Friday, October 16, 2015


    Few days ago I received a message from Swami Paripurnananda Saraswati,of Sreepeetham Kakinada, ,inviting me to attend "SPOORTHI SABHA" being organised in honour of SWAMI DAYANANDA SARASWATHI,a legendary Saint, who went to heavenly Abode in the month of September,2015 ,in "Jaladrushyam" .I was supposed to attend the meeting but to my misfortune ,the meeting was held at 6/30pm and since it would go beyond 10/30pm,I didn't venture to go. However important it may be, and despite strong urge , night driving to such far off places is problem because of advancement in age(above 65 years) .Thanks to electronic media, the Bharat TV,had telecasted,the whole proceedings and Swamijis like Chinna Jiyyar,Head AhobilMutt, Head Ramakrishna Mutt, were there on the Dias .All Swamijis spoke about Dayananda ji and his contribution to the nation at large.The meeting went up to 10pm and swami Paripurnananda ji ,being main architect of the program,was the speaker,who dwelt at length on personal experiences he had with Swami Dayananda Saraswati,during his 26 years of " SISHYARIKA ".As a boy when he went to Swami Dayananda ji, he neither knew English ,nor Hindi ,nor Sanskrit ,but still utmost affection was shown, and was groomed there , where he learnt not only languages, like English, Sanskrit ,but also taught Vedas, Upanishads ,and became an expert in oratorial skills, with the blessings of Swamiji, Dayananda.One has to listen to the experiences,of Swami Paripurnananda ,it was really an excellent narration ,which Infact ,one can not afford to miss, if one is lover of such discourses.Since the same must have been made available in YouTube ,those who missed it can as well make use of it.

The demise of Swami Dayananda Saraswati ,has deprived the nation of a great exponent of "BhagavatGita, Upanishads, and Brahmasutra". An unparalleled champion of Hinduism ,having left for heavenly abode,is an irreparable loss to our nation as such.I have heard that he never missed an opportunity to condemn, mass conversions and also he described proselytisation as subtle form of violence against the innocent.

                Swami Dayananda Saraswati was a pillar of Hinduism and was international ly acclaimed as spiritual GURU.He established many institutions to promote Hindu culture,all over the world and as such I feel,the Hinduism will be poor without him.
Swamiji,Dayananda ,-- a master exponent of inclusive Hindu philosophy who declared ,there was not " one God" but " only God" . A teacher of Vedas  who created hundreds of teachers to continue the ancient Indian tradition ,a great organiser, who founded the " Hindu Dharmacharya Sabha" as representative body of unrecognised Hindu religious traditions.He was patriot Saint who like Mahrshi,Aurbindo,and Swami Vivekanda did,and was the latest incarnation in the tradition of nationalist saints of India.

             One of his big moves was,to bring together elders of all indegenous faiths-- whether from South America , North America ,Africa , or Europe - at DELHI ,wherein he declared that all faiths are sacred,and valid,and no faith can be allowed to claim,to be superior, to other faiths.He articulated religious diversity which is the strongest point of Hinduism with most acceptable rationale,and logical manner ,while challenging the claim that some faiths are only true and others are false,which he argued, is the cause of  this widespread hate and violence of the day.In his demise ,the Hindu Philosophy lost its greatest exponent of recent times, is what I could understand from the yesterday's conclave