Tuesday, December 30, 2014

My first movie in US (P.K)

On day after Christmas we went to watch the movie "PK"; it was the first time in US we were watching a movie in the theater. I was watching a movie in theater after a long gap; my last movie in theater was "SITAMMA VAKITLO SIRIMALLE CHETTU" in Hyderabad at the insistence of elder daughter who took us to the movie.

With excellent word of mouth and positive reviews and the holidays made us venture to a movie theater. I happened to read that PK could  eclipse $25 million overseas record of  Hirani's 3 Idiots

Being holiday the theater was almost full for the afternoon show. I saw quite a few Indian families with  children. They  laughed quite a bit all through but by the second half everybody was mostly quiet, while a few applauded when PK ended.

My sense of PK was the same as that of the rest of the audience. The first half was refreshing; Aamir Khan gave a spirited performance as an alien, while he was funny having delivered the dialogues of Hirani.

All the wit and  humor started to fade when PK set out to expose the hypocrisy of godman and organized religious propagandist. The whole idea of it may be that people in the name God and religion are being duped, while the godmen are amassing lots of money, from gullible public.
Some of the songs are good with beautiful locations while some of the supporting cast was also good, but I felt it was a bit too long.

Friday, December 26, 2014

A few observations on the book "My Days with Nehru" by MO Mathai

Yesterday I finished reading the book "My Days With Nehru" by M O Mathai. He is also known as Mac, he was one of the intriguing and influential figure in the post independent India. He was born as a Syrian Christian, from Kerala, graduated from Madras university, with Economics and political science. Before joining Nehru, he had worked for US Army on Assam-Burma border and had good experience as PA for top officials in American Estate and also Bishops in Malabar church. In 1942 he was also on British pay roll in India. He was PM's special Assistance from 1946 to 1959. He enjoyed privileged access to Nehru's household and office, having managed the secretarial work of PM. He was made to resign in 1959 after serious allegations of misuse of power were made by Communist party. He wrote two books Remeniscences of Neru Age  and My Days With Nehru which were published in year 1978 &1979 respectively. These books were very controversial in those days. 

Natwar Singh in his autobiography, "One Life is Not Enough" has alleged that Mathai was a CIA agent. All this controversy surrounding these books made my urge to read stronger but I was not able to get them as they were out of publication. Finally after coming to US, I got to read both of them.
According to me I found nothing controversial and because of his proximity to the powers that be, and his free access to men and matters Mathai, could give an honest account of many personal and official issues, which are very interesting to read. His language and presentation skills were excellent. I would like to place before you, some of the topics he discussed. 

On the question of taking back or amending his claims about Shradha Mata (in his book "Reminiscences of the Nehru Age"), a tantric lady who he claimed had relationship with Nehru, he refused to change his stance on it. He shared interesting and personal details about Nehru, like how Nehru had the fascination for plants, birds and children and that Nehru used to give replies personally, send signed autographs to children.

Another topic was Astrology, it seems Dr Sampurnanand then CM of UP wrote to Nehru to stop making fun of it publicly, for which while replying Nehru said that it was not his intention to ridicule Astrology but it was dangerous thing for people to condition their mindset on the basis astrological predictions. And it was a surprise to know that Dr Rajendra Prasad and Gulzarilal Nanda were abject slaves of Astrology and Palmistry. He covered many such interesting facts and gave apt descriptions of personalities like Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan, JB Kripalani, SK Patil, Dr BC Roy, MN Roy, SrinivasaIyegar and Saik Abdullah.

During his visit to Soviet Russia with the PM he discussed many issues like corruption and large number of beggars in the streets of Moscow. On corruption he says that corruption started when man appeared on earth and will end until life is extinguished in the planet. And that it is like diabetes, which can never be cured but can only be controlled. What I understood from the topic was, that the major cause of the phenomenal advance of the Soviet Union was the availability of immense natural resources of that vast country and not communism. He was of the opinion that Communism since the days of Marx has become largely out of date and certainly India's future depends on its vast natural resources, it's scientists, engineers, technical manpower and reasonably stable and competent Government dedicated for the welfare of the people and not communism.

A good deal of discussion is there on Subhash Chandra Bose, whose dedication to the country was total, and he had no commitment to any thing wider than nationalism- not even to socialism. As per this Bose even ridiculed Nehru of practicing sentimental politics. Bose was an ardent admirer of Swami Vivekananda. We must also take note of the fact however opposed to each other both Nehru and Bose, when the news of Bose's death in an aircraft accident in 1945 reached Nehru, he paid tributes to his old comrade of freedom struggle with tears rolling down his cheeks, as Bose emerged as a great patriot, no doubt with indomitable courage. There was an element of tragedy in destiny of Bose, but future generations will certainly remember him as India,s tragic hero of 20th century. 

Sanjay and Rajiv Gandhi also find a place in the book, and how Mathai was involved from their childhood also has been discussed. In Dr Sampurnanand's (CM Of UP) issue, it seems he had a look of a person who had walked out of pages of Sastras, well versed in Indian history and culture, but himself being a non Brahmin, but passionately believed that he was Brahmin by accomplishment.

JRD Tata, was only one industrialist, having excellent rapport with Nehru, but differences cropped up subsequently on some trivial issues. While discussing Administration on Nehru time, one important observation is that, one day Mr SK Patil went to ask him privately as to why PM was not encouraging any person or group of his colleagues to come up, and for this Mr Mathai's reply was that he might as well reconcile himself to the fact that nothing would grow under a banyan tree and same day when he went to Bombay, he blurted the same as if it is his own version. 

Another important thing mentioned was on Kashmir, wherein it is said that India shouldn't have taken the initiative to order a ceasefire, until the whole of the state recovered, unilateral offer of plebiscite at the time accession was a blunder and taking it UN was a serious lapse.

Mr Chester Bowls on 9th June 1996 said publicly that India made more progress in 18 years of its independence than in 200 years of British rule. However it also a fact that one's background as well as one's way of looking at things will colour one's judgement, for example when Gandhiji stood before Taj Mahal, he saw only forced labour, an American millionairess after visit to India 70 years ago told audience in New York that in Taj Mahal, about moonlight, while Smith a historian of Oxford and ex-ICS, official wrote that Taj Mahal was barbaric ostentation completely devoid of artistic merit.

The fact that Nehru had spent his life working for the great cause and suffered in process and was recognized as Gandhi's heir, had invested him with great moral authority. In Asia and Africa particularly he had become a symbol of man's quest for freedom and independence and being PM of politically great country with strategically important geographical position. All these compelled millions of people everywhere to listen to him in rapt attention. However the recent trends at considerably senior level, in Govt, show some denigration of Nehru, while eulogising Sardar Patel, and others who are also equally respectable, is not in good taste and does not auger well for our country if I have to call spade  a spade.

Looking at all these things, and many more I would suggest you all to read it once you are able to lay your hand on the book.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

The concept of Thanksgiving

Few days ago my grand son Advait, son of my second daughter, gave me the book "Autobiography of a Yogi" to read. I have been told by many that it is a good book; a Telugu version of this has been with my wife and she read it too. I didn't read it as I felt it was too big to read. But now after reading couple of books as big as this one, I was ready to read it.  I'm finding it interesting. 

As we all know saints and masters are shining examples of being givers. They want nothing for themselves as they have every thing they need. They are one with God and source all bliss and love. When we have love what else can be compared to it? In today's world love has lost its significance and people take pleasure only by indulging in materialistic wealth. This reminds me if thanksgiving, where they celebrate by giving each other gifts. 

Thanksgiving is celebrated at the end of November. It is a special day devoted to giving thanks for the good things in life and have dinners with kith and kin. But whatever little bit I have understood here is that it all began with newly arrived people from Europe who landed in US and gave thanks to the native Americans for their help. Over the period of time Thanksgiving has come to be symbolized as giving thanks for anything in our lives for which we are grateful.

It may kindly be noted that yet times when we give thanks it may be because we received something from some one. We might have received something from our family, our friends, our teachers, our community or our country. We may also give thanks to God for his grace on us. Yet most of these forms of  thanks are for what we have received. I personally feel there is another way to show appreciation and all that is not only by thanking but by giving what's ours. When we give thanks it is mostly for what we have received or taken. If we really want to show appreciation for what we have received we can express it by giving it to others. It is one way of passing on the goodness of what we have received. In this way we are not only takers but we also become givers. This form of  "Thanksgiving" has some greater connotation, not only materialistic in my view.

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Development of Telangana State

Today morning one of my friends while speaking to me on few issues related to Telangana suggested me to write about some pressing issues being faced by us in Telangana in general and Hyderabad in particular. I've been out of the country for more than 3 months and as such it would be difficult to pass judgment without practically seeing the ground reality and confirming the things for my self. But since the suggestion was made I thought it would be prudent to mostly rely on the print and electronic media, but that also being biased, I do not  like to take sides.

Since it is only 6 months over, I feel it is too early to pass judgement on KCR Govt, but on the whole it looks he has taken the administration seriously and chalking out his own plans to steer the new state to prosperity and growth. However, I personally feel, the revival of TODDY SHOPS is neither in the interest of people nor for the future of families who have been slaves to TODDY and drinking habits. I also feel instead of trying to build smart districts let his focus be on growth and development which would empower the citizens increase their standard of living and quality of life. In the city of Hyderabad focus should be on strengthening traffic management while punishing the violators like people driving while talking on cellphone and errant drivers of the vehicles. It is also a fact that it becomes impossible for Hyderabad to become SINGAPORE unless empty spaces are not misused for open  urinals and Metro  Rail Pillars are not defaced with marketing or political posters. The safety of women need to be prioritized  and their security to carefully and seriously monitored.

KCR is rightly focusing his efforts on districts as every district has its own greatness and history. Instead of planning for smart districts focus should be on growth and development as the quality of life is more important while it is necessary to arrest urban migration and the need of the hour is to decongest Hyderabad without any further delay.

These are the few suggestions I would like add, which came to my mind in past few months observation

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Our visit to Maryland on 14/12/2014

This Sunday we went to Ice at Gaylord in Maryland. It was an igloo like structure with arctic like temperatures inside it. The whole place was filled with colorful and beautiful sculptures carved out of ice. At the entrance was display of  main theme exhibit Frosty the snowman.

The next display was that of cute rabbits and some other animals and then came a ice tunnel,  which felt like we were living something which was part of our imagination or something we saw only in our books. At the end of the tunnel was kids favorite part, ice slide. Looking at those ice slides not only kids but all adults lined up to enjoy sliding. Me and my wife went on it too, but kids who came with us went wild going on it again and again. Our hands and face were numb with unbearable cold inside. And were not able to talk too as we were tongue tied too. Though we were wearing winter gear like gloves, hats, jackets and thermals still we couldn't stand conditions inside. Inspite of that we continued to enjoy the place.

This great experience was possible because of my daughters friends and neighbors Shanti and Kiran who were very accommodative and kind to have taken us.murthy. We had our late lunch at that temple and we headed home, ending our memorable day.

 There was no space for so many us but still they made arrangements so that we can all go together. After ice at Gaylord they also took us to a very special shiv-vishnu temple. This temple has unique srichakra inscribed with vishnu on the front and shiv on the back of the one murthi. We had our lunch in the temple and headed home.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Few thoughts on the author Mr P C Parakh and his book, Crusader or Conspirator

Today I had finished reading the book CRUSADER OR CONSPIRATOR written by PC Parakh IAS (Rtd). Mr Parakh belongs  to the then AP cadre and an old acquaintance of my father late sri Satyanarayan Rao of Ramgundam. I used send greetings on my father's behalf invariably twice in a year, on the eve Diwali and New Year's Day. At the time of writing this book, he got superanuated 8 years before, as secretary to  Ministry of Coal.
    All of us are well aware of Coalgate scam occurred in the year 2012 and this book is about Coal Blocks allocation. In 2012 the controversy over allotment of Coal Blocks to private companies rocked the country. The CAG had observed that govt had picked favorites while avoiding open and competitive bidding and the CAG concluded that the Govt lost 1.86 lakh crores in the process while the amount went into pockets of private companies. It had been the biggest scam in history of Govt of India.
   India's premier Investigating Agency CBI filed an FIR against the Secretary of Coal Ministry Mr PC Parakh.( the author) and top Industrialist Mr Kumaramangalam Birla. The FIR outraged the Civil Services and the corporate bodies. Mr Parakh having earned fine reputation for his ability and integrity as civil servant perhaps wanted to clear the dust and hence the book.
   The book isn't however just about coal scam .It is also about working with some top  politicians, starting with CMs of AP. It also deals with life in the Coal Ministry, Mamta Benerjee, Shibu Soren and Manmohan Singh who was PM.  It is about the lessons he learnt and an account that startles with never before revealed information. 

     I may kindly be permitted to eloberate one or two issues for better appreciation of the issue as I have many FB friends who are top advocates, Administrators, judges, sr officers from NTPC and politicians Etc.
     In fact the book throws light on many aspects of coal scam,which will be of intetest to the general public. After all it is mineral, pertains to public, its distribution is to be done in a fair manner, consistent with public interest. As per him he had proposed the auction method, which indeed was approved by the PM  ( in charge of Coal also).  However the interests of politicians involved managed to subvert this sound decision, delay its implementation, for a decade in the meantime, it was looted. Now the matter is in the highest court.
  The fact of the matter is PM was mute ineffective spectator. Note that same man was able to take firm stand on nuclear deal & FDI in retail issue but in this he was a prisoner of circumstances.
  As per Mr Parakh, there is no case for investigation into allocations made from 1993 to 2003. The CAG had not made adverse observations on these allocations nor was there any complaint. He says no meaningful investigation can be made in cases that were decided decade earlier. Again I want to brief you his honest observations on our great CBI.
   To Mr Parakh, the entire approach of CBI, in investigating coal scam is faulty. It is not equipped to  the truth. it's expertise lies on fixing and unfixing people. It is totally staffed with police officers who have little or no exposure to policy formulation and its imp!ementation. The entire process of investigation is in hands of inspector level officials, who have little understanding of decision making process in the Govt. 

I would therefore personally feel no useful purpose would be served, in the instant case and the entire exercise would be futile if we go by the then secretary Mr. Parakh. 


Monday, December 8, 2014


I mentioned in my previous blog that I started reading the book "The Accidental Prime Minister" By Sanjay Baru. It is insightful, acute and packed with political gossip. It is one of greatest insider accounts of Indian political life and an excellent portrait of Manmohan Singh era.

Baru left successful carrier as Cheif Editor of Financial Express to join PMO as Media Adviser in UPA 1. As per this book, Mr Singh offered him the job with these words "Sitting here, I know I will be isolated from outside world. I want you to be my eyes and ears.Tell me what you think I should know, without fear or favor".

Mr Baru's account of what it was like to "manage" public opinion for Singh while giving us a riveting look at Indian politics as it happened behind the scenes. As his trusted aid for 4 years, Baru  it seems, closely seen the PM often his troubled relations with his colleague Ministers, his cautious equation with Mrs Soniaji and how  the PM  handled big crises from managing Left parties and pushing nuclear deal.The reader is given a revealing picture of what it was like for Mr Singh to work in a government which had two centers of power.

After reading this book what I understood is that for some senior politicians it had become a fashion to cast aspersions on him whenever something related  to corruption or favoritism occurred in any ministry and this used to disturb me very much. The book reveals that Manmohan Singh's general attitude towards corruption in public life seemed to be that he would himself maintain the highest standards of probity in public life but wouldn't impose it on others; in other words he was himself in corruptible and also ensured that no one in his immediate family ever did anything wrong, but he didn't feel answerable for misdeeds of his colleagues or subordinates as perhaps he felt that he was not the political authority appointed them to these ministerial positions and in fact he turned  blind eye to such misdeeds. He must have expected that congress party leadership to deal with black sheep in his govt, just as he expected the allies to deal with their black sheep.While his conscience was always clean with respect to his own conduct, perhaps he believed every one had to deal with their own conscience.

I watched Manohan Singh being unfairly treated as an object of public ridicule during his second term as PM and it is natural for a political leader to either be admired or hated, but a politician should never become an object of ridicule. He didn't deserve this fate. However he remains not just a good man but as per Mr Baru, his final analysis, a good PM too. It is especially true in his first term in office. No congress leader  including Sonia or Rahul can match his combination of personal integrity, administrative experience, international stature and political appeal across wide range of public opinion. These qualities were strikingly evident in UPA 1 but whereas in UPA 2 it has suffered an irreparable loss .

For analyzing all this I think we may have to read few more books on similar subject written during that period. I will now start reading another book in succession, "CRUSADER OR CONSPIRATOR" By Mr PC PARAKH. This may also throw some light on the Manmohan Singh Govt.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Condolence for Justice, Krishna Iyer death

With the recent sad demise of our justice Krishna Iyer, we have lost not only an eminent Jurist, but a great, humanist, who extended his unstinted  support for the cause of poor and down trodden , till he breathed his last.Infact, everyday in FB,I see so many issues and any number of topics being discussed, but I feel sorry to say that 3/4 days ago when such a great soul passed away, not a word of condolence  or few good words about him appeared. Many senior advocates and jurists are also unusually maintaining silence on his demise except one photo I believe, appeared.
  I remember to have read sometime ago, that Krishna Iyar celebrated his 100th birthday somewhere last month. My late father Sri Satyanarayan Rao (Harkara ) of Ramgundam, a very popular , and highly respected man, who also fought for the cause of poor,in our areas Ramgundam, Peddapalli and  Manthani and surrounding ares of karimnagar district of telangana state and was  a staunch advocate of  Mr Krishna Iyar. I remember once he was telling me  that,  
When Mrs Gandhi lost her case in Allahabad High court, she preferred an appeal before Supreme Court and the then Law Minister Mr Gokhale, telephoned him to say that they would reach, next day for filing an appeal, it seems Mr Iyer told him that he was at liberty to file an  affidavit with the help of an advocate, with Regisrar of Supreme Court as such  it  need not be known to him. When it was filed Mr Nani Palkiwala appeared for Mrs Gandhi while Shanti Bhushan, appeared for Rajnarain,and  Mr KrishnaIyar, skipping lunch, heard the arguments on both sides for 7 hours continuously, and for pronouncing the judgement, that day whole night he remined in the court itself, with his secretary, prepared the judgement made few hundreds of copies for immediate distribution, and next day before noon, pronounced the judgement, that was his commitment, to the justice, and impeccable integrity .
  While reading about him, I came to know that, when was given PADMA AWARD, it seems he telephoned Mr K.R Narayanan, the then President Of India and asked him, if accepts this award will there be any infringement to his right to take on Govt?
 As a Minister of Law &Justice, in Namboodripad's Govt I am told he brought lot of reforms. He was an author of many books, and pronounced many land mark judgements, as judge of Supreme Court.  
I feel that a great person like should get his due respect and I pray to god that may his soul rest in peace. 

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Countering extremism..

   The other day as I was watching news, I saw a heart wrenching news story of 13 CISF Jawans killed by Naxalities. In Bastar, Chattisgarh district, Jawans returning from work were shot dead. According to a recent article atrocities of Maoists have even surpassed even that of ultras of Somalia, AL-SOHB of ISIS. It is an extremely sad situation where young policemen are killed by ruthless acts of Naxalites.  Attacks on police, central forces are on rise and this current massacre  is a pointer in this regard. This is second attack in past 10 days. It is ironic that this incident happened after a stern statement given by Chattisgarh CM Ramansingh, that tough actions will be taken against these extremists. Even though naxal surrenders are on rise, police is resorting to encounters. I wonder why civil liberties organizations that make hue and cry when naxals are encountered but say nothing when policemen are massacred. 
India is one among six nations suffering from terrorism problem which includes Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakisthan, Nigeria, and Syria . A study conducted by Institution for Economics and Peace on world Terrorism observed that terrorism increased by 70% in India. 
I strongly feel that this problem will persist as long as it is treated as a law and order problem instead of  treating it like a socio economic problem.  Center and state governments together should try to bring in poverty alleviation programs including education, employment and infrastructure facilities. And also should create more awareness to counter naxal propaganda among the downtrodden. 
I also feel, the Govt of India , should appoint a high powered committee, to suggest remedial measures in consultation with affected states and the may even negotiate with Naxal groups, so that, they come to an understanding, and violence can be reduced. 

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Princeton University visit

After we reached New Jersey, my co-brother Mr Suresh along with his wife Mrs. Uma came over here on a short trip to see my daughter's family. We went to Niagara Falls, saw New York city and our last important visit was to the University of PRINCETON. This happened one day before their departure for Dallas. It being very reputed, we have decided to go there as it is only five minutes drive. Princeton downtown is usually very congested and my daughter was little hesitant as getting parking space is difficult and she is not comfortable doing parallel parking. But somehow on noticing our curiosity, she ventured to take us there and rest of the trip went on very well.

The entire area and the road on which the university is located is full of well maintained buildings, some of them are from the 18th century. The entire area is buzzing with commercial activity. Princeton University is one of the 9 colonial colleges established before the advent of American Revolution. The university was founded in the year 1746 and it's alumni include President Woodrow Wilson, Richard Feynmann, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos  and First Lady of US, Michel Obama.
It is situated in few hundreds of acres, very old ,well maintained buildings, having huge, latest and ultramodern infrastructure , as they are not starved of funds unlike their Indian counter parts. And it has an excellent reputation world over in subjects like Humanities, social sciences and Engineering.  But  it doesn't have the courses like Law, Medicine, Divinity etc but they are being offered through  Woodrow Wilson school of public & international affairs.

All this information, may not be that important, but the notable thing is that the brain of Mr Albert Einstein is preserved here for research. He died on 18/4/55 in Princeton hospital, attached to this university. We were told that the pathologist Dr Thamsey Harvey did autopsy on Einstein and removed the brain. He cut it into 240 pieces and preserved it over the years and subsequently he gave several pieces of the brain to researchers at the universities of Berkeley, Alabama etc. After going round various places Dr. Harvey came back to New Jersey in year 1996 and gave all the remaining pieces to the chief pathologist of Princeton hospital for doing further research.

Some say that Einstein gave his consent to donating his brain, but wanted not publish the findings. Few photos taken there are also appended . Since I felt this information may be of interest to some, I have shared it.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Fate of Indians Abducted in Iraq

The other day I saw a scroll on the TV that one surrendered Indian ISIS jihadi, has been handed over to Indian authorities. This has taken me back to an episode which happened about 5-6 months ago, 40 innocent construction laborers, have been abducted by ISIS jihadis. And nothing was heard about them, either in print, or electronic media, which makes hue and cry on trivial issues. Even our Ministry of External Affairs didn't make any noise.  Looks like even government didn't come their rescue for the past 6 months and nothing is known about their plight.
       Modi's supporters may not agree but  I feel that ministry of external affairs has failed in taking the issue to its logical conclusion.  And to my utter dismay, one random news stated that only one among those abducted people is surviving.  I strongly feel that Govt  has to respond and clarify the status quo of their plight. Amidst all the euphoria about Modi, he should still be questioned on grave issues like these.  
Iraq has not done anything and may not be interested in doing anything regarding this as ISIS is involved in this case. So the onus of saving innocent Indian lives lies on Indian government.
      Coming to another important issue related this, of the 4 Mumbaites who joined ISIS , only one Arif Majeed has surrendered and was handed over to Indian Government.  The big question here is, what are the efforts being made to trace the other three Indian jihadis. There is no additional information on this too. 
It is puzzling  that the same government which took swift action to rescue abducted Indian nurses, surprisingly has maintained a stoic silence on these 40 innocent Indians trapped in Iraq.
ISIS an anti American and European entity is trying woo Indian youth into taking this vicious path and is also said to be specifically eyeing Hyderabadi's too. It may spell doom for us, if no steps or precautions are taken regarding this. 
      I hope and expect KCR government and the Commissioner of police, Mr Mahendar Reddy, who had the long innings as IG Intelligence, should try to nip it in bud. Central government and state government should come together to fight these anti social elements.  And should take immediate actions to rescue those Indians from Iraq.