Friday, October 2, 2015

Long term remedies to stop farmer suicides

Reading about the farmers suicides and deaths has become norm of the day. These farmer deaths are prevelant in Telangana, AP, Karnataka and Maharastra too. At the commencement of Telangana assembly the KCR very cleverly to pre-empt opposition onslaught has announced Rs. 6 lakh (which is slightly more than AP CM's compensation)  exgratia to the affected families.
   A Telugu daily carried a heart wrenching story of lady while committing suicide,by consuming some pesticide left a small two line note. A note was addressed to her mother asking her mother not to misunderstand her and requested her to pay the debts by selling the produce which is available in their house and to give their two kids on adoption to some needy or else handover them in a destitute' s house. and her husband being small agricultural labourer having a debt of 51/2 lacs of rupees, she was unable to bear the burden she committed suicide. What is noteworthy is her commitment to pay the debt. Even if 1 out of 100 our leaders, bureaucrats and Govts have that honesty or sincerity, so many farmers would not have committed suicides.
      The Govt are shamelessly disputing about the figures deaths and pass the buck by saying that the previous governments are resposnsible for their plight. The villages are now turning into burial grounds with so many deaths happening everyday. No doubt it is the responsibility of the Govts to come to the rescue of the destitute families by distributing compensation but this itself is not a permanent solution. Unless the root cause is addressed, the spate of suicides will never stop. Both the State and Central Govts are paying compensation without addressing the he core problem.
MS Swaminathan, Jayati Ghosh and many other experts gave many recommendations to address the problem and successive Govts have never paid any heed to such reports which are lying idle in the cup- boards of the Govts.
                We all know two thirds of our agriculture is rainfed, the irrational monsoon, due to climatic changes is one of the important reasons for this heavy toll .The average size of land holding is shrinking while the political corruption failed the cooperative movement,estimates of World Bank and Planning Commission reveal that the yields of several crops in  India are much lower by any global standards . For instance, the average yield of rice per hectare in India is around 2.2 Tonnes while in Austrlia it is 6.2 tonnes, in USA it is 6 tonnes, while in China 4.6 tonnes.
            Greedy traders in collusion with corrupt Babus squeeze the farmers in markets and the administration fails to act firmly. As per Jayati Ghosh committee, on formers suicides, appointed by the then United AP Govt, whose recommendations still hold relevant. The committee has recommended setting up of  Price Stabilization Fund to protect the farmers from the volatlity of the markets. It proposed expansionof crop insurance to ensure income security to farmers when crops fail. It also recommended effective disaster management to be implemented and also Govt's policies to address the agrarian crisis.
            While paying good compensation to the families of farmers committing suicides is a short term remedy. I feel implementing suggestions given by experts may provide benefit farmers. To prevent these deaths State and Central governments should continuously extend all the required help to them and should continously appeal them not to resort to extreme step.