any infringement to his right to take on Govt?
 As a Minister of Law &Justice, in Namboodripad's Govt I am told he brought lot of reforms. He was an author of many books, and pronounced many land mark judgements, as judge of Supreme Court.  
I feel that a great person like should get his due respect and I pray to god that may his soul rest in peace.