Friday, October 16, 2015


The recent lynching of 50 year old Muslim , in Dadri, of Greater Noida, in UP, by a Hindu mob, allegedly for killing  a " calf" and eating it's meat,was a deeply disturbing incident. Apparently a mob of about,200 people reached the house of Mr Akhlaque on the night of September 28th,and beat him to death, while seriously injuring his son,battling for life, whose fate is not known as of now.I felt very much disappointed to note and find that the Union Home Minister ,Mr Rajnath Singh,was content to call it " unfortunate" and urged people not to give a communal colour , instead of ordering to bring the culprits to book.The same logic had been echoed by Union Tourism Minister, who is also MP from the area .One thing I fail to understand ,that in the event  if cow is slaughtered, should the slaughterer be killed as a punishment? Can the life of an animal be placed above human life?

        Infact I have the highest regard for the present Govts, as whole of India , seeing Mr Modi, voted him to power with absolute majority, expecting that he would make and unmake things, and listening to his speeches ,we could come to the conclusion that he wouldn't tolerate any such indecent things nor corruption issues,and expected that he would condemn. But I am sorry to say that, no such thing happened,after such heinous crime; nor the corruption issues that came to the fore in MP ( VYAPAM ) , which is not only disappointing but disgusting also.
        Ofcourse , after so many days of silence, our PM  chose to comment on the incident at an election rally,in Bihar,and I personally feel, he must have been hoping to take advantage of both time- lapse,and the distance,as he didn't say any thing substantial . Infact,the sad part is, on the same day , an independent MLA from J&k, was thrashed by the BJP MLAs in the precincts of Assembly itself,for having served " beef" in the party being organised by him and don't think, that the party MLAs have been reprimanded , no..not at all.PM never bothered to say a word on this, but instead,he preferred to meekly relay , our President of India Mr Pranab da,'s statement .I do not know why our PM is tolerating the unparliamentary language being used by the leaders of his party, consisting of statements that are  bound to affect if not restrained, his ambitious program of Development .
              Yesterday in India Today TV, at 10 pm, during the discussion, it was mentioned that 25 litterateurs had submitted resignations,.The spate of resignations, from the positions in Sahitya Akademi,and return of awards by eminent people would no doubt ,send wrong signals to the society. Following Nayana Tara Sehgal, Ashok Vajpayee , a leading feminist writer, from Kerala, SaraJoseph,returned their awards.Their decision is attributed to the fact that they are highly critical of Akademi's silence on the murder of its member Mr Kalburgi etc,and the communal atmosphere in the backdrop of Dadri killing.In this connection ,we should know that a writer speaks out when his / her conscience is numbed beyond pain.Yes, the Akademi is an autonomous body,but one is refrained from speaking out.Its silence is silence of the state .Even the once formidable Media Adviser to our Former Prime Minister Mr Atalbihari Vajpayee , Mr Sudhindra Kulkarni , had ink thrown on his face for taking a stand , a former Pakistan ForeignMinister,Mr Kasuri's book launch event,which was opposed vehemently by BJP's ally Shivsena . As per Prime minister Modi,who leads BJP, a party that has promised itself,as extending its hand to the common man,words have to match the deeds.
          Consuming vegetarian or non- vegetarian food is a matter of ones personal choice. These incidents are happening at a time when we are trying to showcase INDIA as an advanced power and asserting our bid for a permanent membership in UNSC.Are not there other pressing concerns,like poverty, climate change and corruption,that need to be addressed before INDIA can claim its legitimate place as global power? Unless people belong to all religions feel safe, we can not grow into an advancd country.
                   Our Prime Minister therefore,should act,tough,in terms of law enforcement. And issue strictures to his party's leaders to stop making such divisive rhetoric.He must immediately stop to combat these or else,every talk of Develment,every effort to make INDIA Digital,and every exercise to bring in FDIs" will be futile, according to me.The PM may be an RSS man,but if he wants INDIA to develop as he says,he is supposed to create an atmosphere conducive for every culture to flourish .