Saturday, December 20, 2014

Development of Telangana State

Today morning one of my friends while speaking to me on few issues related to Telangana suggested me to write about some pressing issues being faced by us in Telangana in general and Hyderabad in particular. I've been out of the country for more than 3 months and as such it would be difficult to pass judgment without practically seeing the ground reality and confirming the things for my self. But since the suggestion was made I thought it would be prudent to mostly rely on the print and electronic media, but that also being biased, I do not  like to take sides.

Since it is only 6 months over, I feel it is too early to pass judgement on KCR Govt, but on the whole it looks he has taken the administration seriously and chalking out his own plans to steer the new state to prosperity and growth. However, I personally feel, the revival of TODDY SHOPS is neither in the interest of people nor for the future of families who have been slaves to TODDY and drinking habits. I also feel instead of trying to build smart districts let his focus be on growth and development which would empower the citizens increase their standard of living and quality of life. In the city of Hyderabad focus should be on strengthening traffic management while punishing the violators like people driving while talking on cellphone and errant drivers of the vehicles. It is also a fact that it becomes impossible for Hyderabad to become SINGAPORE unless empty spaces are not misused for open  urinals and Metro  Rail Pillars are not defaced with marketing or political posters. The safety of women need to be prioritized  and their security to carefully and seriously monitored.

KCR is rightly focusing his efforts on districts as every district has its own greatness and history. Instead of planning for smart districts focus should be on growth and development as the quality of life is more important while it is necessary to arrest urban migration and the need of the hour is to decongest Hyderabad without any further delay.

These are the few suggestions I would like add, which came to my mind in past few months observation